Age of sexual consent for all of human history: 14
Age of sexual consent now: 18
Age of sexual consent for all of human history: 14
Age of sexual consent now: 18
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The age of sexual consent for all of human history was "the age your dad lets you get married at".
The age of consent in Michigan and most states in the US is 16 btw.
18 now. Aha. Okay.
18? Fuck you dumb shit
It's 14 in Quebec, aka the best place on this side of the fucking planet
15 here
It should be 14. That's when they have tits. Don't tell me you guys wouldn't want to bang a 14 year old with big titties. There's nothing wrong with that.
I meeeeean ... it's legal to fuck 15-year-olds here.
>Age of sexual consent for all of human history: 14
Girlgrug seen 14 springs. Ready for mounting. Grug obeys the law.
is 14 here and varies per country retard.
Time when women mattered for anything besides their capacity to produce new humans: literally never.
Same reason we don't slaughter animals to appease gods anymore, or allow the sale of children into slavery.
t. Pedoleaf.
I'll give you two guesses.
Also, this. We need to go back to arranged marriage, how it's meant to be. A girl is her father's property.
have you ever met a 14 year old?
How is having sex with a 14 year old the same as fucking slavery?
How is it pedophilia if it's years after they hit puberty?
Children can't understand they are in fact property. We have commies now.
16 here mate
Luckily for the 14yr old little french girls Im 31 married to 29yr old
Recent transplant (I'm still french though) , could've been a good time though hurrhurr
>Age of sexual consent for all of human history: 14
And where did you get that from, you fucking retard?
I prefer some dfc
>How is it pedophilia if it's years after they hit puberty
So, you want to give some 8th grade girl the dick and you can’t so you are bitching about a law that makes molest a child illegal?
>bu-b-but muh puberty!
14 years old is still a child and if you desire to sleep with a child you are a pedo.
Spin this however you wish but you are a child molester who should be set on fire.
Im no liberal but why is love illegal?
Whatever chomo frog
it's 16 here, you double nigger.
>14 years old is still a child
If she's experienced menarche shes a woman and should be married and making baby.
>8th grade girl
>implying girls should be allowed in schools
Thats funny.
because you're a pervert that's why...
why do you care? laws are laws faggot. we got rules mister. you want to end up in a dark cell with only man butt as options
Basically the age of consent can be disregarded if the parents are cool with it. Knew some girl in middle school, 14 dating a 23 year old. Dad was cool with it so it was fine. I thought it gross, still kinda do, also to have the hottest girl in your class taken by some unseen adult is kinda creepy when your in middle school.
>who wouldn't want to bang a 14 year old with big titties
Sup Forums logic
I would want to bang a 14 year old with big titties. That's where a strong father is supposed to step in and threaten to beat my ass to a pulp. The state is the father figure now and niggers in prison are it's violence.
Courtship was fine. Arranged marriages can be beneficial but it shouldn't be the only way.
As a child I very much rejected the idea that I wasn't property and should have fewer rights than an adult, and no one was able to convince me otherwise. If children are to be regarded as property, we can't also have the border of adulthood be 18.
Sorry but your personal definition of what a child is does not trump biology. Attraction to prepubescent children is what makes you a pedo. It’s biologically sensical to be attracted to a post pubescent 14 year old. Thankfully, not every state and country has the same backwards thinking you do and legal age of consent can be as low as 14.
It’s not about having a right to fuck young girls, I agree that women should wait for a husband, but a man should not be jailed and registered as a pedophile sex offender if some young pubescent thot decided to fuck him. That is where I disagree with the law. You shouldn’t be treated the same as a guy who would rape a 6 year old.
I rejected the idea that I *was property.
I actually constantly had fantasies of a child revolution against adults when I was in elementary school after learning about the American revolution.
Fornication should be a crime in itself though. Not one punished anywhere close to child fucking (that should be punished by execution), but a crime nonetheless.
Found the... Puritan?
The way you talk, you're still in elementary school or the mental equivalent. Get off the computer and go do your chores.
good luck in court
Friendly reminder age of consent laws exist purely to keep feminist hags relevant. When women control who men are attracted to women can control men. You're all like a bunch of puppets and you dont even realise it.
>listen here son, hebephilia is NOT THE SAME AS pedop...
age of consent is a Jewish scam.
15 Is the perfect age, 14 is eh pushing it but it just depends
Pizzagate is boomercore. You can tell they haven't been on the internet long.
Be careful, mods have banned me before for being a "pedophile idiot" for having this discussion on this very board. Denied my appeal too the fucking bastards. I just made the distinction between being attracted to 15 year olds and children.
If you think the sexual revolution was a good thing you're too bluepilled to be saved. If you think you can have your cake and eat it too with girls being loyal and chaste and men being fornicating, you don't understand arithmetic.
It's 16 in most states.
>kinda creepy
only because you don't see it very often.
bet those tide pods are a different story, huh faggot?
Why are there so many lower the age of consent muh pedobros threads lately? The age of majority should be raised to 25. The only scientific ages for majority are age of puberty (variable) and age of mental maturity (25). Everything else is arbitrary. Is this part of the lower the voting age so we can manipulate teenagers movement?
Because you had to marry her before having sex or her father would fucking kill you.
>t. oldfag
Calm down there eunuch boy.
>Sup Forums logic
Sup Forums is not a hivemind, collectivist dipshit. Most Sup Forumslacks don't touch pizzagate with a ten foot pole. Hell, most Sup Forumslacks never post in /ptg/. I have no idea what proportion of anons want to fuck jailbait, but the idea that there is unanimity is specious bait.
Why is the dragon so thicc?
It's 18 over here and I don't mind that. Sounds like the least likely age where they'll eat tide pods because the internet told them to.
>now isn't a part of human history
this is your brain on anime folks.
Pizzagate is about prepubescent children. No one would give a shit if it was about some 14 year old thot.
lol, the arresting officers are not pleased
Stopping population explosions and cultural fragmentation; kids generally don't care about responsibility and are reckless, they don't understand the value of guidelines set in place to keep life relatively easy, or safe, but there are already too many people anyway, the population density and apathy are closely interlinked when people become easily replaceable. There were more dangers in the past, children and adults died from sickness much earlier before stronger medicine came along, so having getting married and having children at younger ages was common then because it was necessary for survival.
The other interesting question is about employment. How do you depose the elite? You create a new society, in a way barring young people from working also works; if they have money they can potentially use it in a way that undermines the system, so to prevent that from happening you indoctrinate them for two decades to be compliant to the system in place. The problem with that is still egg-chicken though, since responsibilities aren't something most people take seriously until later ages, and because parents do the heavy lifting in most cases.
If a 14 year old has the same tits, ass, and face as a 20 year old, I should be able to fuck her.
Well if you lower the legal age of consent to 14 you'd have to require marriage approved by the guardians since they're likely to make a ill informed decisions regarding marriage and sex.
People under 18 shouldn't be allowed to have sex unless they're married.
nigger stop harassing childs
Pizzagate is about exposing the international satanists. How long have you been on the internet?
This is my theory.
Through most of history:
- laws are made by some King who gets to fuck a lot
- laws are made by fathers
>age of mental maturity (25).
That's 23 for boys and 17 for girls.
Disagree, depending on your age. There's no visual or biological reason why a sexually mature person shouldn't be attractive, but we are a civilization of responsibility, not a civilization of animals unthinkingly following our instincts. Mentally immature people are not responsible, are easily manipulated, and, most importantly, are sensitively dependent to initial conditions. That means that if a 14 year old bangs the shit out of a fucked up 30 year old with a BDSM fetish, it will substantially alter their personality for the rest of their lives. This effect diminishes the older you get until you finish your mental development, after which it generally takes long-term conditioning or trauma to induce comparable personality changes.
>ever wonder why fags tend to be so fucked in the head?
>it's the rampant pederastery
Also, if the age of majority was raised to 25, it would presumably be legal for 24 year olds to fuck teenagers by default. Most places would institute "juliet laws" and other protections, though.
Oh look, a Eurofags with a poor understanding of history, a priori legal opinions, and an arrogant, zealous belief in pseudoscience. Whoowee, must be literally any day of the week in here.
I'm fine with 16 year olds fucking 16 year olds but not your smelly 26 year old NEET ass fucking a 16 year old.
>I want to fuck children!