They are coming for anime next.
They are coming for anime next
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everyone fucking scatter
Luckily it's made by nips who even at their most beta love their anime tiddies and cute girls more than being inclusive and feminist.
>”cool” in quotation marks
Anime is for losers anyway.
There's been a nig anime culture for a while now and nigger loving white bitches started to watch it to be based like le nigger. It spread from there.
Any western attempt at anime adaptation has always failed. They couldn't even do Avatar (which is American I know) right
Also Le ironic nerd faggots
castlevania was pretty nice
Can you queers stay on ?
What's the handle of the black NFL player who's into Anime and Pokemon? He kicked the shit out of /vp/ with his Honchcrow in a day-long bout of shitstomping autists challenging him 1v1.
Black Otaku I think.
Brennan Williams, GreatBlackOtaku.
I was close enough to google it.
thank god
This it's exactly why we created the site for.
Now they are us.
Look at the comments lmao it's all niggers posting Dragon Ball Z & Naruto like "sheeeiit, nigga, Anime benz cool dawg"
This is a fact 2bh
You're on the wrong website
Niggers love DBZ
It’s true, but isn’t it nice that losers have something just for them?
I’ve been dabbling with anime again recently after a long hiatus, but I just can’t get into it. Any recommendations?
By the way, what was the anime with the guy who licked toilet seats and rode a bike everywhere and knew martial arts but rarely revealed his power level?
Golden boy?
What have you tried watching?
Golden Boy
Good. Go away. Leave it alone.
Saga of Tanya the Evil
Darling in the Franxx
Space Patrol Luluco
Netflix has been trying to corner the anime market, so there is a lot of anime propaganda coming out now.
They're shilling anime a lot into nigger music
Frig off, you had boondocks
Good, its weakened whites asians and quite a few arabs so far. Blacks are next on the chopping block
Niggers love anime. Anime is good. We’ve known this for ages. Netflix has been trying to get into it, but the only one I remember is Knights of Sidonia... which is basically a shitty Gundam 1979 clone. Netflix is also kiked as fuck so who cares.
Devilman Crybaby (a netflix show) is the most degenerate in anime i've seen, theres also a gay sex scene....
watch the ova from 1987 and 1990 - 2000 its alot better
Hopefully our negritos like Viceroy, Onsokumaru and Rugarell will beat back the Yid takeover of Sup Forums.
Killing Bites is high test
Darling is a meme, it's fuckin' dumb. Watch a real anime like Space Cobra.
>They are coming for anime next.
HA, anime is from japan.
No. You don't deserve happiness.
Fuck you
02 best girl
Blacks LOVE Shonen and all the fighting stuff. From the nerds to the thug types. That a famous black guy likes Naruto isn't shocking unless you're a weeb NEET who thinks anime is some niche secretive hobby that nobody else is allowed to know about. Even Netflix is carrying it now so it's no surprise that regular folks are developing a taste for it.
I want to die. I bought $400 worth of anime blurays tho so im content
But fuck why are they doing this
>Devilman Crybaby is the most degenerate anime I’ve seen
Yeah I tried to flee back to anime when Tv Shows started to stink, but most animes are oriented to teenagers (which is understandable).
I liked King of Thorn (an OVA).
Gantz is great too, the 3D movie they released not long ago was really entertaining.
Want to look for something else next, maybe Tokyo Ghoul or Escaflowne, I'll see.
The pure face of autism.
Remember what happened when normies and roasties flooded vidya? Guess what's next to be ruined.
Pro-tip: avoid anime which are based on manga, the manga is always better, more detailed and easier to finish, especially in the case of shounen trash like Naruto, Bleach or One Piece
Animes generally have no black people because gooks think black people are evil. Literally.
About fucking time. Bring it on. They will last three days, tops. This will be the shortest meme skirmish in history.
>Western media denigrates sexual attraction and praises ugliness while sneering at its large viewership
>Society migrates it's attention to media cultures that don't mock their consumers
Gee I wonder...
It is the next logical progression. I just want something to watch during dinner that isn't made into propoganda by Jews. Is that too much to ask? These kikes need a gassing.
Wow terrible taste kys
Anime is fucking boring, why do people watch this shit?
Is Sup Forums "cool" now?
inb4 Jews buy up all the anime studios.
This would be the spark that started WWIII.
It's literally about devils. Devils are degenerate, and it is portrayed as negative in the show.
>more than being inclusive and feminist
japanese dont care about those things at all
the jew fears the samurai
Even so, it's better than just about everything on television or in the theaters
>Wrinkled and folded
He has a daki but obviously doesn't use it or actually care for it.
no cmon most anime is pretty badly directed
manga is the redpill
I-is this a thing women do?
Thanks for the kind tip.
Don't be lazy, come and get me.
All ((())) pls fuck off and don't touch my last refuge of values and decency
I've got to stop fucking that up.
>alienating the biggest autist society ever
They will be fucking destroyed.
No niggers (aside from Black Lagoon, Psycho Pass, and Death Note)
>triggernigger bitch is gonna be played by a nigger
No, it’s what men do. Only soyboys and women can sit through 1000 episodes of Naruto Shitpudding without gouging their eyes out.
Need more niggas fucking tight asian anime pussy.
I just wamted to be left alone. Why did they take my escapism from me?
Anime is gonna be BLACKED and SJW'd
>Luckily it's made by nips who even at their most beta love their anime tiddies and cute girls more than being inclusive and feminist.
>Implyng good goyflix wont keep corrupting the genre
Amerimutts just have to shit on everything they touch, fuck.
Did you just call ATLA an anime?
Besides, the main issue is using live-action to make a worse adaptation to the original in a compressed film format. The FMA live-action adaptation is equally as bad as the ATLA adaptation, and it was made by the nips.
Who was the nigger in death note?
Stop posting until your english is better, dumb spic
Why there is Zero Two behind Kardashian?
They didn't find another pink-haired girl?
Crunchyroll or Funimation was fucking with english versions inserting words like Gamergate and slut shaming into the translations. As a dude who enjoys english versions and prefers them over subs... I hope these jap studios start telling them to fuck off.
I love dragon maid still tho... But I hope they redo it
Great i'm fucking. normal now.
Guess i'll just fuck off down the job centre so i can begin my life of slavery for my designated biocunt and her genetic garbage.
>implying the first samurai wasnt an african by the name of
Sam Urukhai
You need to stop stealing our fucking history weaboos
Watch akagi nigga. First one I've gotten into for a few years.
Niggers seem to love the most entry-level shit tier anime like Naruto, Dragon Ball, and Fist of the North Star.
anime is normie shit
Reminder that anime of the season is /trad/ as fuck.
>doesn't use it or actually care for it.
You are such a faggot.
Good I hope they take and corrupt and destroy everything white men like, I hope by 2050 white men will be put in workcamp and not be allowed to leave there unless chemically castrated.
What they're coming for is Japan, anime is just one of the ways Japan exists beyond their boarders. It's an extremely successful, peaceful and clean country that's ethically and culturally homogenous compared to the rest of the world. The fact that they exist like that is a thorn in the paw of the left. They need to start manipulating their media and county. Once they can start shipping non-japanese into Japan they will be able to start attributing Japanese success to these people. "Diversity is our strength."
Prepare for a lot more mainstream criticism of "problematic" anime moving forward.
She said 02 was the inspiration for dying her hair or some shit.
Netflix is already funding anime, can't wait for this shitty neckbeard hobby to get colonized and improved.
We’ve all been watching anime our entire lives. We tried to tell normies about it a decade ago and got laughed at.
I don’t blame them though. Most people young and old like cartoons. They’re magical. But western cartoons have devolved into Flash based korean trash. They race and gender swapped all our heros and emasculate us through them. Only natural that cartoon lovers would turn to anime.
Too bad the Jews bought out most of the anime companies HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH they realized they can use them to push their degenracy very innocently via cute animu. anime will continue to become sicker and more fetishized
Ozuma Tezunigga made the first anime in Eithiopia in 6000 BBC
mein nigger
They’ll quickly move away from it as soon as Kinnikuman is rediscovered and deemed racist.
obviously the next goal is to infiltrate anime and make it as pozzed as every other media form, if I was a yid that's what I would do, otaku culture is a refuge for social outcasts with potentially dangerous political views
Let me put it in other terms, it's like a Mexican intellectual posting a picture of a bookshelf with textbooks they've never read.
Pleb taste