French Feminists raising AOC to 15

France to set age of consent at 15 following rape outcry

>France is to change its laws so that sex with anyone under the age of 15 is automatically treated as rape, following a recent public outcry over two cases involving 11-year-old girls.

>Announcing the plan yesterday, the country’s Equality Minister Marlene Schiappa said the government had decided to introduce a minimum age of consent at the recommendation of a panel of experts and after public consultations.

>Under current laws in France, any sexual act between an adult and a minor younger than 15 can be prosecuted as a sexual offence, but the prosecutor must prove that it was non-consensual.

>“The new law would put the onus on the adult to prove the minor gave consent, instead of expecting the victim to prove they were coerced, threatened or surprised,” says The Independent.

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What shocks me more is how long frogs let people rape their children

>11 year old “consenting” to sex

Pro tip: kids, especially 11 year old girls, are not sexually developed adults. They were psychologically manipulated into performing sexual acts, and raped. Anyone who has a daughter knows normal 11 year olds do not have the capacity to consent to sex, nor do they desire it.
>inb4 30 Muhammads and pedos get buttmad about this

too late
halal is forever

Fuck off puritan christkike faggot

15 years old are ready to be mothers, wifes, women.
You're just cucks that reject tradionalist values and prefer an used up 20 something whore.
Enjoy shaming "pedos" like me.
Enjoy your used up whores.

that's a cool painting

at least post the articles about this, they're hilarious. 11 year old sluts and some horny french frogs make for a kek-worthy combo:
>"He told her that he would “teach her how to kiss.”
That's how a 28-year-old man lured an 11-year-old child back to his apartment when the pair met in April. The man had approached the girl twice before. This time, she followed him back to his home in a Paris suburb. Once inside, the pair had sex in a stairwell.
Afterward, the girl told her parents, who went to the police. The man, they said, had raped their daughter. But this week, French prosecutors declined to charge the man with that crime. They had no evidence, they said, that he had been violent or that he'd constrained the girl or threatened her. And under French law, that means the girl had “consented” to sex."
>“She was 11 years and 10 months old, so nearly 12 years old. It changes the story,” defence lawyer Marc Goudarzian said on Tuesday. “So she is not a child.”

This post alone should convince you to become Christian

fucking old haggard roasties are angry nobody wants to fuck their old blown out beef flaps

we only want young fresh pussy not ones that accepted 200 dicks