who the fuck is making this girl do this? This must be stopped.
Who the fuck is making this girl do this? This must be stopped
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can you translate?
I honestly have no idea what is being said
I think it's a child with a low information rate
Niggers iffy uh?
I used to take a "dumb culture doesn't influence people that much" approach but maybe banning rap and daytime TV is for the better.
>"flexing yo mama's rent"
Is this subhuman-speak for boasting about money?
she’s 9 and her parent is trying to make her go viral in the soundcloud/insta rap scene.
she raps about smoking weed and riding dick. she’s nine....why is insta allowing this?
Literally who?
Who fucking cares!!!
Clearly yet another fucking cock thread tying to promot the newest wannabe trash
What does that say
I don't speak nigger
Lol you can buy a massive amount of reposts, every retard nowdays can become a superstar with enough marketing
no its pedophilia masked as show biz, an american speciality
> why is insta allowing this?
Because religioncucks masturbate to kiddie shit.
I don't understand.
all the comments are negative. shit like this is why Trump won and will win again.
Degeneracy, Hans. Degeneracy.
inb4 not american
Absolutely degenerate
Her twitter is worse
>no its pedophilia masked as show biz, an american speciality
That's a funny way of spelling "Jewish".
>a 9 year old
>mocking a 30+ year old
are we gonna have literal newborns flail their arms and that's all it would take for all of black twitter proclaiming it a diss track?
Honestly it comes down to the parents. Sure kikes push this shit but it's up to the parents to allow her access to a phone, social media and the like. Parents are probably no bodies that thought they should've been famous so now they're living through their daughter.
>confused white girl
Christ, she's even doing the blood thing of replacing c's.
America is truly a great place to breed
This is how I know you're a mutt, way too quick to label any mystery meat as "white". Even from OPs pic she looks like a mestizo. A quick search reveals she's a gooklette hapa. Fuck off Elliot Roger, stay dead cunt.
my dad mocked bush when I was a kid and I also mocked him because of this
kids do what their parents do.
i.e. if the parents are retarded whores the kids will emulate that behavior. With social safety nets the way they are, shit behavior is funded and therefore perpetuated by the masses.
That's actually a thing that crips do because CK means Crip Killer so crips refuse to write any word with CK in it, instead they use CC.