WHY is this the first thing you see when you search for LONG WHITE DICK??? I'm sick of the jews and their games.
>site: eporner.com
Sorry for porn, but WTF
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I noticed incest and bbc cuck porn all through the front pages of every porn site too
> sorry for breaking the site rules with shill tactics but..
Great thread OP and thanks for contributing!
try "white dick" or maybe -black depending on how robust their search input is.
Just don't watch porn. BAM. Problem solved.
I use xvideos these days. They seem to be a little better for their searches.
Last night I watched a couple paki's get destroyed by a bunch of American's in military outfits.
>boolean search operators
Indeed, thought of it just now. Still disgusting but yeah...
It's brainwashing. Sad part is that it works
White brainlet thot getting rejected
Because blacks have bigger dicks
Try this:
>search "White Couple" on Google
>then search "Couple" on Google
Noticed the difference between the hits? Yes? Do you know what went wrong? No? Then git gud faggot.
I thinm you have CP in your computer just like me.
if you really want to be a degenerate...
>Too dumb to understand how search results are found / presented.
>It's the jews fault that eporner has a shit search algorithm.
there is nothing you can search for on these big porn sites that doesn't return a nog fucking a white thot
lmao searching long white dick then getting triggered bc not the dicks you wanted to see
Not sure if this applies, but for Googles case there would be an easy explanation - keywords and popularity.
So I assume it took the keywords "long" & "dick" along with "white" and gave the most searched results first.
Also porn is bad for you, stop consuming it.
white women are so disgusting
because this search engine doesn't care about keyword order, obviously
have you ever written a search engine, faggot? thought so.
>Watching porn
Get a gym membership.
it's entirely because of america and their obsession with black people. they're unironically ruining porn for the rest of us.
>even nigs are sick of coalburners
Good god what have we become
>watches (((porn)))
>complains about kikery
You're part of the problem
its an algorithm it shows you what you are likely to watch
i never get black dicks
La creatura des la palestinia!
Yep first page is the most Degenerate page! Most people are soo horny they will never get past the first page..
incest porn is great because it's always amateur and they really get into it, I couldn't give a fuck if it's actually incest or not.
Why the fuck would you watch porn.
She is trying to stereotype him as a horny white women loving black male, I mean look at her shameless attempt at being black..
This! You can't win against your enemy if you don't know your enemy.
>WHY is this the first thing you see when you search for LONG WHITE DICK???
context. I don't even think r9k would allow this bitch to be around them for over an hour. A toe sucking nigger whore is what she is at this point lol.
Because every time "white" is used as a descriptor it's to mock or degrade whites. Just search for something without that.
What is this?