Why weren't the Allies tried for war crimes?
The Allies committed the same war crimes Nazis did like bombing civilians & hospitals in the Reich, rape, genocide(of ethnic Germans in Allied countries), forced labor, etc.
Allies were such hypocrites.
Why weren't the Allies tried for war crimes?
The Allies committed the same war crimes Nazis did like bombing civilians & hospitals in the Reich, rape, genocide(of ethnic Germans in Allied countries), forced labor, etc.
Allies were such hypocrites.
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Blame the UN
Because they won the war. The winners make history.
Winners write the history and give trials to the losers, Op.
That's why the Good Guys ALWAYS win.
>payback is so unfair
>why did they do to us what our soldiers did to their civilians with 98% national support
Don't come to Sup Forums and recite the bullshit winner's history as Gospel, Pole user.
You're not allowed to know the truth.
truth is germans are fucking dumb and they started killing europeans and destroying european cities when they were retreating in the name of half jew backed by jewish governed ig farben.
they've asked for everything that happened to them
Did the Germans raped millions of Polish women?
Not all Germans favored Nazis, there was even an assassination attempt on Hitler.
>Slavs greeting the Wehrmacht
>Did the Germans raped millions of Polish women?
>Not all Germans favored Nazis, there was even an assassination attempt on Hitler.
Majority of krauts elected Hitler.
That’s rich coming from the country that had the largest hive of Ashkenazi Jewry in world history. You should be thanking Hitler everyday that he cleansed your mongrelized nation or you’d be an even bigger dump
Start shit get hit
Dresden bombing didnt happen
The REAL question is why arent the fucking POLES tried for the concentration camps they built and run. The same ones responsible for the six million.
how do you think retard??
>Mass rapes were committed against Polish women and girls including during punitive executions of Polish citizens, before shooting of the women.[108] Additionally, large numbers of Polish women were routinely captured with the aim of forcing them into serving in German military brothels.[109] Mass raids were conducted by the Nazis in many Polish cities with the express aim of capturing young women, later forced to work in brothels attended by German soldiers and officers.[109] Girls as young as 15 years old, who were ostensibly classified as "suitable for agricultural work in Germany", were sexually exploited by German soldiers at their places of destination.[109]
they are not even in a halfway of paying up for what they did. and i did include migrant crisis
>Why weren't the Allies tried for war crimes?
because we won, dumbass
history is written by the victor, deal with it pussy
Guys I think all the college professors are here before classes start. It's in West coast I'll bet. Really activates my autism tbhfam heil Hitler gas likes etc..
for the last time burger, learn before you speak. ashkenazi main home was always germany. rothschilds come from germany.
>Ashkenazi Jews, also known as Ashkenazic Jews or simply Ashkenazim (Hebrew: אַשְׁכְּנַזִּים, Ashkenazi Hebrew pronunciation: [ˌaʃkəˈnazim], singular: [ˌaʃkəˈnazi], Modern Hebrew: [aʃkenaˈzim, aʃkenaˈzi]; also יְהוּדֵי אַשְׁכְּנַז Y'hudey Ashkenaz),[18] are a Jewish diaspora population who coalesced as a distinct community in the Holy Roman Empire around the end of the first millennium.[19]
>The traditional diaspora language of Ashkenazi Jews is Yiddish (a Germanic language which incorporates several dialects), with Hebrew used only as a sacred language until relatively recently. Throughout their time in Europe, Ashkenazim have made many important contributions to philosophy, scholarship, literature, art, music and science.[20][21][22][23]
>Ashkenazim originate from the Jews who settled along the Rhine River, in Western Germany and in Northern France.[24] There they became a distinct diaspora community with a unique way of life that adapted traditions from Babylon, The Land of Israel, and the Western Mediterranean to their new environment.[25] The Ashkenazi religious rite developed in cities such as Mainz, Worms, and Troyes. The eminent French Rishon Rabbi Shlomo Itzhaki (Rashi) would have a significant impact on the Jewish religion.
and thelargest hive of ashkenazi jewery in world history is New York
Or it's the profs and the students talking about Marxism but noone can understand each other because of the massive dicks in their mouths so it just comes out like "MMBLMPHG BLHYTPPTPGLG"
Interesting fact. It was not written into the "Law of War" that it was illegal to carpet bomb cities. After the war, they fixed that loophole.
Why arent Brits tried for their own concentration camps??
Sweet dreams lol
Whatever mutt
Because they won user. The spoils of victory are eternal glory in the history books and constructing a world order that deeply favors your state and nation.
Defeat is punished by eternal shame and surrendering complete control of your women, resources, and nation to the enemy. You will not control your destiny for generations.
Such is the history of life on earth from animal mating combat to tribal ambushes to genghis kahn to the imperial monarchies to industrialized nation states. The same applies to endeavors other than politics such as capitalist competition and dating.
Life is competition and glory is found in victory while shame and contempt is found in defeat.
Hey guess what the college shills stopped fagposting.
Class started or they're gathering more shills.
no fuck you and fuck your kikery
Nope never mind.
Another giant faggot.
Defeatist version.
Because the allies won.
is she okay... i am scared
Cause we won, biiiiiiiiiiiiiitch
1.SS Div with Ukrainian locals :)
They deserved a lot worse they were lucky we had morals unlike them, kraut scum I hope my grandfather raped atleast ten german soldiers wives infront of them.
This is true. Even today are the most prostitutes in germany from poland - like their grandmothers.
they won. who was going to prosecute them?
new OC r8 and h8
>l the college professors
people who actually know stuff
The ultimate case for:
>Might Makes Right
Chill out Ahmed, you aren't ethnically English.
How is this defeatist, retard? The solution to losing is to start winning. That's not defeatist you faggot. We're still debating WWII when we should be focused on small victories we can win now because they'll snowball into larger ones.
Because they won the fucking war. I wish I had an ethical argument for you, but in the end might makes right. Next time don't lose.
That's the long and the short of it. War is hell boys. War is hell.
Or only the victorious write history
The Allies tried thousands of their own soldiers for war crimes.
Read a history book instead of being a retard.
Because the allies won. Had it been the other way around the notorious bong air force commander Arthur Harris surely would've been charged with serious war crimes and probably half or more of the entire Soviet army would've been too.
Canada doesn't get to make that joke, you are the most cucked country in the world Canada is the definition of pathetic. No history, the worlds most cucked leader, the most sjw country on earth and is full of Asians and pakis and they are welcomed with open arms by your women. Also you are our little commonwealth bitch.
they did the holocaust remember. so its ok.
As long as the holocaust is true we never have to reflect on this. and thats a good thing
Leave our hat alone.
pretty sure the king of rape is soviet union, mass rape, gang rapes, including small children...
chink jews are the worst
>Ninety percent of identified victims of trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation came from Europe, including 28 percent from Germany, 20 percent from Romania, and 18 percent from Bulgaria. Non-European victims originated in Nigeria, other parts of Africa, Asia, Europe and the Americas. Almost one-quarter of identified trafficking victims were children. The majority of identified sex trafficking victims have been exploited in bars, brothels, and apartments – approximately one third of identified sex trafficking victims reported that they had agreed initially to engage in prostitution. Victims of forced labor have been identified in hotels, domestic service, construction sites, and restaurants. Police estimate that gangs brought around 1,000 Chinese people to Germany over the past decade and forced them to work in restaurants under exploitative conditions. Members of ethnic minorities, such as Roma, as well as foreign unaccompanied minors who arrived in Germany, were particularly vulnerable to human trafficking.
The Victor writes the history books.
There is no other reason, I can't find the exact quote atm, but the allied Generals were Aware of this, with one US bomber commander saying something to the effect of, "I am against this trail, had we lost this war we would be the ones sitting on that bench."
completely wrong. his party won 35% and his party elected him as "Prime Minister" (UK comparision). He then formed a coalition governemnt enabling him to consolidate power.