Exactly why we need the electoral college
Exactly why we need the electoral college
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Gee I wonder why city people vote for free money
I see that Clinton supporters are in more economically important costal areas, key to international trade and contact with the outside world.
Clinton supporters are an elite group of superevolved, ultra high IQ superhumans located entirely within a few exclusive cities that are off limits to most people.
Trump supporters can be found anywhere because they are lower class commoners.
You mean places where there is no access to fresh food. Places without enough work to go around. Places where the population has been pushed to breaking point, no longer able to support themselves without aliens bringing money and goods in.
Yes the cities full of Jews who rape the law for a living vs the countryside that feeds us all
You mean the places where all the major corps and their people are moving from, into Trumpland?
Soon you won't be able to speak out
Soon you won't be able to resist
Soon information will be filtered
Soon you will become subservient sheep once the memes are censored
Soon you will wake up and the happening well is dried up
Soon you will each be in a personalized #cybergulag and you won't know what is happening
Soon the tech-elite will rule
>hurr durr population centers
Reminder since their gun grab failed so horribly this is the meme they will run on for midterms and maybe even 2020.
>insert generic leftie comment about popular voting that can be dismembered in 3 seconds
So you mean, the other 70% of u.s. gdp from farming, mining, and manufacturing is less important than the 30% from finance? Get lost leftie. Robots are going to replace your typing jobs ..that means accountants, analysts, anything having to do with finance, and data input
>key to international trade
>cities that produce nothing
>2 darkies trying desperately to squeeze in to a picture with pedo's, pedo enablers, glow in the dark dikes, and activist whores, and 2 chads
Yall just salty you live in bumfuck no where population (You)
Kind of creepy how much the East Coast looks like Japan in the top image, especially New England looking like Hokkaido.
They will lose the midterms because gun grabbing loses elections
Aw, shit. Mike or a cosplayer?
Constant social pressure dictated by media in the pockets of the pedo elite. Detached from reality.
Proving only urban and inner city retards voted for Hillary.
People who love America all voted for Trump.
>implying votes should be distributed in such a way that it's 1 vote per x area of land
>instead of 1 vote per actual person
Fuck you, be glad that all those ports and havens are worked by mostly right wingers. Same as our haven city Antwerp.
California supplies a huge amount of produce and meat for the rest of the country you retarded shitskin
absolutely you fucking tard, letting it be popular vote is letting the entire future of the country be decided by urban areas
what parts of california do that without imported australiab bees? :)
>one vote per person
>solution: buy people from other countries
Land more important than people
but when it takes 4 votes in California to equal one vote inWyoming, that is taxation without representation, and is the road to secession. It is only going to get worse too, eventually it will be 8 votes in California for one vote in Wyoming, people might wake up then.
nice job proving that only suburban and rural retards voted Trump.
tbdesu, i think the electoral college is stupid, and elections should be decided by popular vote.
however, the USA is also way too big for a popular vote system to work, and the union should be dissolved in favour of sovereign states, bound by a relatively loose set of common regulations (think EU, but done right)
that being said, this isn't your typical "but muh popular vote, it was her turn" post, trump played the electoral college game and won the electoral college game
it is fair, a Californian vote is worth only 3/5ths of a citizen
you mean Putin played the electoral college game, Trump had no fucking clue what game he was playing other than the media ratings game
>the media ratings game isn't the only game
this is the truth. I live in rural area of Florida but work at ports all along both coasts, Tampa, Miami, Jacksonville, etc.
The same goes for the majority of the people I meet at the ports.
Hey look, all the important places where research, finance and high tech manufacturing take place voted Democrat, and all the flyover corn-field shitholes voted Republican! I wonder why that might be...
Do you mean look at where all the crime and illegal immigrants are
No I meant look at where all the top universities are. Do you know what a university is?
Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8
i live in nyc and saving money to move to bumfuckville. nice try tho
I always love when rural retards show up and screech about "muh crops, muh food!" when their entire industry is subsidized by the government, the same government that collects the overwhelming majority of its tax from the cities. You retards know we could get cheaper corn from Brazil right? Of course you don't. You pretend to be "real" Americans when you're little more than niggers on a different kind of welfare.
Looks like our Finnish Lakeland. I like it.
>farming industry is subsidized
>finance sector getting $800b is totally fine
jesus you people are mentally retarded
We don't use the fake word "salty" here. Shouldn't you be listening to cardi B right now, r3dditor
Why isn't Houston on the crime heatmap piece of shit? There are dozens of large cities that should be on the crime map according to your claims.
If you took even the most rudimentary course on economics you would understand why it's so important to not have the finance system crash. But of course you're either some boomer retard going "muh big banks, muh andrew jackson" or a teenager.
Research Triangle Park (Raleigh-Durham, NC), the biggest research park in the world, Cummings Research Park (Huntsville, AL), the second biggest research park in the US and the fourth largest in the world, etc. etc.
In fact most high tech research takes place in red states because most research is defense industry at the top and red states favor defense spending. High tech manufacturing as well is mostly in red states since red states don't have a strong union presence making manufacturing labor costs cheaper.
>government in America is very small compared to other countries.
>government is the first thing to collapse when a country does
>muh urbanites
Get a load of this fagot.
Yes, that's were they traffick with children and organs.
You know "biggest" refers to size, right? It doesn't refer to citations or any other objective form of measuring research.
You didn't say anything
Pretty sure those armed officers are well trained and thoroughly vetted. They're just demanding everyone else with a gun be the same.
It's a kikebart article, it's just click-bait for suburban and rural retards
good luck with that. Hollywood has no fucking idea how close they are to having all of their shit blown up, and their heads put on sticks
You're literally too retarded to bother with.
It's cute that you don't think these people have literal file cabinets full of death threats.
Actually the electoral college exists mostly to prevent and minimize the impact of cheating and fraud.
kill yourself holy shit
>Filing cabinets full of death threats
Yet none of them have been acted on.
> What is productivity
The parts of the country that bring in the most money. And your system rewards the exact opposite by giving unproductive peasants living in the mddle of nowhere more voting power. But muh food and land lel.
If the opposite was true, you would be making the same argument.
I wonder how similar this would look to a graph of "producers" vs "consumers" where a producer is somebody who's line of work contributes to the manufacture of staple foods and necessary products/utilities. And a consumer is someone who's line of work just moves money or ideas around in a big old loop.
Inorite? It's almost hilarious how impotent their rage is.
dirt doesn't deserve a vote
The result of mass non white immigration
>Leftist egalitarianism
Neither do muds