Reminder that American children will grow up watching this shit
Jewnited States of Americuck
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Now watch the burgers here make excuses and defend this
We get feminization you get shariah
Except we don't
We have guns so when it gets to SHTF level we will be fine. You will not.
Don't worry, I'll volunteer to shelter your female relatives after we evacuate them from the European Crisis Zone.
Reminder that your population is only good for being raped
What the fuck?
>when it gets to SHTF level we will be fine
When is that? Because you're progressing very quickly below 50%.
>implying americans will EVER do ANYTHING with their guns
Reminder that the value of every ones lives in your whole country is akin to the propaganda politicians use to get our bills passed in congress.
I mean, does anyone even watch FXX. I never met anyone who does.
Chances are Western Europe will be watching this within a year, just like the big bang theory, ncis, modern family and a bunch of other garbage.
you already passed the point of no return you moron, america ended with a whimper
>We have guns
So you grow up watching cuck porn and then shoot up your school
Wrong mutt
dear god why
>jewgle search "le amerimutt"
>got him haha europe wins again
>usa is blacked
>so claim europe is too just to feel better
What a cucks (Literally !)
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
>shitskins are attracted to value like flys are to shit
>shitskins come here but get severely triggered by stuff white people talk about when there is no censorship imposed on them
>for a shitskin this must be the first time they get confronted by unfiltered white opinions
>the cognitive dissonance they experience is SEVERE
>sometimes they can’t sleep for days(I’ve spoken to several pol-shitskins)
>they get addicted to this place because all these things they hear make sense and explain many things in their lives
>they do not admit all of these things but become angry at white and thing that’s it’s just a game to make them feel bad
>they think the world only revolves around them and whites here do the things they do as a way to trigger them
>so they start to playing the game that they assume is being played here
>start posting things explicitly designed to trigger whites
>white purity spiral (causes division in the whites)
>white women hate (causes whites to hate their own kind)
>nigger dick posting (triggered white people’s sexual insecurities)
>attack representatives of white interest politicians&e-celebs
To be fair, that's from a show called "You're the Worst" and it's about how absolutely terrible people are and how modern society is a dystopian nightmare. It certainly isn't promoting this behavior. Quite the opposite.
And *spoiler alert*: that fat slag is probably the worst of the worst on a show about how shitty people are.
Comic relief is how shit is normalized. Like with gay characters in comedies way back
How are we past the point of no return?
We can still at least raise our own kids
Yes, because shows like Will and Grace were constantly playing up how everyone, straight or gay, was disgusted with faggotry. Remember that episode where Grace stabbed Will because he was being such a faggot, and then Will blamed himself for it? That one really helped to normalize gayness.
>we can at least raise our own kids
pure delusion
Isn't that what happened to your country?
You know, getting raped.
Homeschool is not illegal in American
Feds should stop this jewry degeneracy
its not hollywood, its the video games!
TV so good you’ll read a book.
mongrelica, what a pathetic cucked shithole lol
this. sometimes, even the good guy with Ebola should just die before it spreads. But you need to contain the jews
When it gets to SHTF level, get your ass ready for drones, grenades, and snipers. Or strike before that.
omg yoiu guys are fucking stupid
its a show
and it looks funny. the dude is such a fucking dorky cuck that his wife isnt even into it like she would have been if he wasnt so INTO IT. its drama and honestly looks funny as fuck. look at her face when hes just so beta about it. im watching this with my wife
Kek, I actually showed some of the clips of this show to my grandpa and he said he remembers when you weren't even allowed to say "ass" on television, now they do this shit. Western civilization needs to be torn down and rebuilt all over again.
fucking LOL
Are you retarded? That show was made to make fags look normal
This is hilarious and completely shits all over cuckolding, though. Do you think anyone would interpret this as casting it in a good light?
>omg it's just entertainment its not real
/pol is just a shit site with shit retards. i was almost one of u fags. glad i didnt lurk to long. ill still visit for the kes and top keks and memes and the crazies with their theories. but this dude is right, it casts cucking in a more or less negative light with the hubby being SOOOO over the top about it that its turning her off. prolly will have a happy ending and he will end up finding his balls and being ALPHA.AS.FUCK.
screen cap this, ive called the ending
600 million may shit in the fucking streets here,
But still India will never be as bad as your mutt and snownigger nations
Fucking disgusting,you need Hitler fucking ressurected to defeat this cancer.
so should i build bombs, stock guns n ammo (magizine btw too), raise a group of like minded patriots and gun down the fucks responsible?
Are you retarded? I just described a plot thread from You're the Worst but swapped "faggotry" for "cuckoldry" and changed the names.
Because You're the Worst is not intended to make cucks look normal.
>Sup Forums creates insane amount of value in the past 15 years
Stopped reading here.
the only value is the memes and eric "the clap" clapton or whatever the fuck bike locks name is being arrested
goblinos everywhere
>t.sons of anarchy
my fucking dick
Yes and you should start calling this shit what it is.
doesn't turn out to well for the woman in the show. Her life goes to shit. But she was already a shitty person. The cuck character was shopping for an excuse to divorce her.
The sex looks really fake, but this is beyond Weimar.
This was very uncomfortable for me to watch.
Nope we need based North Korea to teach us the ways of eliminating the jew
Obviously they consider white nationalists to be a bigger threat.
Toothpaste was never known for its reading comprehension, I suppose.
who pays you?
>Guy at uni thinks he's a cuck
>Talks about it all the time
>Gets turned on by being kicked out of the bedroom or forced to sit on the end of the bed and watch
>Wife is really dominant, even in social situations
>He comes to class with red marks
>Just some rough sex
>This continues for a whole semester
>He takes a couple of weeks off
>Eventually reveals he was being abused
>It started out that his wife's bull would humiliate him
>After his wife slapped him for objecting to her not using a condom, both of them started getting violent
>Her bull moved in
>He was sleeping on the couch
>His wife and bull completely cut him out and started a new relationship
>All this time they were brutally abusing him
>Her bull got drunk and bruised his ribs for no reason
>She started sending him out of the house at night so she wouldn't have to even think about him
>She gets pregnant
>Bull gets the fuck out of dodge
>She tells him it's his now
>He doesn't know what to do
>Looks after her
>She continues to fuck a series of men
>The baby is born
>It's a fucking orc
>She fucked a nigger at a bar while she was cucking him
>He leaves
>She sends him messages in tears, telling him how much she loves him and how she wants to raise this baby together, then have more of their own
>He goes back to her
>Much later, hearing this from another person who kept in touch with him
>They're happy, celebrating their next child
>It's another fucking orc, because she fucked another nigger
>Breaks down crying, saying she was raped and could only tell him now
>Kills himself in January
>She's now fucking his dad so she has a place to sleep
of course we have to send all our garbage pollution to you guys.