Which mbti personalities make a great MC? and which is yours?

Which mbti personalities make a great MC? and which is yours?

youre a big five

tfw INFJ
tfw INFJ protagonists are nonexistent

ENFPs are allegedly the most common anime protagonist type.

Nice resolution dipshit can barely make out the characters let alone the text.

most of the time I got INFP but sometimes INFJ
it's hard to know which one I am
and yeah, INFJ protagonist are rare
I think they would be a very interesting one though


Here goes
though this one are slightly different

>tfw ENTJ
>tfw always get something good one way or the other

Imagine being one of those types that get all the shitty side characters and expendable masses.

Are there any ENTJ in fiction that are not evil?The ENTJ protagonist is virtually non-existent unless it is the stronk independent womin archetype.

they all did nothing wrong

Well, there's Light, but he's (mostly seen as) evil. Good ENTJs don't really exist when "good" is considered to be someone like Touma or Shirou. Can't have that kind of white and black morality and have a good ENTJ.

I'm sure there's like a cop or submarine movie where the boss is entj. But anime? Be damned if I know.

>Rei Clone

yeah, that's weird, Rei is much closer to ISTJ if anything

xNTJ protagonists are hard to write, because nips use themselves as reference for characters and as a result create beta characters. creating accurate characters which are not only alpha males but operating at peak mental performance would be too difficult

I am a rei clone

What MBTI type is you're waifu?


>ENFPs are allegedly the most common anime protagonist type.

Why is that? Isn't this personally type rare?

It's a horoscope for people too intelligent for horoscopes.

Answer the test as if you were you're waifu and post results

Alleged by whom?
It doesn't sound particularly true to me.

nipah represent

High functioning INTJ here. INTJ's and ENTJ's usually make good MCs as they usually get shit done.

ExTPs are the best protagonists.

It's because its probably the most "expressive" or convienent for the story. You need extroverted characters to introduce new ones, and having someone who "goes with the flow" and in touch with their emotional side has its benefits when compared to someone brooding and analytical.

INFJ is the rarest.

>tfw jaded, masochistic SFJ
I seriously hope none of you understand this pain

ENTJ Chad coming in

Which one?

Fuck, didn't realize i was a moeblob.

Hello my fellow INFP


INTP, but sometimes I get INFJ depending on my mood.


I had to double check if any of the personality types had "look at me". Not surprised that it did.

I don't think ENFP is a very rare type. I'm pretty sure it's middle of the road in frequency.

>tfw ISTJ
No good MCs here. Also what said.

My wife's a ENFJ-A. I'm ENTJ-A.
Is it a nice pairing?

MBTI pairing charts are like D&D offspring charts where ENTJs are the dragons.

Isn't ENFJ supposed to be one of the most feminine types?

My wife is the ENFJ one.

Will extroverts and introverts ever understand each other?


She's not even tsundere

For me, it's ESTP

How's your sense of humor

Larry Wall is INFP, he's a pretty cool guy

Extroverts and introverts are supposed to be pretty compatible. I'm an INTJ and my sibling is ENFP, I kind of prefer being around someone like them and being a conversation sponge instead of awkwardly attempting to interact with another introvert

Just remember that the pure introvert or extrovert doesn't exist in reality; we're basically a mix between the two, with a relative preponderance of extraversion over introversion or vice versa.

Serval is a pure extrovert.

Is that a kemono?

>Pure introvert

I'm INTP with ENTP leanings
And I wanna marry Haruhi

Just like me

>Light is ENTJ
>Lelouche is INTJ
hmmm what?

There is no time to explain. Post you're type and you're waifu!


Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor? Yep, that's me, the INTJ master race.

the best is OWMS


Good post


ESTP and ISTJ are the only good ones.



Look into cognitive functions and it'll make more sense.

xNTJ bros report in,
its time to take over this thread, and soon, the world

INFJ with INFP waifu.


>Rei clone


INTJ, Intelligent, Nihilistic, with a wicked sense of humor

This is why I am jealous of Entj. I am an intj but that means nothing when the I basically means you're an autist.


Is there anything better than cool beauty?

Intj here. What type would my waifu Gasai Yuno be?

> Soul
> Rei clone
Fucking what?




INTJ-a 1w9 masterrace


Shounen hero and/or Genki girl
Long haired ojou chicks who wield katanas, or samurai
Supporting background character
Seinen hero or "The world has too much suffering so I'll force everyone into an illusion of bliss" villain
Edgy rival the shounen hero has homolust for, may or may not be healed by the sweethess of an innocent child. Popular shoujo love interest.
Gadget/Mechanic girl
Mysterious guy who seems dangerous but is actually on the good guys side
Yamato nadeshiko or Harem MC
Male love interest of tsundere girl, chill smart kinda lazy guy who kicks ass when pushed
Crazy psycho who is obsessed with fighting strong opponents
Somewhat more benevolent version of the former, or slut/hentai heroine. May be a shoujo bully.
Smarmy BBEG's morally ambiguous henchman. Nobody knows what side he's on.
Most tsunderes
I got nuffin
Pervert mentor or sweet mother tragically killed early on

she's ESFJ


I am an ENFP, that makes me a shonen protagonist right?

Yuno is an unhealthy INFJ


Pssht, let's not go nuts here loser. Just stay out of my way.



what does the -A mean, i'm an ENFJ-A too

Mob is a cute INFP

So many INFJ anons in this thread!

I thought I was all alone.


ESTJ but male, what does that make me

I'm not a bully, you asshole.

Anyone whose MBTI starts with an E needs to leave

INTP btw

>Yamato nadeshiko or Harem MC
But that's a lie

INFP/INTP here. The more I think about it the more I can sort of relate with Shion.

Try to make me leave, scaredy cat.

A belligerent, bull headed, short tempered, mean spirited, domineering, micromanaging, boorish asshole who thinks he knows everything and wants to be King Hitler of the group

Fuck you

Just stick with one and call it a day.

Did you just say Shion!?

Introvert =/= Asocial sperglord

Extrovert =/= Normie

If you like being alone, you're an introvert. Nothing more. Autism and social awkwardness do not an introvert make. See: every raging spazz everyone makes fun of and he doesn't realize it.