How has Sup Forums been liking this game so far? I like it...

How has Sup Forums been liking this game so far? I like it, if it just had bit better graphics and animation it would be like you are in medieval Europe yourself.

I'm pissed about the ending desu.

Don't tell me what happens though, i'm just about 6 hours in

Snape kills Dumbledore

Lead is a jew, fuck manchilds

Solo gets killed by Kylo
And Luke dies also

wha, serbs get turked in the game too?

>does not want fixed bugs but better graphics.

Fucktards like you ruined gaming forever fucking imbecile kys

It turned me into a nazi. I can finally close my mouth when I have a picture taken of me.

It's shit. Its defenders sloppily try to cover poor design with "realism".

It has been fun I kinda wish it was more like a regular rpg when I can do anything I want at any time and not miss things.

>wha, serbs get turked in the game too?


>i dont know anything about wwii
>especially the pacific theatre
>i do know my 6 gorillion tho
This is you.

Have they fixed the bullshit yet?

Fuck wrong thread.

The charcoal burner missions were comical! Its the way they said it..

I love it, it's an RPG that actually feels like an RPG and not like those bullshit sissy handholding "RPGs". My only complaint is that the game becomes REALLY fucking easy later on. If they balance the combat better in the sequel, It be a 10/10 for me.

Any way to play in 3rd person?

I had a chuckle at the beginning when they told you to "find a spade"

Look out on nexus mods website..

I was skeptical, but have really grown to love it.

>it's a fucking history lesson
>combat/hunting is tense and hard, and you really have to be on your toes. If you want to be a badass, you are going to have to earn it.
>good dialogue and voice acting
>less "handholdy" then Witcher/bioware/etc.
>no more pick up a quest and do it 3 days later. if the prince wants wine while he is in the bath, you better go right now, because he won't be in the bath all night.
>reputation/morality elements are something that I really like more than I thought

>glitches, just had to look up the ginger/bandit workaround, and I hate looking things up.
>failing quests because of the "realism" is annoying when you didn't know you were on a timer.

It's not the best game I've ever played, but it has been more engaging, and I'm realizing that I have to be plugged in and attentive more than most RPG's I've played in the last few years.

Would recommend to anyone that likes
>middle ages
>more challenge (not that it's super hard, it's just not as forgiving as most games)