Texas is not turning blue, 500,000 more republicans voted in the primaries...

Texas is not turning blue, 500,000 more republicans voted in the primaries. The left is getting desperate to turn this state blue

Maybe not today user, but demographics don't lie. Texas will go blue eventually simply due to the influx of mexicans and commiefornia refugees escaping higher taxes.


>Texas is not turning blue
It is in a decade

By the time it does the Blue/Red lines will be different. Go back 100 years and look at the Republican/Democratic politics and ask yourself who you'd have sided with.

Guess we Need more shitskins to vote blue

Nah Just cause the illegal pop on the boarder and Austin vote blue, doesn't mean shit.
Texas has a culture unlike the rest of the USA

commiefornians move there daily and it is only a matter of time in their minds.

youth don't turn out in the primaries

and theres about a million tejano kids turning 18 this year

>implying there's no chance mexicans or africans for that matter, can become upper class and vote with their wallet
you know, first sure it will be worse but one day they will vote republican or more conservative
you better make sure you put institutions in place that push people forward and abolish fucking welfare

Are you fucking stupid? Have you not seen the voting patterns of Latinos and blacks? Have you seen their average iq? They're not all gonna be rich and successful. Most are gonna be welfare bitches. And you can't abolish welfare of they keep voting for welfare dumbass. Civnat cucks are so dumb.

>every time I see that pic

Are you this () same cretin?

How can one be as stupid and naive as you are and not be dead? Oh I know: you were born in a White European society that shielded you from the consequences of your dumb believes. That won't be the case for much longer though.

North Florida got whiter.

New England pensioners.

In 1918? When that commie fuck Woodrow Wilson was President? Yeah still the Republicans

Hes clearly using the parties as a short hand for the general policies they have like expanding or shrinking the government, suggesting the parties might flip is irreverent because the voters would flip a s well.

>He doesn't want to attack Mexico

The bottom legend also says 1940...
What is the source for this graphic?

>commiefornia refugees escaping higher taxes
This makes me so mad. They come here and then try to do the same shit.

Exactly. 80 years ago niggers used to vote 80%+ Republican, while Democrats were the party of lynchings and segregation. Then FDR figured out that he could buy the black vote with gibs and blacks started voting for people who founded the KKK and wanted to see them hanging on trees
Makes you think