Would you support a Minority Report type thought police...

Would you support a Minority Report type thought police? Are the benefits of being able to stamp out degenerate thoughts before criminals act upon them worth the loss of (((creative thinkers)))?

Are you retarded?

No that's dystopian as fuck

This is a legimately decent question and its better than are slavs white threads.

opinion discarded.

>Would you support a Minority Report type thought police?


>its dystopian as fuck when there will never be another rape, school shooting, or murder
I don't understand.

Who the fuck besides a sociopath would want that? I don't even want it when my dudes are in power. I'm not RETARDED enough to think it wouldn't be used on me too..

>are slavs white

They aren't. They're barely human.

But don't you think such a system might be unfair to potential false positives? Is it really "justice" to detain and incarcerate a person based on a high probability of them committing a crime even if they haven't actually acted upon their impulse yet?


>i don't want it used on me
Then don't be a degenerate rapist thought criminal. Easy.

I guess its not so easy for (you).

I'm trying to save your fallen society ingrate.

>But don't you think such a system might be unfair to potential false positives?

Every system we currently have is unfair to potential false positives because we have no way to eliminate those. While we have no reason to assume that an MP type of system would increase false positives, we have every reason to believe it would decrease crime by an order of magnitude.

MP wins.

>they're barely human
I know, that's why those threads are useless.

Your heart is in the right place, little burgerbro, and I agree with you.

Whiter than you ahmed

Motherfucker I thought about murdering 3 hippies playing retarded music and wailing like a cat in heat on the subway last night.

We already have that , it's called
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Thought police in FULL FORCE

This is a pretty good argument. How do you respond to an argument that there would be an associated chilling effect on creative enterprises, e.g. you're going to have degenerate thoughts if you're writing/painting racey works.

Alternatively, is there any worth to society to know about historical ugly events and/or is there any worth to society of off-color artwork? Would you simply omit homosexuality in a biography of Alan Turing or would you have the author/director make the film and then shoot him because his psychology is now tainted?

But we don't have the enforcement mechanism yet. It's more like thought propaganda right now, thought police would have to involve some sort of negative reinforcement for wrongthink, not just censoring it.


isn't that what the whole "racism crime" is?

No title 7 and title 9 claims require the plaintiff to show stastical discrimination beyond 5 standard deviations, which is basically like out of 1000 employees you only have 1 black guy when blacks are 14% of the population, and then the defendant can put up evidence about how there just aren't enough eligible black employees and such.

It's only a matter of time before I Holocaust the Kikes. Try to stop me.

The holocaust isn't a real thing you massive faggot.

2/3s of Sup Forums would be arrested.

No I don't support your authoritarian nightmare

Probably a good thing.

Stop being a wrongthinking degenerate and then you can support my authoritarian utopia.

The system is guaranteed to be compromised and used as a weapon against anyone who threatens to usurp power from the political elite.

>anyone who threatens to usurp power
You mean people that are treasonous?