Trump goes at war with Poland because "muh holocaust"

>Daddy, my heart is so bleeding now, punish those evil polish antisemte daddy, Jared is very upset daddy, pleeeezz.

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good fuck those p*llack scum, we will MAGA for ISRAEL not for POLAND

thanks for the fakenews at least read the shit you post


Actually, Israel attacked the USA.

>thanks for the fakenews at least read the shit you post

Shut up dumbass and learn to read.

>The US quietly rolled out diplomatic sanctions against Poland last month in response to the country's new Holocaust law, the Polish outlet Onet Wiadomości reported Tuesday.

>Onet reported that it had obtained a memo, dated Feb. 20, that said Poland's leaders would not be allowed to meet with President Donald Trump or Vice President Mike Pence until the law was repealed.

>State Department officials also reportedly warned that the US might withhold funding for joint military projects in Poland, including the stationing of US forces in the country as part of joint NATO defense efforts.

Bu-bu-bu-t fake news !

U some kinda anti-Semitic nazi or what?

At this point Sup Forums is a meme shitfest of ideologies. Don't take anything written here seriously.

>U some kinda anti-Semitic nazi or what?

Starting facts is not anti-Semitic.


Canada was 53% White in 2016 and will be 49% White by 2019 or sooner


kys mein dude

fuck off SHAREBLUE, you will NEVER break OUR loyalty to TRUMP



Touching wall.giff

Shill post


Trump can't do anything without the Jewish lobby.

If you want to change this. DO NOT CRITISIZE TRUMP. That is the dumbest fucking thing you can do.

Instead, find ways to anonymously tell others about the Jewish lobby. That it exists and that they are powerful. That is litterally the only thing you can do to help. Trying to argue in favour of Poland does fuck all. The polish situation is a symptom, not the disease. THE JEW IS THE DISEASE YOU STUPID FUCKING IDIOTS.



That would be accurate if Lao represented literally any other Western or Central European country. Poland is still a shithole despite getting billions of EU gibs.


>the jews are the disease
>don’t criticize the Jews
>support the jews

>Don't criticize Trump
>Criticize the jewish lobby
>Trump can't do anything without the jewish lobby

Not criticizing the jewish power structure but criticizing it.

Yeah, it will work.

proven fake yesterday?

Trump has been in bed with the Mossad for a LONNNNNGGGGG fucking time.

People here have their head in the sand and don't want to see his connection...all the way back with Roy Cohn...then with the maxwell mossad clan...then with Epstein....

Fuck off faggot. If nobody speaks out he'll just go along with whatever the kikes say.

>implying thats a bad thing
Israel represents everything I wish we had in the west, supporting them is literally the best move we can make. Trump should be getting praise for that.

he is actually trying to criticize trump but the trump shills won't hear of it

pic related

Just wait for Poland to expose the whole hoax once and for all. They have all the proof that the "gas chambers" were built after the war. Exposing it is their only move now.

Fuck off leaf. No one supports the kikes.

I hope you are being sarcastic

I dream that leaf posters become aussie tier shit posters some day

israel is a conservative ethno state, that btfo's shitskins reguarly

i get that people don't like liberal jews but we should be supporting the good jews like israel

i swear to god that the shills have been working overtime to conflate israel with the soros types

>Just wait for Poland to expose the whole hoax once and for all. They have all the proof that the "gas chambers" were built after the war. Exposing it is their only move now.

That's a risky move but, after all, maybe the Christ is willing to make the holocaust collapse from Poland after he did collapse sovietism there too.

The average Trump supporter thinks this is BAAAAASED

onet was already confirmed as fakenews. not a reliable source - this is what real Poles know.

ok, so you are not being sarcastic..just a regular old shill

nope, you're the shill

how much are you getting paid?


im going to filter your dirty p*lish ID if you don't stop spamming off topic images

Please stop posting mean things about Trump...

It doesnt help anyone and quite frankly I cant take much more of it.

fuck off cuck


it was debunked by both Polish ministry of foreign affairs and American department of state. Fuck off fake news spreading cunt

>Triggered Mutt


>le mutt meme
just stop it ahmed

stay mad mohammed


>it was debunked by both Polish ministry of foreign affairs and American department of state. Fuck off fake news spreading cunt

It's informal sanctions, you idiot. There are nothing to deny.

They simply said they won't comment and everything is rosy, which is the basic job of a diplomat.

fucking gaijin linking to buzzfeed fake news

What is Javanka doing? Paying tribute to a Roman fort?

It's fucking fake news and you didn't even archive it.

>It's informal sanctions
and your proof for their existence is what?

>Shill post
Jewanka and her husbandstein are top senior advisors to POTUS. You wanna go to jail goy?

>It's fucking fake news and you didn't even archive it.

>Muh munb fake news
>No argument
>Meanwhile Trump is litteral grandfather of orthodox kikes

is that a whip on the left?

t. Schlomo Pretendflagowitz IDFowitz

But katy tur told me trump was an antisemite

>and your proof for their existence is what?

Your officials are even talking openly about a "serious crisis" with the US.

>Poland’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Marek Magierowski visited Washington last week to meet with Jewish leaders and U.S. officials to discuss the backlash over the law.

>"There is a serious crisis in our relationship now with Israel and with the United States," he told reporters at breakfast at the Polish Embassy on Wednesday and admitted Poland "might have made a few mistakes" in its public rollout of the legislation.

God I fucking hate the Israeli lobby so mcuh

It was a stupid law, I’m glad trump is giving them a slap on the wrist

Fuck trump fuck Jews
I stand with poland

Poland should embargo USA and Israel and build nukes.

>It was a stupid law, I’m glad trump is giving them a slap on the wrist

It's not Trump, it's the jews who are giving slaps.

The Mutthurt is real

t. Schlomowitz Goldbergerstein

Fuck Trump

so no proof, USA being deebly goncerned is nowhere the same as diplomatic sanctions. Fuck off already with this sourceless bullshit story manufactured by german owned anti polish media

Contrary to popular opinion Jews do not control our government. Trump however understands how to keep our important allies happy. Slap on the wrist sanctions keep israel happy so that they will continue to aid us in our war against ISIS.

Poland just isn’t that important.


They are still only quoting Onet Nip-nog

Onet is basicaly Newsweek Poland with less reliable information. Mostly clicbaits


Get fucked shareblue

Well, when it comes to this issue, fuck Trump.
If I visit anywhere in Europe for vacation, it's going to be Poland.

I’d rather visit Israel than Poland

Piss off kike we can smell you a mile away.

don't read this article, you may jump off a roof

Then stay there...
...unless you're considering blowing it up, then godspeed.

i never understood the fetishization of poland by americans on Sup Forums, it's not a land of winged hussars, it's an ex-warsaw pact shithole filled with commieblocks and alcoholics with some "historic" town squares that were actually built in the 1950s

They are the only country in Europe telling the Jews to go fuck themselves, when it comes to white genocide.

Pissrael is over 20% muslim and jews will become a minority in some decades... great ethnostate they got there




This is the new right meme. The real resistance to tyranny and war has gotten infiltrated by the kikes. Now 9/11 is back to either being a "conspiracy theory" or an Saudi led attack. You're either brainwashed, a shill or a kike.


Pls stay in Canada Shlomo, we already have 2 many Chosen Ones in the USA, like the ones who did 9/11.

9/11 was an Israeli masterminded False Flag with help from traitors in the WH, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and NSA. With generous assistance from the Lying MSM.


>9/11 was an Israeli masterminded False Flag with help from traitors in the WH, the Pentagon, CIA, FBI and NSA. With generous assistance from the Lying MSM.
Yep, and not even a good one.
You can easily see it's all controlled demolition, in all three buildings.
They didn't even try to hide it, they relied on their media lies & the sheep-like stupidity of the masses.

It's disgusting and worrying, at the same time.

>so no proof, USA being deebly goncerned is nowhere the same as diplomatic sanctions. Fuck off already with this sourceless bullshit story manufactured by german owned anti polish media

Retarded polish peasant detected.

Fuck off you moron

>reportedly warned

I doubt this is true. More anonymous sauces as reported by fucking buzzfeed.

What you gonna do without the polish death camps’ tourism bucks?

It's less than a dollar for person for 3,5 hour tour, we are not exactly raking money.

Yup, sure seems like they're boycotting Poland.

Ivanka's so dumb she probably believes she has genetic memories of the Holohoax now

10 dollars i meant


Stop being triggered gaijin scum

Good goy

>Yup, sure seems like they're boycotting Poland.

Can you read ?

The US envoy is "threatening". It's called blackmail.

99% of the time, any given government capitulate in front of mere threats and blackmail.

The jews do that all the time. Noone ever wondered what they would actually do if he calls the bluff.

thanks japbro, sadly you are most likely right. With Jews you lose.