Daily reminder that the white race will SURVIVE.
Daily reminder that the white race will SURVIVE
It is liberal whites that will die out
Need more wholesome images.
>It is liberal whites that will die out
this, they are the ones that are anti-family and have a pitifully low birthrate (not us)
when they do die out, good riddance
we just need to make sure that (unlike boomers) we raise our kids well and make sure that liberals don't indoctrinate them and steal them from us, that's the only way they're going to get any new recruits to their civilizational death cult
Damn dude that little slut in the red dress in the front row is fuckin hot
No they won't. Allah (pbuh) as my witness the idea of "whiteness" will die.
In a Zoo somewhere in China
Not in Trudeaus Canada
oops, you missed this krautpill this morning
enjoy your permatrigger
we enjoy seeing you this assblasted
saved thanks user
But not for long le 56%
>mfw I've been fucking several bored military wives as their cucks are overseas fighting for the jews.
>this, they are the ones that are anti-family and have a pitifully low birthrate (not us)
they try to compensate by indoctrinating your children
did you read the next sentence:
>we just need to make sure that (unlike boomers) we raise our kids well and make sure that liberals don't indoctrinate them and steal them from us, that's the only way they're going to get any new recruits to their civilizational death cult
>its another mesto shit projecting his cuckhold fantasies
I'm certain it is that time of day when your local cartel decapitates an entire family in your village and makes street art with their mangled corpses.
yes, just making a the statement
Shitlibs are very open of how they use the public education system and media to brainwash children.
>Daily reminder that the white race will SURVIVE.
Daily reminder that the other races WON'T.
meanwhile in germoney
No the white race will definitely not survive I can assure you of that leaf.
checked quad quads damage
we need to:
>grow alternative media
>expose MSM
>keep creating new platforms
>drive people from the censored platforms to the uncensored ones
>homeschool / private school as much as possible
>defund universities (nothing more than liberal indoctrination camps / adult-child daycare centers now)
>expose the insanity in the curriculum
daily reminder that this kills the white race
You were posting anti-race mixing shit the other day
What happened?
daily reminder that, that is not even in the same dimension on killing anything other than that girl of aids.
>picture vs Pew Research Data
too easy
women elected Trump
and white women are more attracted to white men than any other race of women are attracted to their own men
white women are hyper-loyal, they put women of other races to shame
lots of whining but no real arguments
neck yourself, cucks
>all this wh*Te delusion itt
Reminder that BLACK Kings and Queens could sexually obliterate Earth while wh*Tes are too busy pampering their dogs and getting knocked up by superior BLACK GODS
haha exposed
i think that white women are just starting to prefer other races of men over us, especially black men, as we're fucking weak and ugly compared to them
what i wanna say to you is that the data you're using is, i think, a little bit outdated
we white males are just pathetic
Do you have any arguments to counter election data and Pew Research Data, other than posting screencaps of individual social media profiles?
Do you have any data with a sample size larger than 1 person? Christ
>More states of blue than red
Just let it go, OP. You can put pussy on a pedestal.
>they are the ones that are anti-family and have a pitifully low birthrate (not us)
t. Virgin chink
i've already refuted that argument, leaf
you're pathetic
hey retard
look at the image 2nd down from the right
>non-hispanic White female
>majority of states are red
you're having a hard time tonight huh?
>no real arguments
Really? I mean, getting a few images of shit women with low self esteem and shit for brains really does make for a great argument from you lad.
Totally blacked is a dream you will never achieve, no self respecting woman would fuck a nigger or go for an ape looking creature.
if the white race will SURVIVE, then I guess it doesn't matter if I get a qt Jap gf then?
you're delusional, pathetic and pitiful
>you calling anyone else pathetic
>no refutation provided
>not an argument
how does it feel to lose this badly?
have any more anecdotal pictures you'd like to share?
They only win if we allow them to
This is why leafs shouldnt be allowed to post on this website.
u mad
what are you even talking about?
anyway now i have lots of things to do IRL unlike you cucks so i must leave here
keep posting bullshits all day, you fucking leaf
yeah they're just the worst
>how will you ever recover?
Every white man's goal should be to be that grandpa
fuck off brit
and this will be my last post
enjoy browsing all day a fucking anonymous website, loser
>anyway now i have lots of things to do IRL
we all believe you, we really do
>runs into pro-white thread like a retard
>posts BLACKED pics
>met with Pew Research Data & election data he can't refute
>posts a couple more retard pics
>storms out
>and this will be my last post
good riddance don't come back
have fun on tumblr
Tell me leaf how is the white race going to survive with all the things happening to it every year?
way to make a point OP! Now, how about you fuck off to the land of "i am right because i am" and stfu.
Really, you are as intelligent as you can be with the little grey matter you were provided.
You should stop and move on before you an hero.
>when not being White triggers you so hard you have to attack other people for being smarter, better looking, taller, and stronger
The based Japs are the only ones who are proud of their race
what things? you mean Brexit, Trump, Salvini being the new leader of Italy, Kurtz the new chancellor of Austria, the overton window rapidly shifting to the right? things are going pretty well
That’s so obviously a larp you don’t say allah (pbuh) nothing bad ever happened to allah
We'll rape your women and destroy yours churchs. Be preparated!
>haha ich bin so WOKE
neck yourself roastie
That is one muslim told to me. I killed him.
you do you man I don't care
reminder that this
kills the shill
May I call myself as a white people?
Translation ?
boy, you don't even know what that word means
>pitifully low birthrate (not us)
Friendly reminder 99% of Sup Forums have 0% birthrate
a qt white person at that!
>have lots of things to do IRL
yeah, the line at starbucks is growing
This is a great way to weed out the bad wombs, why would anyone would want to impregnate that woman after being blacked is beyond me.
Like I said, OKCupid and 2009.
The sexual revolution of the BBC happened just after that date!
How about the massive number of non whites in every country that will refuse to leave or are already 2nd or 3rd gen so cant be sent back, or how about the opposition from most of the government against nationalistic movements,or the massive control the media exert against such movements,the jewish control of most of the economy and schools, the refusal or outright attack of some white men against nationalistic groups,the refusal of white women to back white men in this issue, the attack against white men from everybody including white women, the low number of children per white family, the lack of motivation for large segments of white men to fight, the ever increasing racemixing and mixed children. Tell me how is it in your opinion that the white race isnt dying?
It will survive from the wombs of Asian girls.
What we must fight for is to safeguard the existence and reproduction of our men and Asian wives, the chastity of our daughters and the strength of our sons, the freedom and independence of the homeland, so that our families may prosper for the fulfillment of the mission allotted them by the Creator of the universe, Jesus Christ. Every thought and every idea, every doctrine and all knowledge, must serve this purpose. And everything must be examined from this point of view and used or rejected according to its utility.
"I would rather have 10 big black cocks than 1 micro penis of an AFD voter" based on what I can remember
Lets try the other way around, lets get the MMA champ to beat the shit out of that retarded illiterate fool in an MMA match and not a boxing one. Lets see how that goes...
Oh wait the nigger does not want to? why? he could train MMA and then fight even if it is not his thing... Ah!
Don't expect me to be apart of that
Mashallah my BLACK brother!
what sort of fucking faggot sits here and posts this garbage
It will only survive from between the milky thighs of Asian girls. White women don't have children.
Brit niggers are going in the fertiliser grinder