A religious man who lost his religion

A religious man who lost his religion.

A nationalist who lost his nation.

A man who lost his manhood.

Nothing makes sense anymore.

Once you understand the banality of life there is no going back. Like a curtain has been lifted to reveal the dark underbelly of existence, something that was in front of you the entire time but you ignored in favor of superficiality. Once upon a time you found joy and pleasure in the company of your friends, going out to drink and dance and have meaningless sex, watch the latest super-hero movie and therize and chatter about the latest episode of your favourite Netflix series. That life, it seems, was a dream. An illusion that gave you a sense of false meaning, a false sense of belonging when you were as lonely as you are now. Now, that you have realised the banality of it all, it has become a chore to even watch a movie or engage in any activity you once found pleasurable and entertaining. It holds no meaning. There is no depth to any of it. You find it all repugnant.

Work is no good, spending 40 hours a week in an office in front of a screen and pretending to care about your company's profit is not just physically tolling but mentally exhausting. The daily grind alienates me from the society around me a little more everyday.

Why are my collegues so cheerful? Why do they keep inviting me to the after-work pub visit or their volleyball game? I have no interest in interacting with anyone.

Why continue my engineering degree if this is what life will be, day in, day out?

Why do we exist? Is it worth to continue existing at all if we can't answer the question of why we exist?

It seems like there is nothing worth experiencing. All that remains is angst, despair and the bewilderment at the absurdity of it all.

Life goes on.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yes, life is worth living. That question, "Why do we exist", can be answered by ourselves. We give a meaning to our lives. We go through existence to try achieve our dreams.

>reddit spacing

Also, what is better than to conquer your own fear and uncertainty? I'm telling you to keep on fighting. You may ask me "For what?". I'll answer "For whatever you want".

the point of self improvement is to stymie the degeneration of your own life, and potentially even reverse it. give up, and you lose. keep struggling, and you might win. nothing is guaranteed, except failiure if you refuse to do anything about it.

>why are my colleagues so cheerful?
because they are. wether or net they are redpilled, bluepilled, or whatever, they just are. happiness requires you to disregard everything else in your life and for you to focus on the moment. your colleagues are always happy because they are always focusing on the now, while you are not.
>why do we exist?
it doesn't matter why, all that matters is what we do with our existence. if we choose not to make our own existence meaningful, then it means you were never important to begin with. all that needs to change for you to be important, for you to even matter at all, is for you to make it so.
>nothing is worth experiencing.
says who? have you never experienced the pride of a job well done? the anger and adrennaline of a fight? the wonders of your own culture? isnt the very act of living and trying to live for all your piece of shit life is worth not worth experiencing? is being introspective too hard to live with? why are these things not worth living for?

now dont get me wrong, im not saying that you should suck it up and stay at your job because that should be fulfilling work, because its clearly not, but instead that you need to find meaning in your own life. take up a hobby, start going to church, try to better your community, become the man you always wanted to be.

>Born to late to explore the earth
>Born to early to explore explore the stars
>Born just in time for race war
Day of the rope is coming user, Germany will be one of the first dominos to fall. There you shall find your hope

>keep struggling
Skull Knight would approve

What you are experiencing is the black pill. Join the club, I haven’t been able to get out of it ever since I started browsing Sup Forums. Often I wish I went back to my cheerful self, where I could just enjoy life without thinking about it all too much. Now I know the meaning of ignorance is bliss.

Become like stalin, make your dreams reals.

Bump. This thread is interesting.

The white pill isn't about being optimistic.

The white pill is about not giving up, until you, or your enemy, dies

>All that remains is angst, despair and the bewilderment at the absurdity of it all.
So you decided your worldview had poor foundations so you destroyed it. Big deal it's time to put it past you and rebuild. don't waste your time. rebuild or kill yourself.

trips of truth

My dreams are impossible because I find the society fundamentally flawed. Everthing about it, from interpersonal relations to the emphasis on consumerism to the way you are a horrible person if you have a certain political leaning or views about race. I cannot be the only one, depression and suicide rates are record high even though we apparently live in luxury in the west.There is something very unhealthy about the modern world.

I feel you OP. I only manage to keep my depression and suicidal thoughts away by engaging in violence. Training 4-5times thaibox a week, and provoking fights at parties, go out at night alone looking to suckerpunch someone, to throw a stone through a window, even buy animals at the pet store to cut their throats at home,...

Will probably get caught one day. I want to atleast kill someone before I die.

Life is meaningless, so do whatever you want.


>found joy and pleasure
You've lost your petty temporal joy and pleasure and now you feel hopeless. Boohoo, it's called turning 28. You should try actually reading a philosopher's work instead of perusing the Wiki summaries, you'll quickly discover how backwards your orientation of value is.

>Netflix and Hollywood is garbage
>Meaningless sex with roasties isn't worth the effort
>Being a wage-slave isn't fun or fulfilling
>There are clearly no other options, better kill myself


do what Varg says


>It's called turning 28
Not really, the vast majority of millenials are drunk on life. I don't know how they do it. Or maybe they are just putting on a face to mask their inner conflicts?


>Work is no good, spending 40 hours a week in an office in front of a screen

lol!!!!!!!!!! Try 60+ hours, but being paid the same as 40. And having to actually work. And the company motto is "the 40 hour work week died 20 years ago"

The most precious thing that exists the whole world over is our own people. And for these people, and with these people, I shall struggle and I shall fight and never languish, never weaken, never give up and never despair.

He was a great man. Now I know. I hate the fact that the society around me hates him. One of the few things that keeps me going are his speeches.


The soyboy/nu male is man stripped of his religion/spirituality, nationhood/community and manhood. I believe they call this is what they call "the bugman" or "last man". More commonly found in large cities but they're spreading all over. It is truly a pathetic creature. Then there are guys like me who want to be real men, hate numales but are completely lost.

it's much worse than you think

this is all i can offer

>It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll.
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.

>have blackpill thoughts
>come to pol for some comfy threads and shitposting maybe a ylyl to get my mind off stuff
>see this thread
i want off this ride


I felt the same 4 years ago and got into a harsh depression because nothing matters.

It took me 2 years of suicidal thoughts to realize that I can do whatever I want to because at that point I wasnt even afraid of dying anymore.
I quit everything, started travelling, made incredible experiences and learned t enjoy every single moment without any fears, insecurities or overthinking.

If nothing matters than nothing can stop you except for jail or death or perhaps your morale codex

How much money did you have saved and where did you go? I want to do the same but I feel I'd just run out of my savings, then have to drag myself back to either live with my brother or mother until I get back on my feet.

Jesus, you're such a pussy. We used to have to slave our whole 21 years just to survive off of berries and a little meat before our teeth fell out and we died. Now you can work 40ish hours per week and walk to a fucking grocery store whilst spending your exponentially higher quality free time (there used to be none, you survived 24/7) to damn close to whatever you please.

You have colleagues inviting you out to try to enjoy some fucking leisure time, but that too stops if you keep being a pussy and only want to go home to your Sup Forums and despair. You find the despair comforting and you're too damn scared to leave it. Stop bitching, your ancestors didn't carve out a niche for your ass with their own lives so that you could complain about having to do some shit you don't want to.

You create your own purpose in life. Get your degree, save your money, and do something meaningful to yourself. Whether that is having children, or flying planes, or robbing banks, is up to you.

>We used to have to slave our whole 21 years just to survive off of berries and a little meat before our teeth fell out and we died.
That was the natural state of man. I would prefer such a society to what we have now. A return to a type of hunter/gatherer/farmer society where men can be men and women can be women. We are not meant to be pathetic and feeble 80 year olds thanks to modern medicine that is centered around keep people alive that should have died decades ago. Modern civilization is what has led to our downfall.

Consider a lion, a lion is the king of the jungle, when it is hungry it hunts, kills it's prey, feasts on it and then goes off to lie down in the sun and take a nap. The lion does not concern itself with what he will eat tommorow, that is something to think about for another day. He does not care about producitivity and efficiency, he won't kill more than it needs so that he can have "free" the day after. If he would, he wouldn't have free the next day anyway because he would have to build a refrigerator to keep the meat fresh. The next day he will have to build a house to keep his refrigerator safe. The next he would have to build some sort of security to keep his house safe. And so on and on, until he dies and he never has a single moment to enjoy napping in the sun with his belly full.

This is the state of man.

People were trying to trick Providence

They came up with utopias, they wanted Salvation done by their own hands, they rebelled against nature and natural limitations in this world, they abandoned christianity for careless adventures and dreams

People in their hubris, thought they can make the world bend to their individual will, but it is Providence who rules over the world and in history, and you can't reach utopia or the end of History without the permission from Providence

You can't choose where and when you're born, you can't change your sex, you can't change the world, Providence decides that

People lack humility and trust in Epiphany, and thus they will always hit the walls of Nature, and then they'll end up depressed and will try to force others to take part in their madness. So many attempts were made to trick History and Nature, and again, and again they fail

I feel you, OP. This is exactly what's going to kill me one day.

ignore dispair posts

Also remember, if you have depression, then you should:

stop drinking

stop smoking

stop fapping

stop looking at any kind of erotica

addictions are the source of depression, once you fight them off, you won't have depression

Good Job user

Why don’t you try living someplace more sociable and less hardworking user? Try the Mediterranean or Latin America

Please, no.
Latin America is totally corrupt, our currency worth less than a African dirt. don't get anywhere close to here. Try the United Mutt States instead?

Why is it always in these kind of threads Americans defending this meaningless consumption style of lifestyle. Maybe it is no tradition, no heritage, no cultural memory: just melting pot of different races and whose the next one to achieve American dream

Consumerism is the religion of the United States of America.


>>Born just in time for race war
Trade war first >:3

yeah come to the US where you need a 4 year STEM degree and 8 years of experience to make enough to split rent with 2 other men and live off noodles.

I think that the Crisis in Brazil isn't that bad now y'know.

Sounds awesome, where exactly did you get money from this again?

Oh right from exploiting poor countries like mine.

What shithole do you live in?

On a side not I am willing to marry someone to sell my citizenship.

holy shit this is magnificent

Heres how to change your life:

1. Stop smoking, stop drinking, no masturbation, no porn, no gossiping, no idle time wasting, no sad music

2. Start reading books about everything that sounds interesting, from philosophy to UFOs, to business and marketing. Eventually, your brain will make connections. These connections are important

3. Diet - 40/40/20 macros

4. Gym - PPL routine

5. Delete most of your social media and dating profiles. Stick to the social media that you use the most to contact family and close friends

6. Start a business in dropshipping, learn paid advertisement

7. Make your 10k a month, get property in Alabama, Texas, and Japan.

8. Find an asian wife, have 6 kids.

9. Make a portfolio of 33% stocks, 33% REIT, 34% Gold

10. Automate as much finances as you can (autopay), have multiple lines of credit. Hire a personal assistant.

You will have defeated your inner demon, became a strong male, made a scalable and affordable business income, multiple properties in non-degenerate places to travel to and from, and created a family with the only race of women that still wants a family. Steps 1-6 can be done in 3 days. Steps 7-8 takes about 3 years. So roughly 5 years total. But once you do, you will be free.

t. former homeless person now a millionaire

First sensible post I've seen on Sup Forums in a while.

Good job.

>Find an asian wife, have 6 kids

KILL yourself

t. Destiny watching neo-liberal

Quit being a pussy and enlist.

Life is about remaining calm and making a choice. Depending on these choices your life takes you in a certain leaning lesson. Life is short here not to worry. Your body gives you freedom but your soul is caged by it . So be kind you carry inside of you a very precious cargo that many different gods wish to possess. They can not enslave you unless you say yes. this is your power above all other things you can say no and save your own soul. Stay strong my human brothers and sisters let the gods go back to worshiping them selfves

God exists and you will talk to him about your life choices and journey after you die on judgement day.

God authored creation and gave us free will, so that we may able to pursue our own path, he only asks that we honour him, his son and his laws.

A nation is a race, a man is a man. Be a man, fight for self preservation. Nothing wrong about not wanting your own people to vanish and be mutilated by outside forces.

Deo Vindice.


>6. Start a business in dropshipping, learn paid advertisement
This isn't internet 2003. Douchepreneur.

>9. Make a portfolio of 33% stocks, 33% REIT, 34% Gold
Epic stock bubble, Epic real estate bubble. Silver > Gold.

No mention of bitcoin...
Good luck following this reddit advice.