>blonde blue eyed niggers
What a world we live in. What a world....
>blonde blue eyed niggers
What a world we live in. What a world....
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She will darken up m8, this is just how halfroons look sometimes. You can see the tint in there.
>blonde blue eyed niggers
Please let this not become a polish hate thread.
is that what alt right kids think vaginas are?
and they think makeup is genetic? LMFAO
Most poles that come here end up being coal burners, like good ol' Magda here.
mutts always get darker with age
>blonge blue eyed niggers
you mean polish people?
La creatura...
Looks like a typical american baby
Paler than you Muhammad.
>blonde blue eyed niggers
Thats a funny way of saying Polack
All blondes darken with age.
Almost no one naturally retains the platinum blonde or even white blonde hues they have as kids.
At best they stay champagne blonde when they hit 20 or more commonly they go dishwater blonde or light golden brown.
holy hell it's the Amerimutt in the flesh.
Imagine those genes with a white father.
These women are so prime for breeding beautiful white children, but instead their narcissism is allowed to fuck over their children with shitty genetics.
La Creatura Britana
Look like shit anyway
Another one bleached by a Polack (former Miss New York)
They can never truly emulate the real aesthetic, mainly because of nigger lips and other such things, also they tend to brown as they age.
Little orcs!
But this child will grow up as a proper Christian unlike white niggers in your degenerate shithole muhhamad.
wtf that creatura looks whiter than most of whites
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Det utdodde lyset
>Already looks mixed-race
She's clearly trying to get rid of her black genes, that's why she went for a white man.
Another generation later, their children will be mostly white, absolutely based.
is that kid white according to Sup Forums?
Could be, but she is a succesful black so she might have just spent more time with whites and fell in love with one.
Would let my children play with him.
la creatura de Albion
La Aberracion...
that kid actually looks white
el orco
El criatura goblinos
is that the pole troll daughter of the coalburner that was eventually abandoned by her black bf?
op your opening lines are flawless... i laughed out loud
1 drop of chocolate still makes chocolate milk
Here, Gav, a list of countries who's women DONT jump on a nigger dick on the first possible occasion:
LMAO nigga that looks like someone set the character editor of an oblivion orc to random and like nigga just didn't walk away from the screen hahahaha but pumped it out of its vagina
Not Poland though :^)
That kid looks whiter than many South Europeans or even Germans. Unironically.
Not Germany though. Your women fucked everyone that has ever set a foot in your shithole.
shitheads look like sims characters
You wish, they don't even fuck white niggers like you. We are not Anglos after all. :^)
>the oblivion character looks better than the actual child
>and the mother
Poles are whiter than Germans. That's a scientific fact.
wait, are you saying asian women dont fuck niggers?
wait until it grows up, when its facial and cranial features develop, you will see the mongrel face
Imaging this being your grand child
that nigger has the
"im gna get sum white pussi boiii eeeeeiiiii"
its like a child in a candy shop, why a nigger of all things?
Post them Rare Magdas
I think Japs and Chinks are legit terrified of them
my man
Whitest kid in New York City
i very highly doubt it, /b and /pol posted many stories of black americans going to japan/china and the women ther were reacting like they saw the son of god.
women, in general, crave nigger dick, because they're fucking stupid.
doesnt matter if the woman is spanish, australian, polish, german, mexican, canadian, japanese.
if they see a nigger, there's a big chance they already imagine jumping on his dick.
there's something really wrong with women on the fundamental level.
In most asian cultures, darker skin is a sign of poverty and disease.
It's associated also with low IQ, because it often means working outside.
The only people who fuck nigs in asia fetish them. They aren't even really attracted to them.
It's just a way to fight the system, like when a white girl fucks them to get back at daddy.
And having been stationed in japan, not even the whores will touch nigs. They hate them with all their might
Idk what women you hang around but the women in my life are repulsed by them and think they are disgusting, vile, violent creatures.
Idk I'm brown and I had a good time in China.
its funny how hespotted the trans one though
>that pic
This is proof that culture, upbringing, and education are no substitutes for biology.
At the end of the day, we are still slaves to our neurology and our hormones.
Or maybe it's just Polish women?
I definitely don't recognize your described pattern.
You don't know how he was raised though.
Indonesian here, can confirm.
The woman here doesn't like niggers, but instead they like ''bules'' which is the term for white foreigners and like every other asians, the woman here treat them like gods. In general, Indo chicks prefer light skinned men rather than niggers.
Probably like a raging faggot since he strangles women.
Beasts from the field
I thought Indonesians were Muslim, and they stick to their own religious tribe. So the women wouldn't be whoring around?
the world created blonde blue eyed niggers a long time ago
He looks like black Hitler.
Kind of doubt that the baby is half black. Father probably some white guy cucking the black dude
which one? the one with bird tattoo?
Does anything resembling a human even exist in Poland?
still ugly
Does anyone in Switzerland?
What's even worse is you watching gayass youtube channels
Gaze and despair my friend:
La luz màs brilliante...
>when you have to act retarded in order to craft your bait
That's pretty rare, he has to have the original R1B1 gene.
Females are always lighter than their male counterparts due to thinner skin. They darken with age because of genetic expression in time.
>the albanian is at it again
Hello Tonibler, you truly are here 24/7.
>Can't beleive my mom's a nigger, someone get me a drink
Nah, Islam here is really laid back, you can go to a bar and drink your face off and it'll be fine as long as you don't do drugs. You'd be surprised at how many Indo women go to clubs, wearing bikinis, and doing other western degenerate shits. If you want to feel like being treated like a rockstar, just come here. The women will happily acomodate.
>No source.
It's kinda true tho, not the majority, but like one third at least, happens with czech women as well. It's because 90% of women are retarded, they see all the shitty (((american))) movies that tell them blacks are cool, have bigger dicks and so on. Then, after watching this shit all the time while growing up, they jump on the first black cock they see, because they think it's exotic, since we basically have no niggers here.