So I was looking at getting something simple to smoke some dabs/wax with, and I wanted something minimalist as fuck. All the dabbing rigs I've found seem like too much hassle. Elaborate bongs, gotta heat a nail with a torch and then take a dental tool and cut off a smidgen of wax and touch it to the nail. Fuck all that preparation shit. I just want to grab my pipe, shave a little wax off in there, sit down and smoke. So I want to smoke my shit out of a meth pipe with a torch. I was wondering if anyone knew of any colorful, decent-looking meth pipes that, upon first glance, look like they're for weed and not meth.
So I was looking at getting something simple to smoke some dabs/wax with, and I wanted something minimalist as fuck...
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You've wandered into the wrong neighborhood, son
a) crackpipe dude. crack pipe.
b) a real man does knife hits.
Would you heat up the bowl and drop in or drop in then heat the bowl?
gtfo you nig-tier retard
Try e-cig dab attachments, or a honeystraw
Buy a kandypen "rubi", some dewaxer and just make your hash oil ejuice.
Drop in then heat the bowl.
just use a clear incandescent light bulb
you can always hide it in a lamp
all the crackheads do it
tire gauges are also popular, the steel kind with the round end.
weed is for niggers and whites from broken homes
its proven to decrease motivation why the fuck would you want to decrease your own motivation you god damn stoner?
if you want to save the white race stop smoking immediately and start making something of yourself you fucking 14 y/o "shatter" edge lord
try one of these
Die degenerate
>All the dabbing rigs I've found seem like too much hassle
Do it right or don't do it at all
Meh, I work my ass off and have no problems with motivation. Just CBD dab at night to help me sleep and relieve anxiety. I tried the gummies and they work well, but they're a rip off.
get a propane torch from any hardware store for like 25$, works better than any torch you can buy
get a titanium nail and a cheap dab/oil rig from any weed shop
also get a metal dabber to pick up the shatter/wax with
>hurrr dabs are too much work and take too long durrr
>can literally take a dab in 30 seconds
Oh wow so much work OP you stupid lazy fuck goddamn
Yocan evolve plus is what i have. $40 at my local smoke shop. Coils are replaceable. I got it for the easy concealment, and low smell. i dont really like the idea of concentrates but i gotta do what i gotta do to keep it low key.
Get one of these boss. I've got I've and I love it. Quick, easy and low key af.
Get a Pico 75w with a Sai mod. Comes as a kit. Easy as fuck and it's like 60 bucks. You're welcome.
this is the politically incorrect board.
what are you even doing? why did you make this?
Please permanently ban this OP forever.
he is a faggot beyond measure.
how fucking stupid do you have to be to make this thread here? this is a new low for retardation.
What in Christ's name made you think this was a good idea?
its like creating a furry gay porn thread but worse.
you should be as ashamed of yourself as your ancestors are. what a tremendous faggot.
>FBIanon doesn't know about vapor coils
Please gas yourself
Many Sup Forumstards smoke weed. Are you this unaware?
This won’t work, it’ll liquify slowly and the hit will be fucked up. Dab rigs use the pre heated nail for this exact reason
Meant this for Sup Forums, sorry!
Wait this isn't
the least hassle you can do with a cheap dab rig is getting a domeless nail, but that’ll still involve heating it with a blowtorch. I know I have little room for judgement considering we’re talking about drugs, but crack pipes are nigger-tier and you should feel bad
Yukon evo
yea dude you could even get a chinese piece of shit vape pen for like 20 bucks online... thats what i did carrying a torch and rig around is fucking retarded this kid i work wit does that keeps the shit in the cup holder of his car.. fucking retrded
Maybe just short cut the whole process and kys now.
Guess you should lay off the meth so you actually know what you are fucking doing...don't lie to us boy