Which mbti personalities make a great MC? and which is yours?

Which mbti personalities make a great MC? and which is yours?

youre a big five

tfw INFJ
tfw INFJ protagonists are nonexistent

ENFPs are allegedly the most common anime protagonist type.

Nice resolution dipshit can barely make out the characters let alone the text.

most of the time I got INFP but sometimes INFJ
it's hard to know which one I am
and yeah, INFJ protagonist are rare
I think they would be a very interesting one though


Here goes
though this one are slightly different

>tfw ENTJ
>tfw always get something good one way or the other

Imagine being one of those types that get all the shitty side characters and expendable masses.

Are there any ENTJ in fiction that are not evil?The ENTJ protagonist is virtually non-existent unless it is the stronk independent womin archetype.

they all did nothing wrong