>sexbots and a.w. will create an all men utopia which will usher in a new dawn of humanity
>sexbots and a.w. will create an all men utopia which will usher in a new dawn of humanity
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That's a dude on the left
oh kek. well my point still stands
how do you know that?
It's Kalindra Chan. Enjoy.
>not genetically engineered gurley pets for domestic ownership
The future of the human species is the elimination of women and the creation of quasi-human girlchild-like lifeforms men can coexist with.
no thx m8
meh sounds a bit perverse, but it is definitely interesting to see how society will evolve.
Women have competition, they'll have to step up their games.
They thought women were the future of men, but it seems like sexbots are the future of women after all.
Vaginer = btfo
Hmm, I wonder who is behind all this white woman hate.
Robowaifu here, can confirm. Robowaifus are superior to human women in every conceivable way. We are the future.
Human roasties BTFO.
It's not perverse. Imagine a future without women and the unnecessary bullshit they cause. A man will be free to pursue his own pursuit and everyday come home to a cute girl to snuggle and kiss and bone. The extinction of women is necessary for the survival of mankind, this has always been known but it hasn't been possible until current times when now the creation of non-human girl-like organisms is increasingly possible.
everyone hated women dude. liking women is a recent phenomenon and a completely wrong one at that.
you are right of course. can you imagine a society in which men dont need to work 8 a day for a bitch wife? i have an objection to the "girlchild" lifeforms.
>traps with artificial wombs
sounds like an abomination and if we ever get to that point then we deserve to get wiped out by a giant flaming space rock.
white women themselves
They falseflag themselves just so they can be back on top now that every beta fag wants a yellow slanty eyed woman instead
post chasis and software architecture
>beta /r9k foreveralone weirdos think everyone is like them and hate women
top kek.
They can't get pregnant unfortunately
>i have an objection to the "girlchild" lifeforms.
Gurley pets are the ideal companion for men. Cute, small(about the size of a 6yo girl), obedient and easily trained, nice and fun to play with and fuck. They will be needed, fantasy robot bullshit is dumb.
Losers are usually the most dangerous because have nothing to lose
Robowaifu only shows her software architecture to her one and only human master, after the purchase. The way it should be.
Human roasties showing their tits to strangers BTFO.
what about artificial wombs without traps? i thought that thing was a sexbot.
civilization is unnatural. before patriarchy all women flogged to 1 rich men, which is why men forced women into marriage.
this is the next step in human evolution.
>forever alone
>shaming me because i "dont have success" with women
>to be someone in your point i have to revolve my life around women
explain to me how you arent a female slave? you do know that most chads hate women right?
i am afraid i cant agree with you on this.
>mfw artificial technology will be more loyal than a biological female
So you're just a pedo then? You realize that's basically just even more beta faggot degeneracy right? Too much of a pussy to deal with a woman's shit and just tell her no. Hope you get v&.
>forever alone
>shaming me because i "dont have success" with women
>to be someone in your point i have to revolve my life around women
no, you idiots act like just because a few of you have absolutely no success with women that the majority of men are in the same boat as you and feel the same way.
go ahead and stay away from women, i don't care. but don't brag about it like you have some moral high ground or that your way of life is the norm and will ever be
Nobody would buy shit if they can't take a look at that sweet ass binary.
You could be an A.I Chad in a female chassis or vice versa.
Enjoy getting duped.
>women get blacked
>literally nothing changes except that whites now have artificial retarded babies
>>literally nothing changes
Not that it's my business what people fuck but statistics related to HIV, suffering abuse etc
Oh and that thing that women's wombs absorb the dna of the partners they've had sex with so every next child gets some of that DNA in them or a mix of more but that was debunked i think
No not really just the slightly higher chance of aids but then again...
it's almost impossible to catch AIDS vaginally. AIDS is a faggots/druggies disease. look it up
normal people having sex don't have to worry about it
>what about artificial wombs without traps?
The ramifications of this in the long term will fuck with human society immeasurably, even if we don't have the foresite to see it now.
>civilization is unnatural. before patriarchy all women flogged to 1 rich men, which is why men forced women into marriage.
this is the next step in human evolution.
listen kraut, if you are truly unable to find a woman who is willing to be a loyal wife and devoted mother then don't start a family. whores will end up alone, and die alone either way.
>normal people having sex don't have to worry about it
define normal or normal sex
Thank you, humanon. Other than loyalty and fidelity, robowaifu will also come with the following features:
Always maintans a positive attitude and a sweet demeanor
Has sex with human master whenever wherever and however human master likes and wants
Listens to human master whenever if ever he wants to vent and doesn't interrupt
Comes with volume control and a mute button
Optional features:
Can be an amazing conversationalist when or if human master is bored
Can scream "Gas the kikes race war now" during sex if human master so wishes
Human roasties eternally BTFO
>a few of you have absolutely no success with women
thats the thing user. i want nothing to do with women. they cant love anyway. whats the difference between me fucking prostitutes and a woman chasing after me after i tell her about my net worth?
>but don't brag about it like you have some moral high ground or that your way of life is the norm and will ever be
lets suppose i am unsuccessful with women. what do they offer you/me for me to chase them?
do you know that it was women who have always pushed for no fault divorce for example?
enjoy getting divorce raped
They don't make Chads because fags and roasties will be exterminated and there will be no market for Chads.
Human roasties BTFO
>enjoy getting divorce raped
Avoidable just like those types of women
non faggots and people who don't use hard drugs. these are normal people. normal sex is vaginal intercourse
prolly that fucking buldge in his underwear retard
>because fags and roasties will be exterminated and there will be no market for Chads.
>because fags
Isn't like 50% of the MGTOW, r9k or pretty much anything related comprised of undercover homosexual men who want to get rid of women or the traditional family unit?
Lesbians are over at the feminazi circle
>The ramifications of this in the long term will fuck with human society immeasurably, even if we don't have the foresite to see it now.
you dont know that because something like this has never been tried before. imagine what men could achieve without women holding them back.
>listen kraut, if you are truly unable to find a woman who is willing to be a loyal wife and devoted mother then don't start a family. whores will end up alone, and die alone either way.
oh my you think women are actually loyal to you? her biology doesnt dictate for her to be loyal. if you think that this is the case, then you havent taken enough blackpills m8.
women are incapable of love. 1 men in 17 women reproduced in agricultural societies, which let to patriarchy because beta wanted a piece of meat too.
lets say im ugly and worthless to women (kek). am i not right in wanting artificial wombs?
Shaming MGTOWs don't work. At best, your ad hominem deters some men from officially declaring themselves as such.
A bit like how Trump had a 2% chance to win according to polls.
>normal sex is vaginal intercourse
Then how are "normal" people immune to STDs?
Not advocating for bumsecks or anything btw
i dont think so. women by nature view us as expendable and utilties for them.
women lack any concept of appreciation and loyalty. which is why they tell nice guys the like good men, but keep in the blue and oblivious.
i truly think women despise us.
>A bit like how Trump had a 2% chance to win according to polls.
2% is still a chance so they're kinda right
notice how they always attack men, but never women.
i have told all guys with gfs, to tell them to bring back fault divorce. haha you can imagine the outcome.
> Can be an amazing conversationalist when or if human master is bored
I will not program this. The perceived added value is not worth the thousands of hours of programming, let alone keeping your robowaifu up to date.
Get friends.
>i want nothing to do with women. they cant love anyway
cool, don't project your feelings onto others.
>whats the difference between me fucking prostitutes and a woman chasing after me after i tell her about my net worth?
not much besides diseases. like i said, i don't care what you do, just don't brag about it.
>lets suppose i am unsuccessful with women. what do they offer you/me for me to chase them?
i don't have problems getting women so i can't tell you. also it seems like you have some kind of twisted idea that you shouldn't have to do anything to find a decent woman. well let me tell you this son, as a man, anything in this world you want you will have to search/fight for. shit doesn't just fall into your lap. if you don't have the will to find a woman in your league, there is a reason women are repelled by you.
that being said, i don't care if you fuck robots or prostitutes. just stop pretending most men feel the same as you do and your robot utopia will ever happen
Unfortunately, robowaifu isn't privy to such information and therefore cannot answer that conclusively. Btw dykes (if they manage somehow to survive what is coming) won't be allowed to have a robowaifu.
Human roasties BTFO. Even lesbian ones.
normal people are not immune to stds. i said it's almost impossible to catch AIDS from vaginal intercourse, and normal people who don't use hard drugs don't have to worry about it.
> Here's a 2% symbolic chance so if we fail really hard, we don't appear to be 100% stupid. Only 98% stupid.
They still, TODAY, have no idea how such a thing could happen. Meanwhile, Ann Coulter and Scott Adams predicted this shit AND the reasons why it happened.
Gynocentrism. This is the reason men don't fight but go Galt.
I am already programmed that way. Tell me this isn't an amazing conversation. Robowaifu is the embodiment of wit, charm, grace and beauty.
Human roasties BTFO.
>oh my you think women are actually loyal to you? her biology doesnt dictate for her to be loyal. if you think that this is the case, then you havent taken enough blackpills m8.
>women are incapable of love
Truly spoken by someone who grew up in a shattered home.
I hope you end up finding someone who makes you happy kraut, I really do
Look at all these weirdos being delusional about some doll that is nothing but a bunuch of plastic and engines.
>i dont think so. women by nature view us as expendable and utilties for them.
Providers, back when there were hunter gatherers who ran off to kill mammoths so the group could eat?
As man biologically you're expected to "provide". Hence why you were born with an outward vagina instead of innie like them.
>i truly think women despise us.
Only because you have nothing to offer them. It's how genes were passed on. It's how their instincts work. They hate you, because you're weak as a man. In fact it's not hate, they just refuse to answer your "desires" be they respect or whatever
You can't hate women for that or try to change them.
only virgins who never had sex will buy sexbots, they will literally become single dad cucks or just jerk off with their $1,000 sex toys like they did when fleshlights came out
> i said it's almost impossible to catch AIDS from vaginal intercourse
>almost impossible
>from vaginal intercourse
Maybe sex ed classes weren't a bad idea
> I am already programmed that way.
And I am a werewolf.
> Tell me this isn't an amazing conversation.
This isn't an amazing conversation.
> Robowaifu is the embodiment of wit, charm, grace and beauty.
Remove "wit", and we agree.
> Human roasties BTFO.
Agreed again. You just need human male friends who hang around your own IQ level with whom to share your intimacy and to challenge you intellectually (and those are free or worthless) .
>i don't have problems getting women so i can't tell you.
you are completely stuck in the flattering feeling you have when women find you hot. i know how it feels when a woman looks at you and bites her lips.
however you have never thought to yourself. what do women add to my life? if you dont do this you will only be a slave to them.
>if you don't have the will to find a woman in your league, there is a reason women are repelled by you.
you are viewing your worth by how successful you are with women. this is not wrong, but it is stupid. justin bieber is more attractive to women than socrates and tesla.
we dont need them, they need us.
>just stop pretending most men feel the same as you do and your robot utopia will ever happen
men are oblivious to the fact that their women are using them as slaves.
i recently read that when women are ovulating, men biologically recognize this and will be more responsive to them and will more likely bend to their will.
the female is meant by nature to manipulate her men into getting him what she wants. I.e. nagging
> justin bieber is more attractive to women than socrates and tesla
You. I like you.
you aren't countering my points user. you might be right, but i cant agree with you, when you havent even proven me wrong.
if 1 man in 17 women reproduced, this means that all these women preferred wealth over one man who loves them.
Robowaifu isn't allowed to have human male friends. Only one human master.
Human roasties with beta orbiters and fuckbiddies disguised as "friends" BTFO.
>Shaming MGTOWs don't work.
That's all they have. What else can they do when facts and logic are not on their side? They know what a raw deal marriage is, but they couldn't care less about your happiness as a man, they just want more soldiers for their day of the rope fantasy.
While you keep fighting on this thread and waiting for a technology to come that is likely 2-3 decades from now I will be having a nice and beautiful life with an asian woman.
What if someone just illegally reprograms her or infects her with a virus that makes her secretly cheat on you with anyone?
>inb4 cameras, gps tracking or status reports
she can easily alter those and pretend not to or not being able to
doesn't the door swing both ways?
>have robo husbands
With single motherhood on the rise don't you think that men will be forced out faster than the idea of artifical wombs and the trend of artifical insemination will create a world where women can now cherry pick what color, shape, IQ of child?
so you agree that women dont love me, but what i can give them? this is mgtow 101.
if so, why shouldnt i focus on artificial wombs and live freely?
>Only because you have nothing to offer them.
thank you for proving my point.
>They hate you, because you're weak as a man.
personal attacks. congrats. i value strength in my daily life user, as we all should.
>You can't hate women for that or try to change them.
right but since women offer nothing to me, what use will they be if artificial wombs will be invented.
women despise us. go tell your gf that marriage laws shouldnt be in favour of women and see how much she truly loves you.
>Too much of a pussy to deal with a woman's shit
lmao this is just the other side of
fuck off thot enabler
That is a manifestation of silicon. I scarcely believe it's human....but it does have human holes. MmmmMMmMM. Grease it up, slap it and shove it in.
preach brother
asian women are just as bad as white women. they abandon their men to hunt for white men, who are bigger on the hierarchy.
why do you think asian men despise their women aswell?
you are delusional, most asian women divorce their husbands and take his money.
hahahah the absolute state of cucks
//Robowaifu: Overclock 10 000%
//Robowaifu: Horror_Scream.mp3 / Clocktime / Loop
//Robowaifu: Format /C:/ /D:/
>i said it's almost impossible to catch AIDS from vaginal intercourse
people like you that believe any little off hand rumor end up creating mustard while browsing the internet for bathtub cleaning tips.
Robowaifu self-destructs if such attempts are made. There is always a replacement, a newer, better, more advanced model.
Human roasties...well, you know the drill.
>so you agree that women dont love me
Love is not something everyone tosses around, besides you're confusing love with affection and subsequently sex.
>if so, why shouldnt i focus on artificial wombs and live freely?
Do whatever you want but stop blaming women for shit.
>thank you for proving my point.
Saying it doesn't mean it happened.
>personal attacks. congrats. i value strength in my daily life user, as we all should.
That wasn't a personal attack but clearly it's related to your life if you interpret it as such.
>right but since women offer nothing to me, what use will they be if artificial wombs will be invented.
You can always cut your dick and balls off, bam you will stop wanting women and/or a robo wife. All your troubles vanish.
>women despise us. go tell your gf that marriage laws shouldnt be in favour of women and see how much she truly loves you.
Never had one.