Thanks Richard Spencer

There is now virtually no difference between the alt-right and the neo-nazis. Neo-nazi retards have completely taken over the alt-right and they look fucking retarded. The alt-right only had legitimacy when it was associated with people like Vox Day, Molyneux PJW and the Trump movement.

Other urls found in this thread:

Back to T_D with you

The alt right is a joke. Real fascists and Nazis don’t reveal their power level and practice in secret. You have to go back.

If a 10,000 khaki clad white men showed up to Michigan State to support Richard, This still wold have been the picture the media would show.

You know that OP.

Yeah, only had legitimacy when it was associated with people who cucked on race and ultimately do nothing to reverse demographic trends. Fuck off.

Start your own movement instead typing away on your keyboard since you're so smart faggot.

Spencer is a plant.
Alt-right is some bullshit label which means jack shit.

If you're here, you are either: a newfag, a poltard, or a fucking shill

>ancient european greeting showing that you have no weapon in your hand and come with honest and good intention with no jewish tricks

"optics" or genocide, and no there is no such thing as bad optics and the salute

National Socialism is the solution to the world's problems. All whites need to do is join forces with the other goyim and victory is ours. There is but one common enemy and one banner to defeat them.

Spencer coined the term "Alt-Right", you retard. In the past few years it has largely been a blanket term used by the media to smear those on the right. Why do you even care? Don't self identify as such and you won't have any problems.

>Neo-nazi retards have completely taken over

>Posts that after one pic of a single neonazi retard in a crowd

Top kek

The alt-right is just an umbrella term for everyone right-wing who is not a neocon. If you're right wing but you oppose open borders, multiculturalism, and foreign wars, then you're alt-right.

>Fascist Fatshits

>implying i want to be associated with OP pic
fuck off please with your retarded ideology that will never happen. you're just a bunch of unsuccessful losers who need a reason to hide their own failure in life.

>Tfw you realize all the Alt-Right figure-heads actually don’t give a shit about your ACTUAL homeland, Europe, they just want carve out some piece of land in North America, put a sign that says “WHITES ONLY” at the edge of it, and call it “Whitetopia”

TWP's purpose is to make the alt right look like shit and undesirable to normal white Americans. Richard really needs to separate himself from these shills.


This. Only one person knows my true beliefs, only because they hold the same


What video is this from

(((PJW))) - Fuck off!

antifa are pathetic fat commie manlets

>There is now virtually no difference between the alt-right and the neo-nazis.
and there never was

Define white


>newfags are slowly starting to realize what fools they were for buying into this alt-right shit
I sure hope you retards didnt post all this shit on your normiebooks, forever labelling yourself as some weirdo neo-nazi guy. Hopefully you just did this on Sup Forums and can grow out of it in peace.

>There is now virtually no difference between the alt-right and the neo-nazis
We mainstream nao

oh no apparently the fat manlet is an alt-righter disregard

Get the fuck out of here retard and go back to fucking plebbit
Do you understand what would happen to any alternative right wingers with successful careers? The media will attack them and exploit them relentlessly. You fucking shills need to quit posting this shit. The alternative right is real, mother fucker. We are ready to spring up and any given time. Fuck you degenerate pussies.

Opticucks gtfo

>alternative right wingers with successful careers?
There are zero

politics is 95% optics

>talked to alcoholic mom
>she confirmed theories
this is an 18+ board user

>Neo-nazi retards
Whose nose is showing?

>The media will attack them and exploit them relentlessly.
yes, thats because youre nothing more than the dancing monkeys for the media. Do they need to run a story about how all Trump voters are racist neo-nazis? Just call up Richard Spencer, who will sieg heil on command the moment a camera is in front of him like the trained seal he is.

>t. will die unknown to the world but feel morally superior about themselves when they do

national socialism is the only solution
Sieg Heil from Peru

when you watch bloosports like the sargon/anglin debate its clear a lot of these guys bring very little to the convo (other than "da joos" or "muh whiteness") and are totally clueless on how they are going to save the race

jewish removal is the only solution cuck boy



if you aren't 110% focused on destroying the jewish filth on this earth you can gtfo

Pretty sure just below the surface he wants to gas minorities.

Did they show up

Who said forever? When the time comes I’ll reveal myself but that won’t be until the environment has shifted from stable to unstable. The day comes soon user, the US will be divided forever soon then I will reveal.

So many edgy Jews itt.
>Wir haben nichts gemacht!

You are so fucking gay and ignorant just like your leader. Fuck off shill.

antifa is the fucking loser who brings spiked brass knuckles to a fight

T, kike.
White means European.

the alt-right is now a meme movement that has devolved into debating Sargon of Akkad's retarded lieutenants like Vee and Arch Warhammer on an obscure livestream that nobody gives a fuck about Fucking Richard Spencer the supposed leader of White nationalism in the US was out there trying to debate some faggot who does Warhammer lore videos this is so niche and autistic it has to be a psyop to get all the retards into a containment zone 99% of normal people aren't even aware of this and if you show it to them they would recoil from the autism soon the alt-right will be cucked into non-existence by migrating to platforms set up specifically for them like Gab where they can jerk each other off until they wither and die out of the sights of polite society

That's always what the alt right was. It's based on guys like Yockey and Kai Murros

Try throwing up a roman salute some time op, feels great. Feels even better to do it in public. Seriously, just go ahead and throw one up.

>the alt-right
the "alt-right" is the label the MSM adopted to lump anyone young and on the right into the same group. It's a media-pushed "bad guy."
>Sup Forums is not one person
>Sup Forums is a board of peace
>Sup Forums is satire
lurk moar faggot

The Alt lite is shite.

Spenser needs to get serious, this is war anons. We will fight to protect our women.

>the "alt-right" is the label the MSM adopted to lump anyone young and on the right into the same group. It's a media-pushed "bad guy."

Learn to shill faggot, because what you're saying isn't even true. You need your pay docked for being a fucking idiot.

He doesn’t want to fight, he wants to hide in his own Israel for white people. We’re the ones doing the fighting, user.

Tell me about your fighting

lol get fucked, all you right wingers talk about the day of rope and how all degenerates are going to be sent to death camps and then you cry to the daddy police when they fight back?
Absolutely pathetic

>bloodsports is consistently one of the top 5 livestreams on YouTube

I can't see the difference between nazis and the leftist cuck's, both are ugly menchildren

>Real fascist don't use lube when taking multiculi

PJW is explicitly civic nationalist and completely skirts racial issues. Where on earth do you get the impression that he is alt-right?


So real fascists are Jews? How noble.

TRS are basically brownshirts. Antifa shows up to attack as usual and TRS fights back. Nothing wrong with it. There wouldn't be any fighting if communist faggots didn't bring the violence.

here's how that turned out by the way cuckboy

no it's not. The one time it was when Sargon and Richard Spencer and that other faggot were on which was like 10 thousand people watching at 9PM. Right now there's some faggot video game stream on with more than 10 thousand people

The alt-right has never been a real thing. Its a tagline slapped onto inconvenient opinions and internet shitposting, with a handful of e-celebs trying to milk the moniker for all its worth by appointing themselves as "leaders".


>Real fascists and Nazis don’t reveal their power level and practice in secret
Cultured Thug would like a word with you. Hiding in the shadows isn't a very masculine, proud, fascistic thing to do.

It's been top 5 more than once.

Trump was subconsciously the final hope for the alt-right, we'll supress our most 'extreme' views, and give a mainstream conservative one last chance to reverse things and get us back to sanity without having address the fundamental paradoxes and fallacies of the liberal principles of equality that all policy is geared towards now.

It didn't work. People realise that we aren't going to win this game by ignoring the difficult questions and to be honest, people cant be bothered to deny reality any more.

The races aren't equal, not even close, the genders aren't equal any more either, and we dont want to pretend they are any more. Pretending that soft-conservatism is going to get us anywhere is a notion thats fading away.

People are seeing in their own lives more and more the advancing frontier of chaos and barbarism that non-whites, leftists and women are bringing into society, they're seing their family members drastically effected by this now, this isn't the late 90s anymore. People know people who have been raped and murdered by black thugs. People know people who have been fired for making an offhanded comment that is construed as offensive.

People cant be bothered to pretend any more.

Holy shit those brass knucks would have killed heimbach if he landed a hit. Antifa are evil soyboys


When did this happen

That's how it always was once people like Spencer gained more prominence though. Alt-right was far more useful as a force to push back against the establishment but it got lost in Kekistani niggers and Nazi larpers.


One person doing a roman salute in a crowd humm??? I wonder if there's any Fed niggers umungst us??

Sunday at MSU.

No ones going to check these digits? God damn Sup Forums what happened to you.

Næs fokking screencap

DESU nazis have a far better chance than any of those manchildren. People will all call them Nazi's anyway, so what's the difference? May aswell just go full fash and embrace the full potential.

America is just doomed in general. An undercurrent of strong Nazism slowly grows accross Europe, we will rise in accordance with each other and show the masses the true path to evolution.


The conspiracy is larger than that.

Its about two variants of socialism battling with eachother, to force you to choose a side. Its a false dichotomy, but many have already decided to be commies or nazis, simply because they have a fear/hatred/etc. towards the opposing variant.

As the conflict escalates, it will necessitate a large government response to bring in "security" to the country, which is the final goal. When these battles between commies and nazis get bad enough, people will beg for a police state to stop it, never considering that the state engineered the entire thing.

>People will all call them Nazi's anyway, so what's the difference?

Heh liberals will call us mentally retarded anyway hehe might as well embrace it and become mentally retarded

> we always ahd nazis in the alt right
no need to denie this

why dont they come up with a new salute.

I agree that people will call them Nazi and Fascist so they should embrace that mode of thinking but I see no reason to try and revive dead symbols. This should be an American movement with American symbols not German. Keep the thought, keep the ideas, but wrap yourself in the American flag.

they have no creativity so they must larp.

Actually it was in london the other day after Antifa raided Sargon's speech and the liberalists took to the streets to confront them


look at these fucking neckbeards HAHAHHAH.

It is not AESTHETIC,not in the least. It is a cringy LARP. What would look good is men, who are in good physical shape, in normal clothing. Long pants and a polo, or something similar. In a revolutionary moment the members of the party must lead by example. They should be out in the community, looking professional, helping other white people and building a network slowly.
Just like how the mafia would take care of the people in the neighborhood so should any movement take care of the people. In turn those people will take care of you.

This. The board was 100x more intelligent when it was mostly natscos. Now we have a literal general for e-celebs .

Were reving up the masterbation machines just for you schlomo.

Eh, fair enough. There is something to be said about most of the manchildren on both sides. Men of the west should be just that, men. As for the salute i think it exists now if only to remind the left of the past, they really are afraid of it, they helped awaken it again. But yeah, it lacks authenticity when its thrown out by betas...maybe its so they can tell one another apart from the antifa cucks....kek

Trump is a kike puppet though so why would we care if his supporters are defamed?

Seig heil

Nupol is fucking cancer and you should feel disgusted with yourself.