>the city of San Francisco
"More residents are leaving San Francisco than any other US city"
article: archive.is
>the city of San Francisco
"More residents are leaving San Francisco than any other US city"
article: archive.is
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Fucking good. Assholes needed to never come in the first place. There are more transplants than native SF people right now. Stop sending people here and stay out, faggots.
i think this picture says a lot about the current state of things in the "Golden City"
Because no one can afford to live there.
every city in california youre paying 6 times as much for mortage or rent as we do here in El Paso texas. fuck that expensive state the only great thing about it is the weather , thats it
In all honesty, if you ever visited and traveled silicon valley, you'd never believe it was the heart of technology. Everything is ran the fuck down and dingy. The oldest cars you'll ever see because you are tax'd on your car's value every year. Everyone is a cheap ass. Food quality in SF is abysmal [leases too high] to produce quality affordable food. Illegals are used for everything to keep costs down : car washes, janitors, dish washers, cooks, landscapers. Homeless everywhere. Trash. Run down buildings. Airport seems thirld world especially sanjose. They didn't even have terminals for the longest time. Literally put one of those staircases up to planes coming/going. Rent's insane for dingy ass old apartments w/ appliances from the 80s due to chink landlords hoping to grab every penny they can.
Ranked worst in quality of living :
Silicon valley elites are already forming strategies on how to get the fuck out of dodge before their pleb employees catch on :
Meanwhile, the most retarded people ever run the local/state government. Trillion dollar GDP and it feels like a 3rd world brazil
At least he still has his white privilege.
what do you think San Francisco will be like in 10 years? Detroit 2.0? Even more destitute? Will things start to improve as more people leave? These are the things I'm curious about. It's a first-hand look at what the combination of ultra-progressivism/unchecked illegal immigration/foreign influence (aka asian landlords) does to a city over time.
>native SF people
There are only three kinds of 'native' SF people and not a single one is worth a shit
1. Deadbeats in rent controlled apartments since the 70s on government assistance
2. Niggers in the free public housing shit area nobody else goes into
3. Lifetime homeless bums
Which one are you?
San Francisco is a shithole
We had a contract working for the city for three months.
All three of our work vans were broken into and everyones personal car had a window smashed as well.
Fuck this shithole.
youll be driving a reinforced mad max jalopy through bay area Danger Zones
i went to sf twice and it was the worst time of my life both times. the stories are nightmarish
lol, that's because SF basically made it not even a crime to steal shit less than 1000 bucks.
Property crime SKYROCKETED
Now they're giving press conferences trying to 'figure out a solution' - addressing 'mental health' etc. Nobody willing to admit that these idiots created the issue with Proposition 47. SF now has the highest property crime rate per capita in the entire nation.
Do not drive a car into SF. It WILL get broken into.
San Francisco and silicon valley is a shadow government ploy designed to keep intelligent tech people bonded in debt. The last thing we need is these people saving up their massive salaries and retiring early.
There is zero rational reason for a business to operate in San Francisco. Their product is highly mobile and isn't reliant on port or infrastructure. They expect you to believe that these tech companies willingly choose to locate in a place where the rent costs (and therefore salaries) are through the roof.
The real reason is that venture capital is located here. The only reason venture capital would be stuck in a single place is if someone was forcing it there contrary to rational market forces. Real VC goes wherever opportunity is.
Many of the homeless are transplants.
It's the same here in Germany, but it's Munich. Ironically, also for Munich the Semiconductor Industry is pushing the salaries and rents through the roof.
People go there because they can earn 4k net, but have to pay 3k for rent. They have a shitty quality in the appartments, because no landlord has to upgrade shit (let's say nice bath, or kitchen) to get someone to rent it.
As soon as you move in an area where 80% of people have high salaries, you have no benefit anymore. You have no edge over your competition anymore. It should be clear to everyone. I agree it's a government scheme. They want to keep you working until you are 70.
I also have a relatively high wage but look, I cannot afford big holidays, I live in a shitty 56sqm appartment and have a really shitty kitchen and bath (except for my Vitamix blender).
The worst thing is, even all other things in the city offer you a shit quality because they have to spend most of their gross for rent. Shitty food, shitty service everywhere because they have to exploit all work force they can get, shitty stores which sell shitty overpriced items so they can stay alive. I go to the city, get something to eat: Terribly expensive, live cooking done with a $10 camping cooker for 120 Euros. Then after dinner I go to a store to get some Matcha Latte, it's terrible with as little Matcha powder as you can use, still saying it's a Matcha latte.
It's a big scam senpai.
And here my wife and I are, considering moving there...
Hopefully the real estate market crashes hard before we actually take the plunge.
>considering moving to SF after the year 1960
It's been faggy since the 60s user
SF and the bay area will see a momentary dip in real estate values as housing supply outstrips demand.
From there, either one of two things will happen:
>Outcome A:
>The dip in real estate prices in the city means that the upper middle class folks currently living in the East Bay or the South Bay jump on the opportunity to end their shitty commutes and move into the city for good. This is especially appealing for empty-nester boomers looking to downsize and have cool places to spend their healthy 401k-bux on good food, coffee, etc while having easy access to public transit. You might also see increasingly childless millennials as well among the ranks of folks taking advantage of momentarily "cheap" SF rents. Either way, the market dips for a few years as poor demand and high supply drives increased turnover of the existing stock, until things settle out to more or less where they were 10 years ago in a decade or so.
>Option B:
>The drop in rents mean that the marginal neighborhoods get more marginal as landlords start accepting more Section 8 and the city builds more subsidized housing, etc. You aren't going to see projects on Telegraph Hill or the Presidio anytime soon, but the over-valued neighborhoods on the fringes revert to slums as the brown wave of low-IQ human feces overwhelms them, and the increased crime means that real estate prices elsewhere never recover as white flight to Palo Alto, the East Bay, Sausalito, and Austin/Portland OR/Denver kicks up a few notches. SF doesn't look like Detroit or Baltimore, at least not in the next couple decades, but it sure as hell could look like DC, Houston, or San Antonio pretty quickly.
Stay away from Texas, we don't want you fucks.
This. Californians out, Mexicans in!
>Californians move to Texas
>all the faggots in California left
>now California is ripe for the white ethnostate creation
In all seriousness faggot Californians should fuck off but still
>only great thing about it is the weather , thats it
Like Hawaii
>be me
>go to Hawaii
>yeah the scenery is nice
>around the tourist locations
>otherwise it is peopled with homeless
>racist tub of lard natives
>who hate whites even though Japs own everything
>meth fucking everywhere
>only nice parts were around where the military lived
Mexicans out too
I would think Texas summers are too hot for Califags. I know they shit up Portland pretty bad.
I'm not a huge fan of fags myself, but at least they keep their neighborhoods more or less crime-free, and they tend to have spot-on taste in food, coffee, etc. We currently live in Baltimore, and I'll take fags over niggers any day of the week.
Hell, niggers make even spics look appealing in comparison. At least spics have the intelligence to into basic entrepreneurship like starting restaurants, corner stores, etc, and they are capable of cooking food that I actually enjoy eating, unlike niggers where they best they can manage is overcooked, over-seasoned fried chicken or fish served in a restaurant that looks like it was designed and built by elementary schoolers where half the menu is unavailable because the sidewalk monkey that runs it either didn't pay his bills or forgot to order more whatever from the wholesalers.
Hawaii is a meme
>some fat el goblino playing a ukelele
>natives are actually violent fucks
>coconuts and pineapples on every food item in the tourist traps
>full of gooks
>"muh Pearl Harbor"
This will never be blamed on the left.
And the leftist idiots leaving, will not realize that their fucked policies have destroyed California, and will bring them and push them wherever the fuck they move to.
They are cancer, and need to be eradicated if this nation is to survive
I had a much better time in French Polynesia.
This guy gets it. San Francisco and the bay area are far too cool, both geologically and in terms of the built environment, to allow them to fall to the brown hordes. The Northwest Front begins at Monterey Bay.
Every faggot in their 20s saw the social network movie, spent all their McDonald’s earned money to share an apartment with potheads in some shitty ghetto of sanfran to work on their shitty “app idea”, and no one ever invested in their gay app. Now they’re moving back home with mom and dad
This. Califags are the fucking worse. Worse than Chicago Dims. They are a pestilence and ruin anything wherever they go.
Yep, and hopefully SF will revert back to being the /comfy/ 30 and 40-something yuppie paradise that it was from 1968 through 2008.
It's fucking crazy, after our thefts I just kept noticing all the other cars with broken or taped up window holes.
I shit you not, you cannot drive one block without seeing a car that was broken into
Everybody is hoping that the real estate market crashes. But it won't, seriously. ^
As long as people are content with trading away their freedom until their 60s or 70s for not being homeless, it will stay like this.
t. Marin whiteboi
We just need to tame the incredible land wealth that they left behind after squandering it due to their own stupidity, like the Boers of the Transvaal did after the Bantu apes moved on from it.
"The more I paid special attention to questions of foreign policy, the more the conviction grew upon me that this phantom City would surely bring misfortune on the Americans. I realized more and more that the destiny of the American nation could not be decisively influenced from here but only in the American Empire itself. And this was true not only in regard to general political questions but also--and in no less a degree--in regard to the whole sphere of cultural life.
Here, also, in all matters affecting the national culture and art, the City showed all the signs of senile decrepitude, or at least it was ceasing to be of any consequence to the American nation, as far as these matters were concerned.
And so I came more and more to lead what may be called a twofold existence. Reason and reality forced me to continue my harsh apprenticeship in San Francisco, though I must now say that this apprenticeship turned out fortunate in the end. But my heart was elsewhere. A feeling of discontent grew upon me and made me depressed the more I came to realize the inside hollowness of this State and the impossibility of saving it from collapse. At the same time I felt perfectly certain that it would bring all kinds of misfortune to the American people.
This conglomerate spectacle of heterogeneous races which the true capital of California presented, this motley of Indians, Mexicans and Chinese, etc., and always that bacillus which is the solvent of human society, the Jew, here and there and everywhere--the whole spectacle was repugnant to me. The gigantic city seemed to be the incarnation of mongrel depravity."
I think the tech companies should start investing in middle America and the Rust Belt, and finally leave their bubbles.
>he mad he can't do apps
>degenerate flag quotes Adolf Hitler about degeneracy and mongrel depravity
Only on Sup Forums.
My dead uncle left me his house ins San Francisco, I live off the rent I make from it
I make just under 4.5k a month and that's after the land management companies take
It's not even that nice of a house, I rent out a better house than the one I own
Califag here, once I finish college, I'll be moving to Arizona with a good paying job
This is happening in the small towns in the central valley. all the mexicnas just up and left for middle America. now mega churches form Los Angeles full of whites are taking over the towns cleaning up Mexican destruction and making 1950s style Americans again.
Wow, that looks like Sydney.
A smart man would sell the house fairly soon.
>move to SF
>vote to turn it into a democratic shithole
>flee the shithole you created
>find a new city
Fucking locusts.
"The longer I lived in that city the stronger became my hatred for the promiscuous swarm of foreign peoples which had begun to batten on that old nursery ground of American culture. The idea that this State could maintain its further existence for any considerable time was quite absurd.
San francisco was then like a piece of ancient mosaic in which the cohesive cement had dried up and become old and friable. As long as such a work of art remains untouched it may hold together and continue to exist; but the moment some blow is struck on it then it breaks up into thousands of fragments. Therefore it was now only a question of when the blow would come."
You aren't the only person to tell me that , but if I sell it I lose my residual income. The worth of the house has already dropped quite a bit in the last 2 years
Maybe they couldn't stand the smug xD
What's also really weird about it, as house values fall in SF rent goes up , that's not supposed to happen . I'm not even sure why or how that is happening
Sell it, invest in index funds, live off the interest.
>they can earn 4k net, but have to pay 3k for rent
and there is absolutely no reason what so ever rent should be that high
You are right, there is no reason.
But, people can easily calculate their disposable income. They are used to very little from their days in college and are ok with 500€ of disposable income per month, easily.
Then instead of investing it, they improve their quality of life by putting all of their money into rent. But if all people do it, only the landlords gain.
As long as the general quality of living, which directly means the luxuriousness of the appartments and the mean size of appartments or rooms isn't higher, noone gains anything. SOMEONE has to rent the small, shitty appartments. And most of them are shitty and old anyway.
How is it compared to berlin?
I just wouldn't get enough out of it to make any serious investments ,even if I could get the 1.2 mill is supposedly I'd be selling it at a loss. Sure I could deduct some of the loss against what I get in rent, but it's not enough to offset the balance. After taxes and associated costs of punting up that house for sell I'd be lucky if I cleared 600k, that's almost 50% of it's worth flushed down the toilet
I have looked into selling it, and it's not a sellers market right now
10 years ago, Berlin had rent prices of 7,50€/sqm, it was cheap as hell. Now, all the hipsters made it expensive, but it's by far not as expensive as Munich. Basically, there is not a lot of high paid jobs in Berlin except for Politicians.
But, due to their leftist politics, Berlin has huge problems with migrants from the EU, asylum seekers and people who don't integrate into the society. All the time someone gets kicked down the subway stairs, or is killed in a street race as a pedestrian.
Security-wise Munich is much better, but it's mainly a result of politics I think, not a result of money. Munich's politicians are extremely conservative.
The most distinct thing I remember about my visit to SF was going through Civic Center Bart. Shit was like something out of Children of Men.
> After taxes and associated costs of punting up that house for sell I'd be lucky if I cleared 600k, that's almost 50% of it's worth flushed down the toilet
You have to pay taxes to sell your own house? God damn commiefornia.
>I have looked into selling it, and it's not a sellers market right now
It doesn't seem like it's getting better either. The tech world is booming and it's still a buyer's market. The longer you wait the more you lose.
>stay out, faggots
The irony of someone in San Francisco asking faggots to stay out is off the fucking charts. You libshits truly are mentally ill.
>"More residents are leaving San Francisco than any other US city"
I left San Fran 14 years ago and it's an even bigger shit hole today that it was then.
I'm glad, those faggot techies made it impossible to buy/rent there.
Another flyover faggot who moved to California and couldn't make it.
I have attached a copy of the San Francisco Poop Map for your edification. See mochimachine.org
>4 beds 5 baths 4,225 sqft
rent costs 2-3k per month for a decent 1-bdrm
that is too fucking much even for tech bros making six figures, on top of that car insurance is high, crazy hobos will scream at you in the streets and break into your shit, public transit is filthy, daily uber is too expensive.
They could have massively helped these problems with two simple steps
1) Allow construction of residential skyscrapers
2) build cheap compounds for homeless
instead SF wants to "preserve the character of the city" and refuses highrises to be built even though they're surrounded by water on three sides, and though they're building temp housing for hobos it's too little too late and a lot of money is going towards mental health for homeless which is fucking useless.
>open your link
>see Eddy Street has the biggest shit concentration
>look up Eddy Street
>get this article
BOY is that depressing
unfortunately for you it's only the decent people and native friscans who are leaving
It's because of rent. If zoning laws were changed SF would be the fastest growing city in the country.
The most hilarious part is since the progressive income tax these retards support does not factor in cost of living they are stuck in upper brackets despite having a lower standard of living than someone in a 40k bracket in middle america
You hippy fuck liberals need to stay the fuck out of my god damned state.
You already ruined Nashville and Memphis. Don't ruin the last bastion of good white life here in Knoxville or Roan Mountain you cuck fucks!
Upper bracket people don't really have an issue with this. It's middle class people.
Well.. go back in time. San Francisco becoming a 'premium city' is a new phenomenon as are all the new renaissance movements. It used to be a place where lower middle class and middle class lived. The place to be were the suburbs stretched around the bay area. The same for LA. Downtown is a hell hole. So, it will simply regress to that once the dotcom 2.0 social media/cloud bonanza bursts. Even with tons of techies packed into the city, its still a hell hole that registers as one of the worst quality of life states in the country. So what do you think happens once a recession hits tech HARD? It wont be as bad as detroit but it will regress to its former years. The real problem will be with how far real-estate value plummets.
I make almost six figures converted to Dollars here in Germany. How do you pay 2-3k for rent per month? If you pay for health insurance, car, pension scheme and 2-3k rent, even with a six figure income you will have nothing left for anything else.
Here in Germany it's a bit better, because noone has to pay for health insurance or college. But it's also filthy, public transport is broken (never on time), filthy people subsidized by the government are everywhere (them being filthy is probably the reason they need to be subsidized because no employer will ever take them like that).
^sound conception of the possible outcomes
I was offered 105k to work at Adobe out of college. I decided to make 62k a year in San Diego with a 32 hour work week and better weather. A friend from school went to SF and said he routinely works 60+ hours because there is always some development deadline they are behind.
LOL, sounds like SF.
> sfchronicle.com
> sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com
Literal Brasil tier :
And it's always hilarious to see the govt./politicians literally instituting policies so the wheels get greased on crime then playing dumb when it turns into more of a shithole and using the depressed conditions to introduce even more retarded laws/spending.. A spiral down to hell that has been and will continue to drag the nation down with it if it isn't firmly checked by the federal govt.
yeah but it's in Tennessee
Hey, you can be a homeless faggot and feel right at home
You’re a dumb nigger if that’s what you really think.
^this guy gets it. Also, the corps aren't paying any taxes and california designs it this way so it forces wage slaves/tax cucks to the state. They rape the workers/middle class not the capital/corporations.
> build it
> don't tax it
> let the workers come
> rape them
>Many areas of San Francisco are quirky, and a little bit of sketchiness is what gives some places their character, but be sure to use extra caution along Eddy Street and Ellis Street in the Tenderloin district. Sidewalks in some places are packed with homeless people to the extent that walking in the street is easier than weaving through the tightly clustered groups taking up the entire sidewalk.
Gee I wonder how things got so bad...
It just looks like it's all really a scheme to not allow you to settle down and retire early. Imagine, if rent was feasible, you could just retire with 50 somewhere in middle America.
But as soon as people have money left over, especially simple people, some higher ups scheme how to get it.
Why are there no laws whatsoever capping rent prices?
Because it is gay. Literally gay.
> They have a shitty quality in the appartments, because no landlord has to upgrade shit (let's say nice bath, or kitchen) to get someone to rent it.
Same exact thing in SF. The appliances are literally from the 70s/80s as is the bathroom. Landlords don't upgrade shit. You can find better apartments in the hood in most other states. It's laughable in many cases.
> I agree it's a government scheme. They want to keep you working until you are 70.
Correct. Also taxes... They could give two fucks what happens to people's quality of life so long as tax revenue goes up by their policies. Its why they promote and incetivize high property value.. they get a %'age of the value of the home. Even though this results in people's quality of life going to absolute shit because most of their $$$ is paid to rent, cities actually push for this.
> shitty service everywhere because they have to exploit all work force they can get, shitty stores which sell shitty overpriced items so they can stay alive. I go to the city, get something to eat: Terribly expensive,
Exactly.. the retailers can't afford the oppressive rents/leases thus result to shit quality, small portions, and other scams to remain profitable. Some of the worst food I've ever eaten was in San Francisco yet if you go to the suburbs where its slightly more affordable you get a huge bump in quality. Cities are a scam... A big tax revenue scam where they densely pack the most tax payers they can per square mile and rape the shit out of them in diminished quality of life dwellings.. a city planner's wet dream.
I loved the big island. Smelly faggots couldn't ruin the caldera and lava tubes. Also saw green sea turtles which I have been fascinated by since I was a kid. Also nice to go swimming in December when I live in fucking Michigan.
He forgot Japanese people, but other wise mostly correct
It's the most beautiful city in the country filled with the worst people in the country. It's a fucking shame.
because California is all San Fran and Los angles those are the 2 shittiest places in the country.
My bath here doesn't have a window. There's a bathtub (only tub, no place to sit at the end of it for good blowjobs) and then right next to it a toilet seat with a sink directly in front of it. The bath is 'only' about 10 years old and considered nice here. There is literally no ventilation in it and all of the steam goes through the appartment.
Then the kitchen, I had to built it myself because landlords don't even put a kitchen in their own fucking appartments. Of course I will not buy a $20k kitchen into another man's home, so fuck that, it's fucking cheap and shitty.
Also I once ate in a fucking expensive Italian restaurant in the best area of London and got fucking diarrhea for full 3 days, it was terrible (the food had clams in it). My mother's boyfriend was living there way way ago and also paid 3500 pounds per month for an appartement.
Man, I really can't stop complaining about the city.
Anyway, there are many many Japanese here, so they sell stuff like Matcha Latte, right? (I know it is not very Japanese, but anyway)
So they were shitty here because they have to save on the expensive ingredients. I bought myself a Vitamix blender, ordered some of the best fucking Matcha powder from Amazon and made the best Matcha Latte I ever drank in my life.
There is literally no reason in the internet age to live in an expensive city, the ONLY reason would be healthcare.
top kek.. the story of many bay area washouts for sure. Hilariously, grown ass men in their 30s/40s still engage in this headlong. I think an outsider would be shocked to see how many unwed grown ass adults cohabitate to afford rent in the bay area. If you've ever wondered where the soyboy gaped mouth capeshit adolescent adults come from, take a look at all of the manchildren and women living together in the bay area well into later adult hood because they could never afford a place of their own.
>$3300 a month to have a shitty apartment in a city that smells like piss and has homeless everywhere, and faggots everywhere
you fucking morons.
Correct. Strike up this conversation about reality w/ the avg. person from bay area and you'll get massive deflection/defense and ultimately they'll say : If you don't like it leave.. if you can't afford it, its not for you. They secretly love getting fucked so long as its regulated to high income individuals. They use it as a means to separate themselves ideologically from the unwashed masses :
> I make soo much money that I can afford to live in a shoebox that costs $3,800 a month in rent
> I bet you couldn't afford this.. so dont be jelly.
I decided some time ago to leave them to their mind virus. Its what makes them happy and they have no desire to change.
>trivial pursuit
Yeah but who’d want to live in shitty El Paso?
>implying it's not just metastasized liberal cancer spreading to healthy states
El Paso is actually /comfy/ AF. I might not choose it over SF, but you can do far, far worse in the US.
LOL stay classy, Knoxville.