Nuke us already
Nuke us already
Should have listened to Franklin, Britshits. He literally tried to save you.
>MOPAC’s figures showed startling rises in several crime types over 2017, which saw 80 people stabbed to death amid concerns about acid attacks and violent robberies in the capital.
>Homicide increased by a third to 137 murders, all knife crimes were up more than a quarter to more than 14,500 incidents that saw 2,000 victims under the age of 25 injured.
>Personal robbery increased by 40 per cent, theft from the person a third and Islamophobic hate crime by 39 per cent to 1,678 recorded incidents.
i just, can't figure out why its happening. Lets get sherlock holmes on this one..
How do you kill the dead?
Say what you want about the burger cops, but at least they're redpilled on niggers. Bong cops sound so utterly incompetent that it's almost as if they're just a glorified Neighborhood Watch group.
Two possible reasons: curryniggers, or the fact that everything is rape now.
I found the problem
And you know the reason I presume?
There hasn't been an influx of currymen nor has there been any change to rape laws over the past 12 months as far as I know.
They don't know that fuzzlums are raping white women and children? How about you nuke yourselves. I have no respect for England, or for Great Britain for that matter. In fact, all of Europe can go fuck itself.
Fucking white cishet males, its time to round up and deport all of them.
nothing bad has ever happened to a nation that could not acknowledge reality. go to sleep goy.
>acid attacks
I don't know, it's like I only know of on class of people who do these...
Because if there's just a hint of suspicion they said something even remotely racist they'll lose their job, that's what we've become thanks to you and the EU
is your police force in a contest to be worse than ours
they've chosen a creative path to victory at least, our cops just do the obvious thing of shooting you to death whereas yours ride about in toy cars painted rainbow colors arresting those that insult the name of the prophet
I've read the few articles out there on this story, and there's no evidence that it's due to immigrants (or anyone else in particular). The total number of actual rapes may have gone down, but with the #metoo movements, the reported rapes have gone dramatically up. We just don't know.
You guys are just full of shit and have no basis for drawing any conclusions whatsoever.
>How do you kill the dead?
>they're just a glorified Neighborhood Watch group.
where the fuck is scotland yard in all this?
>homicide up by a third
>knife attacks up by a quarter
>40% more robbery
>more people getting mad at muslims and retaliating
All the information is here, Leaf, you are just too blind or cucked to see it.
Clearly Dr. W., it is due to white people, whom took away the jobs of african britainians, thus makign the poor fellows have to turn to crime to buy the shiny things they require.
They know, they also know that if they say anything they'll be out of a job.
pls dont fucking tell me they made nigglock holmes
Just 20?
Sherlock Homeboy
This desu, for years now the population of "asians" arabs and africans in London has been increasing as they drive out and replace the white rapists but for some reason the remaining east asians and white males just keep on raping more and more each year.
There's not enough Muslims. Import more.
They know exactly why this is happening.
>no good reason
EXPOSE THEM! This is the only way to end it. Send out leaflets with only these 4 words.
>when u are disqualified from driving and have no good reason to own tools
And my retarded countryman want to enter in EU
Poor bongs. How inbred are you? Don’t hurt yourself trying to figure this one out.
20% isn't really that bad, tbqhwymd. You can literally frame anything in a negative light and make it seem worse than it is. And how much better our economy doing now with sudden injection of new dreamers?
Massive faggotry. So what about the violence and robberies?
Hate speech laws are a thing in the UK. If they speak up they risk losing their jobs.
Hundreds of little girls getting railed by muzz, and the only people put in jail was that person who left a sandwich in front of a Mosque (and he got murdered in jail, btw).
Large parts of the Uk are so fucked up now you wouldn't believe it until you see it with your own eyes
5 words.
I live in London you leaf faggot, and it can't be White English people committing all this crime because there isn't any fucking White English people living here.
5 words.
There was a "rape" case recently involving two "French"
28-year-old man lured an 11-year-old child back to his apartment when the pair met in April. The man had approached the girl twice before. This time, she followed him back to his home in a Paris suburb. Once inside, the pair had sex in a stairwell.
Afterward, the girl told her parents, who went to the police. The man, they said, had raped their daughter. But this week, French prosecutors declined to charge the man with that crime. They had no evidence, they said, that he had been violent or that he'd constrained the girl or threatened her. And under French law, that means the girl had “consented” to sex."
nukes cost you should pay for it
Everything is the fault of the USA, brits dindu nuffin.
137 murders is less than the average 500,000 population burger city
Pay denbts