Is "muh blue wave" meme dead already?
Nate Bronze struggles to explain why Dems got BTFO in Texas yesterday
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Can someone give me a quick rundown?
The democrats actually thought they could get Texas.
The problem is that the left is astroturfing propaganda everywhere and shutting down dissenting opinions, but they actually believe their astroturf across social media represents average public opinion. So they are getting false signals because they are just believing their own propaganda.
hey hey let's go ted cruzuru
The population of hispanic is rising. How long do you retards think you can hold on to your muh Southern Strategy?
Your post reeks of desperation.
and its having zero or negative affect in rural areas. They are herding as many cattle and nigroes into suburban and urban districts as possible. we need real election monitoring in suburbs of battleground states in november
Your post reeks of stupidity.
The dems have been autistic about Texas for a decade now, and each time, they get destroyed.
He still doesn't realize that polling is broken? Just how much justfuckmyshitup can one man endure?
>create millions of bots to spam comment sections and social media
>ban anyone with different opinions
>try to analyze these comments and social media
>see overwhelming conformity across all platforms
>believe this conformity represents reality when it only represents your astroturf and the minority of people idiotic enough to fall for it
always assume opposite of sliver and you're always right
>Haha Dems have a 100% increased turnout and Republiturds only have 4% increased turnout!
>What do you mean that doubling 200k is still less than a 4% increase on 1.5 million?
Perfect example of a smart guy who lost all his talent and ability when he started seeking out the fame and fortune jew. Nate Silver used to do good baseball writeups 15 years ago. Really good
Fuck me, you shills are out in full force today
>what’s gonna stop the Hispanics
They go full conservative after one generation and a mortgage payment. All the Latinos I know are pro trump. The only anti trumpers are border jumping criminals. Any self respecting Catholic is gonna be conservative.
Texas will flip if nothing is done about the spics. Probably about 10-15 years from now.
>implying the spics stay in texas
Isn't Nate that CNN faggot who wrongly predicted the 2016 elections, despite pretending to sound like a deep intellectual with insider information? If so, why would anybody take advice from him?
Most Catholics vote Democrat. That's why Bush tried to win them over.
>They go full conservative after one generation and a mortgage payment
I am so tired of Sup Forums spics spreading this fucking lie.
>as soon as i start making mi mortgage payments i will vote for white men like you, gringo, promisee!
>been said since the 70s
And it still hasn’t happened
Hispanics (Mexicans) love guns, football, beer, God and being rich Americans.
Most of them work hard and have large families with subservient wives. They’re prime stock for GOP voter base. It’s the primary reason we’re at 50% Hispanic and yet Republicans still good a comfortable majority in the state House. The only places Dems do well is municipal government, and it’s because all the poor ass blacks and Mexicans live in the cities with a smattering of rich whites. Come to suburbia (65% of the population) and see what Hispanics are like.
Motherfucker Catholics haven't voted democrat since Kennedy, they're very fixed on their abortion views
its true bitch. Latinos are more likely to be conservative once they are working real jobs:
- dedicated Catholics
- traditional family values
- don't buy frivolous things, buy what you can afford
- love this country
my whole family are puerto rican trump voters. fuck all of you white bois who can't get past the 'spics are baaad' meme. illegals are a cancer tho
The reason they created the Russian Bot narrative is not to get people to believe in Russian Bots
It is to cover their tracks, as the corporate, globalist left have the largest propganda bot network in the world.
Not to mention so sjw'd out from both the culture AND their own church they tend to "sympathetically" vote for any retarded minority halfwit
It's not bullshit though you meme-flagging pussy
>hispanic is rising.
Uh, user, Hispanics have strong traditional family values, your Hispanic Blue Wave is fantasy.
No fuck you invading spics that do not at all belong in this nation or on this board for that matter.
The next big shock for the left will be when they run out of White Good Goy Enforcers to push their anti white agenda. I give it about 7 more years (2025) before that revelation happens. Light skin is so much more beautiful than dark skin that even whitish people know they have something special. The whole, "everything is equal in every way" BS was a fun game when the money flowed easily. When times get tough, those pretty white lies evaporate back into the ether.
based open borders hispanics
Once upon a time Texas was white
Today its something like 30% white among the children
Texan have been reduced to some sort of civic cuck identity, with that comes the eventually death of Texas.
It is flat out bullshit, just because you know a few good subhuman spics changes nothing!
I give it 30. Lots of “old El Paso “ families there who while Hispanic are normally republicans, and they manage to convert some of the new blood to be the same way. Still the amount of Hispanics in the US today is far more then there ever was, so not all of them are going to vote republican, and even so it’s only the ones in Texas.
My wife’s family are from border towns, and most work as border guards, and it’s like this. Texas side of the family is about 85% republican, while the Arizona, New Mexico, and California branch are nearly all dems. So like New Mexico and California, Arizona will go blue before Texas, but yes it will happen if nothing is done about immigration.
I’m not Hispanic. These are observations I’ve made myself as a huwhite male living around college educated Hispanics in Texas.
Once again, the demos don’t line up. If voting Hispanics were a Dem bloc the state house wouldn’t be as red as it is.
37% of Hispanic men voted Trump in 2016. This proves my point
Democrats still don't know how and why Trump won but they keep doing the exact same shit that got them to where they are now.
>t. shekelstein
You're a retard. It was said since the 70s in California too. And idiots denied it right up until the 90s when California became permanently spic. You're just a couple of decades behind. White population is skewed towards the elderly
so hispanics must vote democrat? How racist of you. I will return to eating my beans, and shooting guns now.
I’m Mexican and out of my entire family only myself and my sister are remotely conservative
Never these spic maggots cling to it and think they are fooling us.
>literal American citizens
And here comes Cletus with his meme flag, bringing down the average IQ worse than Jamal.
>These are observations I’ve made myself as a huwhite male living around college educated Hispanics in Texas
So, your anecdotal bullshit filtered through your own subjective cuckold lens. All real data shows the opposite.
What the fuck are you even talking about leaf?
You are seriously misinformed.
Have you even been to Texas? I’ve lived here my whole life. Tell me more about how I’m wrong.
republicans actually do pretty ok among hispanic men - its the women who skew it lower. same with niggers.
All of these typical low iq spic maggots actually think that their personal situation equates to what is going on in reality.
It does not fucking matter if your shit family is not to the left, the MAJORITY OF SPICS ARE!
Get it though your mestizo skulls, a group is defined by its majority.
I live in the south. The Mexicans integrated seamlessly here.
>Cattle/ranch culture is cattle/ranch culture wherever you are.
not a civic, but just making an honest observation.
Oh right I should fly the USA flag even though it means nothing and is not even a country at this point.
It's a question of race, hispanic is not a race, its a question of IQ, its a question of when they arrived & cultural inheritance.. It's a question of their incomes.
If Texas was an all beaner state it would be blue for eternity, and we'd be talking about the neighboring states, when they would turn blue.
After one gemeration, my sibling and I all vote red and support Trump. You underestimate conservative values intertwined within Hispanic culture.
Where do you live? This fits exactly what I said before. Second gen (if they’re not hood rats) always go conservative. I don’t really worry too much about hood rats either because they don’t vote.
37% is a staggering low percentage, you dumb fuck. That would be a landslide win for Hillary if only Hispanic men voted. Meanwhile, fewer than 1/3 white men voted for Hillary.
Stop the civic nationalist bullshit. Mexicans made California blue already.
Show me some real data then
Fuck off leaf, I know it's you under there.
Luckily for the Country we are in the California quarantine zone.
Hopefully all the Californians fleeing to Texas like me will bring this backwards state some culture. The public transportation is a shit here.
> I have became my own worst enemy
> mfw one's own delusional constructions ends up being their undoing.
Yes because even if youre telling the truth the numbers of you dont do diddly squat because too many of your own kind are still mindless Dem zombies
Show me where Texan Hispanics don’t vote conservative
Texas would not be red if Mexican Americans weren’t conservative
Those are still estimates
You fucking faggots.
Here is the easiest way to explain it.
>They are right in saying that dems are energized, but we are right in seeing that the dems are very divided, and simply dont have the same numbers repubs can vote in
>The louder dems talk about "blue wave", the more likely repubs who wouldnt vote go out and vote anyway
>Dems have no real unified message, and the numorus runoff elections show this. Repubican map was 100% with Cruz, but Democrat map was divided into ultra-left, blue-collar left, and neolib. Democrats will not get anywhere close to the same turnout
Seriously look how fucking fake those names are. Everything spelled just barely different from the norm to imply they're early 20s sjws who change the i's in their names to y's to be edgy
Democrats remind me of me when I was a child
I'd tell my mom a lie over and over to make myself look good and get off the hook to the point where I actually believed it myself
That is because you should be driving car faggot.
Oh what is that?
You are too poor to have a car, then FUCK OFF.
Even though there has truth to this the radical Mexicanos are being deported at a rapid pace ICE is literally the most remarkable government agency possibly ever created, Trump is right if we built a wall we'd experience a net population loss of about 1 million per year.
>Second gen (if they’re not hood rats) always go conservative
That's actually the opposite of what the data shows. Second generation is usually more left. It's just your own confirmation bias skewing your perceptions, because you're a shitskin loving cuckold who wants to believe the fantasy that subhuman spics are BASED.
>those m-metrics are problematic
My experience with Texan Mexicans is this: poor border jumpers and city dwellers are all about gibs. Rural and suburban Mexicans are god-fearing, gun-toting conservatives. Most of them are Scalia-esque Catholics with a hatred for niggers and socialism. All of them have jobs and pay taxes.
Maybe media should get the hint to not extrapolate guesses into truths.
I agree. But for the vast majority of Hispanics voting blue is because they are single issue voters over immigration because of either family or feeling like they have to support their own people. But this mostly applies to new immigrants and their children. Stop the flow of illegals into the country that create a wedge issue, and Hispanics turn red over time.
>Even though there has truth to this the radical Mexicanos are being deported at a rapid pace
This is false
>Polls are a better indicator than votes
Welcome to Democrat education
>muh browns
Subvert them you fucking mongs. Steal their voter bloc.
Esoteric version of this image: Hi I’m nate rust, im a huge fag who wants dems to win and cant fucking be objective to save my life but I use words like “esoteric, interpret, measures, reliable” to make people respect me though I dont deserve it.
Democrat polls are jews
I was just thinking that after reading this thread.
I live in a rural area and the Mexicans really did kind of fit right in, but then again I think they're generally from rural parts of Mexico.
(many came here in the late 90's after the corn market collapsed in Mexico due to NAFTA)
If we had barrio shits here it'd likely be a very different situation.
>Mexicanos are being deported at a rapid pace
LOL What?!!?
Good god why and how can you lie out of your sorry ass like this?
>le election fortune teller meme
Show me some data then faggot
I’m waiting for anyone to show me data.
As I said before, the population of Mexicans is too large in Texas for them not to vote for conservatives, otherwise the state House would look much different. Most Mexicans consider themselves white Ffs.
Show me some data and I’ll reconsider, but I’m sticking with my original claim.
>A little over a third of just the men voted trump, that means spics are le based conservatives
Mexico is a socialist shithole for a reason, retard. Hint: it's because of all the fucking mexicans. The only reason texas is as red as it is is because spics just can't be assed to vote at all, thankfully
Texicans=x=California wetbacks
>that #countryb4party guy
Fucking cuck, what an idiot
Why does the left always push this meme? "I grew up around guns and love them, but now I think they need to be banned" They always try to portray themselves as a former right winger, like they want to convince people to change over
Yeah why is this thread not being taken over by based tedposting? Shameful display
This is certainly happening
Show me some data
All I need to do is show you the Texas state house.
Literally reminds me of the delusional "to Latinos" thing SNL did post-2016 election:
Stay delusional. Democrats have been one election away from being unstoppable for decades now it seems, and I'm sure 2020 will once again be "the last election any party stands a chance against Democrats," just like 2008, 2012, 2016...
Actually no, his model was more or less exactly on the money for the 2016 election. On the day of the election his model said 2/3rds Clinton, 1/3rd Trump, and if you bothered to go into the weeds he was very specific that Trump getting the college while Clinton crushing the popular vote was a ‘highly likely’ result.
Nate was clear for months that if you actually honestly read the polls it was by no means a slam dunk, and he constantly criticized the NYTs for basically ignoring the polls and pretending that everything was great.
Nate has no insider information, and doesn’t pretend to. He has polls, and he’s a well trained statistician.
>Perfect example of a smart guy who lost all his talent and ability when he started seeking out the fame and fortune jew.
This is reaching. Nat Silver's popularity is due to him calling the easiest election in American History. Everybody knew Obama was going to get a 2nd term, especially with what the republicans had to offer that year. Throw him a curveball though, and he'll miss every time. Nate certainly isn't unintelligent, but he's not some sort of political savant like the left keeps pushing him as. He hasn't made a correct prediction in over 36 months.
>implying they will pay the extra shekels to alter the narrative even slightly
They're trying to win on the cheap dude.
Because too many of these fags want to deny Hispanic conservatism
Case in point:
>Democrats have been one election away from being unstoppable for decades now
That is absolutely fucking happening, you are kidding yourself if you don't think it is locked in.
It is just a matter of time.
This is exactly like those supposed disappointed "former Trump supporters" that the MSM likes to roll out. It's all part of a large propaganda campaign.
One of the smartest things said on Sup Forums in years