Should obesity become a crime?
Should obesity become a crime?
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Based braphog.
Thats stupid but perhaps they should be institutionalised for a time while on a waterdiet while fixing their gut microbes.
People who are fat or obese should be heavily taxed for being a burden on society. Those who enable them should also face punishment.
No but discouraged
why did she do this to herself?
nah obesity shouldn't be a crime, but if you're caught gaining a ton of fat then you should be put in rehab/monitored diet
Obesity is terrible for health, the #1 cause of death in Burgerland, drains health care money from the public coffers, harms the health of children and growing fetuses, depresses and demotivates men, and makes us weak and lazy.
Honestly I would like to treat it similarly to other so-called victimless crimes which are harmful to self, family, and society, such as drug use and smoking. Keep it technically legal, but discourage it on several fronts: Limit access, especially for children; restrict advertising and publish nutrition content; shame it socially (but also praise those who resist it); arrange society in a way that encourages more exercise and outdoor living; and publicly denounce it as what it is, the sin of sloth and greed encouraged upon us by consumerism.
No, it's just a slower form of suicide. Killing yourself shouldn't be illegal, it's Darwinism.
Since I'm not fat anymore, yes.
>When the sign says "Unlimited Pasta" and you say "Challenge accepted..." 6 nights per week
She's actually hotter fat.
Obesity should negate someone from having public health services. It’s the same as intentionally harming yourself and using tax payer money to solve a symptom without offering a solution to the problems.
33% of people in America are obese. Does it really matter if they cease to exist if they can’t afford medical bills for their poor life choices?
Insulin alone went up more than 3x in terms of its average price over the past 10. And obesity contributes to overexpenditures of public funds draining the economy over that of welfare.
who is that? her history? did she gain weight to please chubby chasers?
>10 years
>He wants people this stupid to live longer
But it's a form of suicide that includes: Eating 3 times as much as everyone else, and reproducing & creating fat offspring which will repeat the cycle.
Thank God food is expensive
"Cletus, someone found Bessie, get the truck Son and go pick her up, bring her back to the milking barn"
Yes. They should have to pay a fine or be sent to fat camps. Those fuckers mess with everyone's healthcare.
People should be free to bear the consequences of their actions.
Yeah and you pay for it through medicare, fucking idiot.
If you are obese you have 6 months to show a marked reduction in weight. If you don't return to a normal weight or if you are not losing then you are denied all public forms of aid. You show yourself to be irresponsible when eating and controlling your money and you are a huge burden to the healthcare system; driving cost up. Even those with "thyroid problems" are not excluded. The difference between a healthy thyroid and a fucked up one is about 250 calories a day.
No, definitely laughed at though
Nope. Only those eligible.
Remind me though, how long the typical waiting list is in the EU for a broken bone?
Look at those fat tits and flabby legs. It was bound to happen. It's only the speed at which that is startling.
But yes it should OP. Good health should be incentivized or at least forced on children more than we do. I think I had 2 total semester of PE in high school and health class was just a time to scare kids away from sex and STDs.
If you're going to have a government this is the only way to combat the "fat cunt" problems.
Only trouble is , all governments seem to encourage these lard beasts.
"I wash myself in a rag on a stick."
kill yourself you arab fuck
whatchu gona do?
ban food?
>Should obesity become a crime?
Im 289 pounds at 6"8... Fucking try and stop me
Mental health issues are always at fault when someone becomes fat. When people are still skinny and they reach the point when they start having beer gut or some other signs of obesity they either know it's time to stop or they don't give a fuck anymore and just keep eating despite knowing what will happen to them.
Then when they're finally morbidly obese they either come into their senses or start telling themselves beautiful at every size.
Worked for you didn't it
Just make public benches and chairs smaller they'll melt like ice cream.
>"In the UK, the rich get the same treatment as the poor."
>Not acknowledging that just means everyone gets shitty, inefficient healthcare
>You have to be taxed out of your crumpet hole for it
Go eat a biscuit and drink your tea. UK is 2nd fattest nation on Earth - daily reminder.
Indeed they should. Or pay for their own healthcare. I've heard on the Greg Gutfeld show they don't operate on obese people or smokers unless they quit their toxic habits for a few weeks. Universal healthcare leads to that kind of crap.
Send all the Fatties to North Korea
>2 years
Jesus Christ that's a fucking eating disorder right there.
I legitimately haven't done any exercise in almost a year and the only noticeable difference is that I no longer have a visible 6 pack. It's not hard to eat at maintenance.
Muhammad loves her girls young and chunky just like ishia
>start denying healthcare benefits to fatties.
>introduce a fat tax
>introduce tax benefits for being fit
>sit back and watch all the fatties throw very lazy temper tantrums
Yes and it is because of the NHS and easy access to food.
These fat cunts have nothing stopping them eating 10 burgers a day and then having free healthcare pay for their ambulance rides after their almost certain heart attack.
I agree , the UK is full of a bunch of fat fucks , just as bad if not worse as the USA but that doesn't change my point.
I love this shit.. why would I want to stop someone from committing oral suicide? I must admit that I have started to become a real fan of eugenics. Self eugenics is even better.
Obesity should be illegal where we send them to deat- I mean fat camps to force them to eat healthy. If not we ga- I mean jail them for the rest of their lives till they are not fat
>Grumpf issuing fat tax
Now that would be funny.
Like hostile design but instead of hobos it's for people who actually deserve it.
Because we pay out the ass for medicaid, you don't realise how much these land whales actually cost tax payers.
Forgot to add. I think Trumps plan to change the EBT system to healthy food boxes is bad.. I love seeing the products of it's results as people kill themselves one artery at a time.
This is true for now. The pendulum is swinging. The last age is over. The liberals will do anything to cling to power. Anything. The school shootings will increase. Nigs are gonna soon nog harder than ever. Be ready for the death throes.
the images are reversed. she lost weight
she would be if you set her on fire
Incorrect, if so she would have stretchmarks and flabs of skin still visable.
Pot smokers, drunks, speeders, drug users, the suicidal. Stupid fucks that dont get regular check ups and let their cancer grow to million dollar treatments, criminals, prisoners etc all a drain. We pay for mental health for the abused, needles for junkies, sex changes and ancient immigrants at deaths door who have had zero care. We pay for birth contro,l abortions, std treatments and boner pills. If people want to be fat its their business.
>tax for being a burden to society
Nigs, trans and muslims would have to be taxed too
Lol .. did you not see my flag? I know what it costs, confederate bro.. It doesn't bother me in the least.. The only way to kill the beast is to starve it to death.. The more and more the left steals from the tax payers the better, especially when the result is so right in your face in the form of a massively obese parasite.
It will swing back only after it topples over.
>stretchmarks and loose skin
>almost completely covered in a dress
Each Skyline chili hot dog is roughly 300 calories. They're eating over a full day's worth in one sitting
You should be able to section fatties the same way you can with addicts.
Fat people are at higher risk of having medical problems and use healthcare services more often, so they should be forced to pay higher insurance while those who are of healthy weight should pay lower insurance.
Why should I pay more because you're a fat disgusting fuck with no self control?
The flabs would be visable retard, you should know with your maple syrup only diets
Whenever I see these pictures I can't help but wonder what caused the change. Psychological problems? I doubt fat feminists pushed her to become a whale.
I feel for this qt3.14
If you live in a country with nationalized health care, It's shocking to me that the govt allows smoking, drinking, and fast food to exist at all.
If you bring this up to healthcare provders they get hilarious cognitive dissonance because they can't parse that nationalised healthcare is retarded, impossible to fund properly, and hypocritical -or- it has to start infringing on freedoms by its very nature to encourage a healthier populace.
Very amusing topic, indeed.
It sort of is. There's an unspoken thing where NHS GP's won't refer fatfucks to certain private hospitals that do surgeries for them. They don't want anyone who won't do the physical therapy afterwards so they can mark it down as a success. I think health insurance is more costly and if not it should be.
Trouble is they still cost the NHS a fortune with wasted treatments on ailments caused by their greed. A very few have medical conditions but most just won't stop stuffing their faces & get some exercise.
I get to hate them more than most because I used to be fat. Switched to a healthy diet & used cardio then weight training to drop 95 pounds. No fucking gym vouchers, no help from anyone.
I guess i'm stupid enough to think it could be fixed somewhat , i will never understand how people don't feel shame for abusing these systems funded by tax payers and peoples labour as well.
Hauling around fat fucks all day as nurses must fucking suck.
no, let natural selection work
we don't want everyone to find out how OP exercising is when it comes to getting laid and social status
is that cheese or noodles on the hotdogs?
God damn it that looks good.
What’s up with Mr. No Cheese in the corner there though?
Because they dont treat the problem in western medicine.. they give you 12 different pills, some of them to counter the effects of the other pills.. It's money on top of money .. I wonder who it is that sets the western medical practices.. could it be the same people that own the pharmaceutical companies? hmmm also the same people that own the food companies.. that create the problems in the first place.. I wonder who these conglomerates are.. it's a real mystery ..
hes a nig
stupid brit its cheese
140lbs of weight gain in two years. 70lbs a year.
That's almost six pounds gained a month.
If you're gaining six pounds a month, what is in your diet? This is not a 'glandular' or a 'hormone' problem. This is eating more food than you need. So what food is this woman eating in order to gain six pounds a month.
In the UK everything is a crime so why not?
No but they should lose health benefits. Obamacare enables this shit because "muh pre-existing conditions" so they get cheap drugs and continue to be pieces of shit while everyone else has to double their health insurance payments.
oil/fats .. if you took a blood sample and let it settle you would see the layers of oil floating on top.
I would go back in time and fuck her old self.
I don’t believe that’s he same bitch
In here we call it beer muscle lol
A pound is 3500 calories and I'd wager the average inactive person probably burns 2000-2500 calories a day by doing nothing. She'd need a surplus of 700 calories a day. It's actually very easy to get fat. That's why we have so many fat people in the West. People are lazy and don't monitor their intake. Eating at a deficit is hard on the mind if you don't have the self-discipline to exercise and eat less.
Skyline 5 way, avoid at all costs unless you enjoy hershey squirts the remainder of the day./.
That would just increase the cost of maintain a 50% obese population.
>biggers jails
>biggers police cars
>police cranes
>police wall removers
Its a stupid idea. We should outlaw laws desu
Not a crime. Let them kill themselves.
It can't be....
Yes, and sent to concentration camps
Pretty much, why do we keep feeding these monsters?
It is she's doing it on purpose. It's a degenerate fetish
lol at the mental illness.
No it's how (((they))) stay in business
She was gross at 125 too
It would be a crime at the point when they still can walk and fit into normal car. Extreme cases would be rare. And in jail, you have them diet and maintain form for years while working some more or less heavy labor job, before set them free.
Or... maybe... could it be the government that pays all the unions and these companies and creates monopolies because they have a unified, national healthcare program?
Exactly, put them on a bike with a generator to make electricity or something.
It is in Japan.
>To reach its goals of shrinking the overweight population by 10 percent over the next four years and 25 percent over the next seven years, the government will impose financial penalties on companies and local governments that fail to meet specific targets.
Why is Japan always so fucking BASED?
Further, who prescribes the pills? Doctors paid by who? The government. Hmmmmmm
I don't think so. You can spend your money on all the food you fucking want, I don't give a shit. Fat people don't often commit crimes anyway because they can hardly walk. But is it degenerate? Of course it is, it makes society look awful.
Being obese is completely fine in a society without national healthcare.
I also wonder whatever someone got fat on whenever I see a fatty. Alcohol? Ice cream? Skipping breakfast?
Have you seen all the outrage about Cancer Research's 'obesity is a cause of cancer' campgaign? Our population is fucking retarded.