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Daily reminder Arararagi prefers busty Shinobu.
She tried to offer him to rub her breasts and complained the offer wasn't on the table when she was busty.
How will lolifags ever recover?
Shinobumonogatari summury
Worth reading
there is no excuse for your shit taste otherwise
It was not really a complain but a query. Even after hearing that, he gets fired up anyway. Shinobu keeps her word so he gets to rub her breast later that day. Take note also that he confessed that he is addicted to little girl's ribs. That part of a girl is really close to their breast and if you put your hand over it, you will be able to rub the breast as well. He even rub her while he was asleep proving that there is a high chance that he rubs Shinobu's breast at night. Shinobu does not complain about it and in fact, willing allows him to satisfy himself. When Araragi feels good, she does to. When he gets aroused, she gets horny too.
He feels conscious on touching well endowed boobies. Has no problem in massaging the breast of 'true lolis' to 'teen lolis'. He took a 'legal loli' for his wife. Action speaks louder than words. He is a lolicon at heart.
i wanna lick that pit
He started crying when she brought it up. Even when speaking to snail seriously specifically says he isn't in to flat chicks. All the shit he does is just for the sake of gags and is not serious.
If Arararagi had to EVER pick between busty Shinobu or the loli version he will always go for the former
Not really though. Araragi and Shinobu have a rib fetish for each other.
>make hottest growth scene ever
>add stupid boing-boing sounds
for what purpose
Of course, the question isnt who is best, but who is second best. We obviously know snake takes dead last of course.
Also for people who talk about the LNs are you just reading the japanese or are there translations I'm not aware of?
The Kizu movies were overproduced as fuck and could've stood to be a bit more grounded. Was that last fight scene written as a 50s cartoon in the novel also?
There were not even any sounds like that while that happend user
Bat can switch sizes at will, stop bitching.
>Was that last fight scene written as a 50s cartoon in the novel also?
It was written as a pointess battle between two immortals who just slashed at each other. Araragi and Kiss-Shot talked a lot more though and there was a hint of sexuality going on.
Do you really think that his opinions matters? If Shinobu wants to rape him, she will. For all you know, Shinobu is keeping her loli form so that he will not be intimidated. We all know what happens if he in front of a busty beauty He backs out.
If that will be the result, Shinobu would rather stay in the loli form where she can lavish every inch of his body without him realizing it. That is now wise she is. It really bears fruit because Araragi just can't stop touching her, all over.
That'd make for a great season opener!
This makes me sad so much isnt translated. I figured tge series had enough popularity for this to not be a problem
They drink each others blood regulary. There is no part on their body which is ''private'' going by what they do already and what they have done.
Shinobu has her own rib fetish for Araragi, shown when she cuddeled him in Owari and grabbed his ribs. And also that theory that ''my master'' actually means ''my husband''
This is in Chinese but it is still a translation.
They are going so fast that they are done up to chapter 38. Last time I checked, they were only in the teens and now they are almost done.
Well I dont know chinese either. Are machine translations of chinese better than normal or something?
he prefers bigger tits to flat chested girls like any healthy man
I hope there would be a side story or even an entire arc that shows their everyday life as a vampire couple.
I like to see them both shy while they feed blood because of the erotic nature of it. Araragi getting a hard and Shinobu stutters while reacting to it while she feeds his blood. Also, Shinobu moaning unintentionally and Araragi taking a huge gulp while he takes blood back from her. Those does not need to be hentai. They can put it in an adult humour context.
He prefers but could not perform when it is already in front of him. Until he get his act together, all he gets to massage are loli tits.
Ones he does, Shinobu will the first one to know and will change, at-least, into her busty teen form so he could massage her bountiful breast. ;_;
>How will lolifags ever recover
He literally kissed loli shinobu
>All the shit he does is just for the sake of gags and is not serious.
Hahaha no officer when I grabbed that little girls chest it was just a joke hahaha I love jokes
He is a fool to insult these gigantic pair of tits by not touching them.
Has Araragi fucked her yet?
is this considered masturbation?
No, Araragi's hasn't put his dick inside her yet. Though they have done stuff that goes way beyond that in vampire culture.
>stuff that goes way beyond that in vampire culture.
B-beyond breeding?
Well, apperently sucking each others blood is the highest you could go since vampire's don't have alot of interest in breeding. That's not to say there is no sexual tension between them, because there is a lot. One of them will snap eventually and ''rape'' the other. Even though the other wouldn't refuse, so it wouldn't be called rape anymore.
Keep in mind that Shinobu can switch to all her forms by will. If she wanted to fuck his brains out she could. But their relastionship is a little more conplicated then that.
Selfcest is always a difficult topic.
kill your dick off
Speaking of that scene I dont know how but I missed it. I thought I just finished watching everything down to owari s2, and I dont fast forward when I watch so did I just skip an episode somewhere without noticing?
It was after one of the ED.
Well shit I thought I didnt skip any of those scenes. What series was it in?
>One of them will snap eventually and ''rape'' the other.
im pretty sure that only happens in the doujins user
I thought she had to take in more of his blood to change into her other forms?
Second season, episode 17, after the ED.
Thanks user, just from watching all of this I get the impression they get a lot more interactions in the novels than we saw. I'm assuming this is where people get the whole thing about them sucking eachothers blood?
I don't ever remember ragi sucking Shinobu's blood.. in the anime anyway
It is really tempting even for a virtuous guy like Araragi to hold himself if a 'loli who is really not a loli' insist on clinging to him on his back, front & shoulders, squeezes between his thighs, cuddles him day in and out, ask him to hug her anyway he likes, let him smell her undies and take naked baths together with him. He would not be able to resist jack-hammering her, when that time comes. There will always be a limit and I doubt that Shinobu would resist since she gets horny if he gets horny.
LN Nise part 2.
Neither do I but in these last few threads Ive seen mention of it
>only in doujins
The sexual tension between those two is worse then in those drama cop series. I don't think I have ever felt that something could go beyond the: "Just fuck already" They literally fucking married in Owari
No, not really. Araragi's blood are her nutriens, she needs his blood in order to survive. Switching in forms and controlling her age are well in her ability. She could easily transform herself into one of her older forms if she wished so. She still has some power left like creating stuff out of nothing. Going into her older form is nothing difficult. But for some reason she likes staying a little girl. The best reason i could come up with, is that it's easier.
Well that explains it then. Considering I cant read chinese is there really no better source to read it? I cant even find working links for bake for anything aside from crab
>They literally fucking married in Owari
In the novels or in the anime?
They don't, he's memeing. They """"get married""" as in Araragi vows himself to her or whatever, but there's no actual ceremony or marriage.
In the anime and in the novel. Or did you miss that whole scene where Araragi and Shinobu exchanged vows to each other? Promising to live for each other and to join hands in live ''and'' death.
Those were literally marriage vows. Too bad I don't have to webm anymore or the screenshot in the novel.
>“If you were to die tomorrow, I would be ready to end my own life tomorrow—and if you care to live for today, then so will I.”
>“If you were to die the day after tomorrow, I would live until the day after that—and I would tell someone else your story. I would proudly tell them tales of my master.”
>as in Araragi vows himself to her or whatever, but there's no actual ceremony or marriage
I read the novel before I watched the anime, but the ''anime'' did make it really look like a fucking ceremony user
But it wasn't an actual marriage. If you asked Araragi if he was married, he'd say no.
Oh that. Eh, that's not really marriage-ring-on-hand but I get what you're saying.
When the connection between them broke because of the "darkness", when did it get fixed in the anime? The timeline is confusing.
The thing is, that whole scene felt like a marriage between two people. Two people who fullt commit themselves to the other. And this was even so more strongly put out by the adaptation when thhey made that whole scene ''actually'' look like an ceremony.
That whole thing was literally marriage
>literally marriage
No. That's not what that fucking means. They're not married, and if you were to ask either of them they'd agree. There was no priest, no rings, or anything else.
>tfw ywn rape your younger self
>There was no priest, no rings, or anything else.
God, you're fucking dense. Are you acting stupid on purpose?
While the whole scene was not an offical marriage it did FEEL like an actual marriage. That is what he means, I believe.
I don't thinkg that you could deny that they are 'live-in partners'. Un-wed couple, if you like. The technicality for it to be called a 'marriage' is already in there. What is lacking is just the 'spiritual' and 'legal' stuff that are not really that significant for a couple who has a lifespan of centuries.
priest for two vampires. Maybe you mean the one in Kizu movie?
I think what that user is getting at here is that for all intents and purposes as far as what a marriage means they did that. It may not have been literally a marriage ceremony but they just made till death do I part vows in no uncertain terms.
Thank you, couldn't have worded it better
>it may not have been literally a marriage
Read the part of the post I quoted. It is literally NOT a marriage. It could be figuratively a marriage, but it is not a fucking wedding
Its literally a marriage as far as the point and meaning of a marriage. They literally swore their lives together which is probably the most important part of a marriage. The only parts they didnt have are arguably the less important ceremonial parts
>Literally marriage
But it is literally marriage, just not officially. When I say ''literally'', i mean that the ceremony literally ''stood'' for marriage. Maybe that is the misunderstanding.
If Araragi went to do his taxes and they asked him if he was married, he would get arrested for fraud. He is not literally married.
By your logic, a proposal is a wedding because you've vowed to be together for life.
>There was no priest, no rings, or anything else.
priest - The Specialist. They are actually like shinto priest. That is why they know lots of spiritual stuff.
rings - Invisible knot the connects them. This is the link that binds them while they are paired. You can think of it as some sort of a 'seal' that proves that they are paired much like what a physical ring does.
ceremony - The process to end up being paired is the ceremony. From creating a minion, draining some of the master's blood to the actual linking via pairing.
If Araragi went to do his taxes and they asked him if he was married, he would get arrested for fraud. He is not literally married.
By your logic, a proposal is a wedding because you've vowed to be together for life.
Are you actually retarded or something?
At least I know how the quote function on Sup Forums works.
Legality has little meaning for long lived vampires. Also you generally dont make the actual vow when proposing. The statement of "will you marry me" and the response "yes" dont mean you have completed swearing your life to eachother at that point.
>you will never have this deep and complex relationship with an timeless vampire beauty who can change forms at will and to your preference
My bad for making a mistake user, it's kinda late. That still doesn't take away the fact that you're the one talking like a retard. SeeIt's like I am trying to talk against pure autism
I don't think the law covers the issues between immortals or even oddities so he is safe. They are automatically tax exempt because they are beyond their jurisdiction.
You've literally provided no counter argument.
What about the gays, then? They couldn't get married until a while back. Should they have just loved each other harder? To be frank with you, I couldn't give a shit who Araragi love. He could love Shinobu and Snake for all of eternity. But they're not literally married until they're literally fucking married.
Reminder that Guillotine Cutter is literally /ourguy/ and did absolutely nothing morally wrong.
Guillotine Cutter is legitimately the only good person in this anime. Everyone else is an asshole
>But they're not literally married until they're literally fucking married.
But if it stood for something it's not literally that thing
It's figuratively marriage, sure, but it's not actually marriage
Kidnapping is not wrong, l get you
And that is what I fucking meant in the first place. That scene was potrayed ''as'' marriage.
Only to protect our Lord Jesus
Reminder to brainlets that as soon as Hana decided to step in and try to interfere she became fair game. You don't get to sit on the sidelines and fuck around.
Busty bat is best bat. You may disagree with this, and that is OK. There is treatment available.
Is this bait
Post best Bat moments
GC was in the right. The fact when the odds were 50/50 and he managed to steal two of Kiss-shot's limbs is just impressive.
He even gave Araragi the opportunity to give up and he would have given up Hanekawa without a fight.
No. Learn what the word "literally" means. I wouldn't mind Araragi swearing off the rest of his harem besides Shinobu because it enables my own agenda, but that's not what "literally" means.
>see a Shinobu thread and check it out
>dumb waifufags arguing over if there was a real marriage or not
Man these thread need to be nuked, just cancer
Convinced it's just 2 anons.
ignore them and post best bat
She is truly the queen of cucks
Is there any savior that can detext this?
holy shit thank you. i've been searching for this image