Last night I was visiting Chicago to see my brother, and he made plans for us to see the musical "Hamilton", mainly because his daughter wanted to go. Almost every actor was black or Hispanic. Black Jefferson, Washington, Adams, ect. I could barely contain my disgust throughout the show. I could only imagine what the real founding fathers would have said if they would come to find that they were being portrayed by faggot niggers in a Kikeway show. Immediately after the show ended I rushed to the bathroom and vomited. Did the creators of the play make all of the characters minorities to make it appear that this country was not founded by White Men?
Last night I was visiting Chicago to see my brother, and he made plans for us to see the musical "Hamilton"...
The idea is that this is how the founding of America would be if it were founded today with Harlem's demographic mix. The one problem with the logic is that white Anglos were the ONLY ones capable of making this country the way it was. The ethnic mix they show in Hamilton tend to make countries that end up permanently looking like the above pic.
Is that before or after the earthquake?
I can't imagine being so insecure that you can't enjoy Hamilton
I'm a fucking leaf and it still got me hyped on the founding fathers and American patriotism
what did they mean by this?
>>Enjoying Jewish Spic subversion
Fucking leafs.
Why do Americans tolerate the mockery and destruction of their own history?
gas yourself you kike, its because niggers cant create anything of value let alone found a nation. what a disgrace to this great nation, that our great founding fathers would have their imaged trashed by that of a nigger. they are rolling over in their graves having tyrone struggle to encapsulate 1/1000th of their emanence. I would have walked out as soon as I saw those niggers
Kys for taking your daughter to this. You royally failed as a father.
Because the normal fags don't understand what's happening. To them, it's just a fun musical. It's going to get worse and they'll still think it's just a fun little whatever. First, it's having minorities portray important white historical figures. Next, i'll become fact that those white historical figures were inf act black or Hispanic or gay.
It was my niece, and it was his/her idea.
You failed as an uncle. Hope you enjoy baby niglets at thanksgiving dinner
If you've only heard the memes, I seriously suggest listening to the soundtrack. It's an exposition-free musical, so the entire story is told song by song.
You can even close your eyes and pretend it's white people rapping. Miranda is what, 3 quarters white? And his writing is a hell of a lot more lyrical than 99% of nog rappers
Will it now
Is you niece a hermaphrodite?
How to fuck was I supposed to know what the play was? I though it was going to be a fun little musical about the founding fathers, not some degenerate nigger faggot spic spectacle. I only found out we were going to see it when I arrived yesterday. And even if I did know, what the fuck was I going to say? "Hey bro, this play is full of niggers and faggots, I don't want little Stacy to be exposed to this kind of thing."
His/Her meaning my Brother and his Daughter.
You should've told your brother he's brainwashing his daughter to suck nigger dicks and leave and pull the fire alarm on your way out
Here's a tweet from lead "actor"
Seems to be all the go these days. The BBC gives us black Achilles, black Robert de Beaumont, Regency London swarming with various coons, wogs and what-have-you, as do most BBC historical dramas. I don't know what their motive is; demoralisation of whites perhaps.
Fucking niggers are all the same.
>lead "actor"
OP saw it in Chicago, retard
>Did the creators of the play make all of the characters minorities to make it appear that this country was not founded by White Men?
they did it because it was a hip hop musical you retard
So only minorities can partake in the hip hop genre? I think not.
the earthquake made it better