Interesting that a meme made it far enough to be talked about in a college course. Is this what I'm paying for?
In class today
>americanos' education
>No cosmic pepe
Indeed a rare pepe.
That's just to show you how much garbage there is in college courses.
>implying you didn't plug your laptop into the projector and take this picture while you were the only person in the room
I don't even want to know the course. What school, so we can stay away from it?
im a millionaire and i dropped out of college.
>college is a kike scam for dumbfags who dont know how to make money
What state are you in
>no apothecary pepe
You should have asked your professor that faggot
>poopoo pepe
No tendies or milkers pepe. How will college fags relate?
>no foundation myth Pepe
I'm starting to think that too. Everyone is so fucking stupid here, it's insufferable.
>next class: the amerimutt evolution
>not having the most common pepe on your slideshow
You aren't getting your money's worth there, that's for sure.
You can see how nu pepe turned into the creatura meme.
Get on my level plebs
Notice the shitskin meme flags bringing up the antiwhite forced meme shit
>American education
>giving people literal meme degrees
And this is why Ive never set foot in a college
No, its Anti-American, because Americans are the anathema of whites.
Considering the ADL called it into Normie attention it makes sense.
College is definitely a scam right now to make a debtor society.
student presentation?
I still love that after all of /r9k/'s effort to make pepe unappealing to normies with their piles of poo poo pee pee images the final straw for normies was 'it's racist!' because someone saw a drawing of him as a SS soldier once.
If you paid 80k$ to be told whitey is the problem you probably agree just to not look like a jackass for investing in total bullshit.
hAhA totally basedd course i wish all universities had memes 101
A kid made that. No way an adult did.
how is it antiwhite? if anything is pro white cause it's a meme against racemixing with blacks and mexicans
once again hitler saving us
Definitely looks like one. Why use internet memes in your argument, unless you're drawing parallels to the past?
Don Jr. put it on his faceblog intended to be secret code to Milos fagbois and thats when it became a hate symbol
it's a scam if you're under 110-120 IQ (less if you're really persistent) else you're just giving your money away for a shitty degree nobody will pay you for
Cheating is a popular choice too.
College itself is a meme
first time here so i had to make an account but my liberal cut professor was shittalking this heavy and i think what y'all are doing is needed in this overpussified world
I'd love to teach that class.
Amerimutt isn't at all anti-white. It's redpilling normies to the dangers of race-mixing and Brazilianization.
and now the whiney liberal/pro-crybaby hillary documentary smfh where does it end
What the hell class is this and what point is being made?
Hahaha MURICA edumanction
Its shutting down any ethnocentrest movement in the usa by claiming white people dont exist there
>went to college too late for memeology
>taking a Pepe class with no introductory Wojak class
shittiest of all education: the americunt
>white people dont exist there
I don't think that was ever really explicate in the Amerimutt meme. People know America isn't all mixed, but it's getting there fast and the meme is a brutal reminder of that reality.
>Is this what I'm paying for?
If you have to ask...
It’s a scam ESPECIALLY if you’re over 120 IQ. Smart people only need college for the business and academic connections.
Based chick in the grey shirt sleeping in class. Top kek.
whoever presented this doesn't know shit
that's good point but STEM usually need a good prof if they're not good at guiding their education.
In addition 99% of potential employers want a slip of paper saying you paid 200k for secret knowledge which is same shit you can find on the internet
>that's good point but STEM usually need a good prof
there are certs for tech jobs that will get you hired at plenty of places
>make an account
What did he mean by this?
>No swole pepe
>No racewar pepe
>goodboypepe comes from poopoopeepeepepe
Demand a refund on your education immediately, then go spend it on hookers and blow. You are receiving a substandard education, as evidenced by the fact there is no (dead-end of evolution) Hilldawg Pepe there.
get on mine
>some kid (probably the op) had to give a speech and did his on pepe
>stole that "evolution of pepe" image from the internet
You could teach the professor youself, but that would require you to show your power level.
Memes coming alive, TRP making a dent in the matrix.
What's next? Political movements based on promises of bio-sexbot trap waifus and a science-based economy?
this was the teachers presentation not a students
no no NOO
this can't be happening, not in ole blighty
That's nothing.
Here have an OC pepe.
Jesus CHRIST! Those pepes must be worth a fortune, you planning to sell em then retire for a quiet life in the backwoods?
It's true. I make more than any of my college graduate friends who laughed at me in 06 when I told them they were retarded for going. Guess who owns several properties, several cars, has a camp, his own family and no debt and guess who is still renting or living with mom putting half their meme job paychecks into their meme degree payments.
I will be a professional NEET by age 35 on my own with no gibs. I'll take my boys to camp more, fish more, and enjoy life the way you should in general.
Dance to your own tune user. You dont need the realtor jew or banker jew to buy a house.
You dont need a 300k mcmansion that will cost you another 100k in interest to live a happy and health life. You dont need the sales jew to hook you up with a new car every 2-5 years. You dont need the academia jew to make money.
nah i just like to collect things.
i bow to you senpai
It's all real.