this is based on reality guys you can't deny it so it will be a smash hit. kek
Will this succeed?
That pic is from Falling Skies. This is Fake News.
Why is the based librarian all bloody?
I fuck a girly faggot regularly and even I think everyone who made this show should be sent to Africa to get raped to death by a horde of savage niggers and then beheaded on live national TV.
This will be one movie the blacks won't watch.
Fucking burgers and their shit
Blacks need to be more accepting of LGBT.
We gotta spread that message
You know the world is fucked up when you have to read headlines twice to process it. Normally your brain can skim over common phrases and process them sunconsciously but in this fucked up world we have to do a double take.
Fuck off Maldraw you dipshit
Is this a brain teaser? I'm having a hard time understanding what I'm reading.
Absolutely done with kikes masquerading as white via hollywood
How's the war going over there, Ahmed?
it was an interracial gay couple broken up by racist fascist cops.
Syria is still better than your cluster-fuck of a country.
At-least we don't have school shootings every single day
Remarkably, they couldn't use a photo from a pilot that hasn't even been shot yet.
Accidentally killed any civilians Sergei?
No confirmed kills currently, using chemical weapons is just a hobby for me as I have to obey my allah and savior Putin-sama
"accidentally" Americans just don't understand strong serbian kick
>CBS execs: hmm how can we race bait and feed on anti-cop sentiment while capturing the LGBT crowd
If he loves him so much, why not just go to Mexico with him?
That would be bad, how is he gonna get into the U.S without doing jack shit then?
Yeah, they just get bombed to rubble instead.
Try it, cbs.
Just like the way you people kill your own people.
Sacrifices have to be made in order for world peace.
I'd tune in desu
Who do you think kills the most a rab civilians
Our people kill each other because (((psychiatrists))) hand out antidepressants like it's candy.
Your people kill each other because your shitty religion commands it.
Please take your rapists back. They're not working out too well for Europe.