How do non-whites reconcile the fact that they will NEVER be as physically attractive as white people? Serious question.
How do non-whites reconcile the fact that they will NEVER be as physically attractive as white people? Serious question
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They project their self-hatred
they hate us
Time to put them back into place with the boot as the herrenvolk should do
We need more people like this
Serious q? Serious answer, by fuckin yo whore ass women lmao
get out newfag
By convincing themselves that their beauty is suppressed by “white beauty standards” as if they are just as aesthetic but wypipo be oppressing them
Chad nordic mass slayers vs virgin american school shooters
>How do non-whites reconcile the fact that they will NEVER be as physically attractive as white people? Serious question.
>They project their self-hatred
Yup. They declare "white beauty standards" to be "oppressive" while the truth is there is only one beauty standard, objective beauty, and whites selected for it more than anyone else. And to deny this truth, the jealous ones latch on to the nihilism of postmodern thought and say "art is just subjective, man." In other words, they pretend beauty isn't real. They shy away from beauty like furious animals when they could instead elevate themselves by approaching it humbly, like we do. They could incorporate it into their lives, like our ancestors did -- in our architecture, in our art, in our literature, in our sex partners, in our science.
Beauty, it's a white people thing.
This is now a white beauty thread.
It son't matter much. You will soon be extinct anyways, thanks to your declining sperm counts and mass immigration
That some ugly white guy you have there
You could have come up with something better then this shitty CGI
on it, user
Why are Ukrainians so based?
why do you think the jew wants to destroy us to bad?
something in the easter eggs
Me on the left
I need to /fit/ more it seems.
We all do, user
by trying to make sure no one can be that beautiful ever again
Darth Vader ain't looking too good
Thanks based Canuck for keeping the thread alive
They go apeshit and and attack us for not being attracted to their subhuman features. The jews want to get rid of us through multiculturalism because they know for a fact that they are a hideous and malevolent race
yup. no race has ever been more obsessed with aesthetics or more fervent in it's pursuit. from music, art, architecture to the human body, white people have been pursuing beauty for millennia. it's a shame that it seems that pursuit has stagnated for now. the "art is subjective mentality" really is cancer that effects all other areas. when whites stopped chasing beauty they stopped chasing greatness. aiming for excellence in all things is one of the highest virtues. Aristotle even considered art and engineering to be of the same field, if not inseparable. they are both concerned with the physical production of something. the highest form of creation is then one that excels in both art and engineering, form and function. form should contribute to function and function should feed off of form. hence the great buildings and sculptures of humans. few things are more functional or beautiful than the human body.
Most people of any race aren't considered attractive in 2018. If you're not Chad it's over.
yw my lovely
in return how bout you get rid of 'lay judges'
>implying that non-whites aren't attractive
Stop being a Sup Forums stormfag,
You can be white as fuck but you can still look like a fucking abomination that god shat to earth.
>How do non-whites reconcile the fact that they will NEVER be as physically attractive as white people? Serious question.
Probably by the fact that the white race is being conquered and diminished every day while white people sit on the internet bragging about how attractive models are that share a skin color with them.
So you get your few last decades of sitting on your ass talking shit on the internet while everyone else invades your lands, breeds you out, and conquers you utilizing your own technology and civilization.
You'll live just long enough to see the last vestiges of white civilization and culture invaded and destroyed.
gotta make an 'anti-beauty is anti-white' meme or something
this makes a lot of sense.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
By living for free in their countries and directly getting paid by their tax money to outbreed them
>Marrying our whores.
You get what you deserve
that forehead seems a bit too short by Germanic standards
Notice how he literally can't pose an argument but just moves straight into demoralization phase. It's all the same canned spiel too as always. Embarrassing, frankly.
We just fuck them.
being degenerate is easy. anybody of any race can be degenerate. but niggers like you will never be anything but degenerate.
Sir, I'm not a Nigger. I'm just saying that the argument:
>Non whites aren't attractive!
this sounds like bullshit, there are people who aren't white, but they are still beautiful.
well...not really. Plastic surgery is helping nonwhites but in general brown hordes birth very few attractive people.
The reason places like Brazil, Thailand and South Korea lead the world in plastic surgery is because naturally they are just goblins or flat faced gooks with monolids.
Now sometimes mixed race brown people such as Latinos or Mediterraneans are attractive but thats because they are mixed heavily with white. When you look at those with less admixture (such as arabs) the quality decreases rapidly.
I see it in the USA too, as I see more heavily mixed people. Most of them are just fucking ugly mutants. Then finally one 10% black girl ends up cute and I see her shilled everywhere by Jews lying that brown is beautiful. It isn't.
That is true, but white people will always be more beautiful.
This is so sad i feel sorry for niggers when they feel the need to do this.
Its like the asians being so butthurt they crowdfunded a porn flick.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians & e-celebs
Every race has attractive people and absolute gargoyles but the fact that there may be more in different groups is up for debate
>Jews lying that brown is beautiful. It isn't.
Gotta agree with that one.
>That is true, but white people will always be more beautiful.
they're still a waste of space.
It's the only thing they can desperately cling to. I don't feel sad for them. They don't deserve any pity. They've sort of forfeited that over the course of history.
There's no argument to pose.
>hay guys my subjective opinion is that white people are the most beautiful. prove me wrong lol
It's an opinion, so it's not open for debate the same way if you said "strawberry ice cream is objectively the best".
What isn't an opinion is that your race is dying, and will die, and so regardless of your high opinion of white people, the future is brown. You can cry and do mental gymnastics all you want or try to impress your redpill virgin buddies in this thread, but they know it's the truth too.
This is something I always noticed. The forehead and hairline is way different on foreigners compared to us.
Why am I not surprised?
yes, we know. you're gay
>They've sort of forfeited that over the course of history.
they never had anything to forfeit in the first place.
because you're not. there's nothing to reconcile
I never feel attracted to Africans unfourtantly. I can easily fuck a 10\10 latino.
but i wont fall in love with a latino. I dont know exactly why but i preffer my own race. That does not include the generic slavic person either. But id easily settle for a 7\10 Norwegian q3.14 then a 10\10 middleeastern girl.
If you hate non-whites that much, why don't you just go on a Killing Spree then?
oh, maybe because you can't even get out of your home without being arrested for walking on the streets with a Nerf Gun?
>>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
Stories pls
Latina*, sir.
>What is a trend
>I've never heard of trends before
The majority of counterpoints boil down to this silly braindead argument from ignorance. Of course there are ugly whites and beautiful nonwhites. Peoples are still comprised of individuals -- individuals who introduce the variations from which populations sexually select. Whites revere and select for beauty more. The eye for beauty is a part of our genes and is expressed in and maintained by our cultures. Thus, we have more beautiful people (and art, and architecture, and science, and philosophy, and technology) than darker peoples.
It all goes back to climate. Warm climates create dark skin and small skulls/brains. Cold climates create light skin and larger skulls/brains. Only in cold climates is there enough pressure for intelligence to make the skulls so dangerously large that they risk the mother's life so much. Lighter skinned people are smarter because we had to be. Beauty is inseparable from subtlety, and subtlety is a matter of intelligence. You see?
And now, look what we have -- so much technology that we may as well have a comfortable climate worldwide, removing the pressure to be intelligent, while simultaneously this technology makes the fruits of intelligence -- education and fulfillment through the arts and sciences -- more widely available than ever before.
The peoples of the world have a choice. Every individual of every skin tone has a choice. We've never been more free to direct our own destinies. What will you do -- languish stuipdly, thanklessly gorging yourself on the fruits of the white ancestors' suffering and struggles while dismissing those struggles with postmodern subjectivism? Or will you humbly embrace the opportunities for growth that you're being given and lift yourselves up? Assimilate, in other words?
I'm not sure the world's southern people have in in them, but I'd love to be proven wrong.
This means that your ass is in danger!!!
>I can easily fuck a 10\10 latino.
Hvad fanden, min norske broder?
What? Ofcourse i feel some pitty for niggers. They have the lowest cognitive ability and will utterly fail in massive numbers as the demand for high cognitive jobs increase.
The fact that most people of most races feel like niggers are the ugliest aswell is just salt in the wound.
Makes sense. But its getting sad beyond belief.
>ooga booga you an incel
you people never have anything worthwhile to say. go and die of a botched plastic surgery, vermin.
They probably don't find whites as attractive as we do. I have never in my life seen a single attractive black woman or man, but evidently they get to breed as well. Yellow fever seems to be quite common, but I rarely find Asians attractive either. In fact, if you don't have blue eyes I probably won't like your looks. Yet, most people have brown eyes, so probably others find those attractive.
>when you realize that white womens feet are more aesthetic than non-white women faces
Then your women will make us more attractive.
Fuck not love.
There are both objective and subjective measures of beauty. Its not one or the other.
Also it only makes sense that the two most advanced races (whites and asians) are the most attractive on average when it comes to objective features.
Black + white = black, so no such luck.
Like polishing turd, you can't hide the stink.
Can't run from what you are, not even at nigg speed
Answer OP's question nbigger. Let me repeat it for you:
>How do non-whites reconcile the fact that they will NEVER be as physically attractive as white people? Serious question.
Answer it
This. Good post leaf user.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder fool. People are being conditioned out of preferring your gay little fairy elf features
We already did answer it.
We take your women while you bitch like gossiping housewives on the internet. We take your technology, we have lots of babies, and we keep moving to white countries and breeding you out. You're gone in under a century.
Took us 30 years to take over America. And what do you think happens once a bunch of European countries plus America become brown? The last European countries gotta go. And then that's it.
But hey, at least you were beautiful before you got killed off hahaha
Ah yes I forgot, this is the apex of beauty.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
Sup Forums has been a net importer of content since 2016, expanding brain, 4d chess, le thinking black guy is all from reddit/twitter
I completely agree
The pure desperation with every word. Even you know big things are about to happen.
>91% of White women WILL marry white men
Doesn't this mean that all these male "refugees" we've got crawling in here end up alone and as 20-30-40+ year old frustrated virgins?