What is your personality type?
Just wondering if there is a dominant type on pol, mine is INTP.
What is your personality type?
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What is a "dominant" type? I'm ENTP
he means most common
personality types are retarded btw
probably used the wrong word. I'm wondering if there is a type that makes up the majority of people on pol.
INTJ. I is clearly going to be overrepresented, but Myers-Briggs is a shit personality test any. Big 5 or bust nigga.
nigga we same
Fellow INTP here, there are a lot of introverted thinkers on Sup Forums.
INTJ master race checking in
>Myers-Briggs is the new astrology for this generation
What's it like obsessing about your horoscope like little girls?
INTP here, INTP is master race. You are too egotistical to think properly.
Mine is INTP- Pseudo-intellectual
Dumb motherfucker.
yes, shoehorn yourself into one simplistic "personality type"
Funny how both me and over half or Sup Forums are all INTP
Since, you know, it's the least common of all...
Dumbfuck bastards shoehorning yourself into my rare personality type, fuck off.
intp master race
ENTPs assemble
ENTP here
You can't all be INTP.
Stop pretending because it looks cool, you probably read all the results before taking the test and picked what sounded "cool" fucking retards.
I don't view personality types as some sort of bullshit horoscope, neither do I think I'm some sort of intellectual. It's just that the description matches perfectly with how I viewed myself before I ever found out that these things exist, and that pretty much all people in my social circle have described me in a way that also fits the description perfectly. So it's interesting to look a bit more into it and also see what people on pol think.
Greekbros... don't tell me you buy into this too???
>I don't view personality types as some sort of bullshit horoscope, neither do I think I'm some sort of intellectual. It's just that the description matches perfectly with how I viewed myself before I ever found out that these things exist, and that pretty much all people in my social circle have described me in a way that also fits the description perfectly. So it's interesting to look a bit more into it and also see what people on pol think.
This is literally what people who have done horoscopes say...
25% of pol users are intp you nigger. get used to it. plus no one talks about briggs personality tests to be cool. its probably the gayest shit to ever sound "cool" about.
ey bruh
I literally did the test and took INTP nigger, i didn't choose to have autism you know?
>that last pic of women vs Sup Forums users
heavily INT but the result was barely into the P, borderline J
I'm probably a minority chad type built like a linebacker, outdoorsy , married w children.
Where do I check what personality i have?
You have to admit. It's not completely innacurate for a personality test.
>25% of one of the most popular websites on Earth are all the 1-2% rarest personality type.
Yah, nah. You're all common shit just autistic. Even if you were INTP, I'm smarter so you are unnecessary and irrelavent.
and then thers the dominant paranoid type smart enough to avoid a data mining thread and not post here
Oh, in that case, most people on Sup Forums are xNTP. These tests only show your current mood, try big 5 also
>mfw I've always gotten INTP/INTJ on those tests
>mfw I browse Sup Forums daily
fuck, I've joined the sheep.
Just look at your fucking life.
Who INFP here?
ENFJ when I'm happy, ISTP when I'm depressed, ISTJ at work and ESFP around friends and when drunk, ENTP on Sup Forums.
But if the description fits perfectly, and every person around me seems to agree, then explain why it is complete bullshit?
INTJ, apparently
I won't judge you, but only because you're greek :/
I'm just dissapointed...
think last time i took it was in 2009 at the request of a classmate, got like within 3% of the median for all four of them.
>inb4 ultimate normie
No, ENTJs are chad. The only chads. I'm INTP by the way.
ISFJ reporting in.
Why spainbro?
>blah blah blah
>blah blah
>doesn't matter because im smarter than you anyways
No, you are just more of a faggot than I am. Faggot.
>all the smart people coalesce on a filipino board game site
makes sense to me
Because greekbro... I got ISFJ...
Entp pussies
What's the one that isn't a slack jawed fucking yokel who thinks everybody fits into neat little boxes because some jew tricked some business school tier brainlets into saying how extremely fucking ordinary and easy to categorise they were.
I'm that one.
Jewish Pseudo-Pseudo-science.
intp is the autist personality
Wow, watch out for this guy, fucking genius cunt here m8. He uses Sup Forums and thinks he is better than anyone here. Honorary leaf.
>What is your personality type?
>Just wondering if there is a dominant type on pol, mine is INTP.
already took that faggot buzzfeed tier quiz an got ISTP
eh the result was spot on for me, don't know if it was a self fulfiling prophecy kind of thing though
Literally wouldn't talk shit like this to my face ugly keyboard warrior.
I'm 6 ft 200 lbs I guarantee I could bust your dumb ass up deformed loser.
>checking in
INTP here as well.
>personality test
t. kike
BAHAHHAH. Leave it to the fucking manlet to brag about his height to try to win some e battle.
Go drink some milk buckaroo. Maybe you will grow a bit more.
>the too enlightened to have fun
But that won't stop you from dropping by to ruin other people's fun, aye fuck-faces?
It's fine I won't judge. But don't take the results too seriously. They are just broad generalizations.
INTP master race reporting in
because certain personality types are drawn to certain activities
personality usually decides interests, and people have very diverse interests
Sup Forums seems to attract mostly people who's INTx
INTJ master race
>categories are useless
post modernism is a absolutely repulsive ideology.
semi-related I used to think psychology was a soft pseudo-science and its terms are pointless. whether its T R U E or not, is not important anymore. it is the stage, the landscape on which the meme war is fought.
ISTJ, i’m just as boring as you’d expect
INTP as well
>if I act condecending I win!
Doesn't change who you see in the mirror. You are below me in the genetic lottery, you are a failure.
i'm a schizoid
>OP pic related
INTP on two, INTJ on one.
Will check it out, thanks. Also mind that I don't view the results as some sort of ultimate truth that is perfect and accurate in every single way, it's just an interesting thing that i came by earlier this week and my autism won't let me leave it be before i've found out everything I can about it or until the next stupid thing comes by and takes over.
INFP chad !
>being introvert
just because you're an insecure bitch and affraid of people doesn't mean you're an introvert.
Work at yourself and become an extrovert morons
There's no such thing as personality types.... The Myers-brigs test is made up bullshit and has been scientifically disproven
The validity (statistical validity and test validity) of the MBTI as a psychometric instrument has been the subject of much criticism.
It has been estimated that between a third and a half of the published material on the MBTI has been produced for the special conferences of the Center for the Application of Psychological Type (which provide the training in the MBTI, and are funded by sales of the MBTI) or as papers in the Journal of Psychological Type (which is edited and supported by Myers–Briggs advocates and by sales of the indicator).[42] It has been argued that this reflects a lack of critical scrutiny.[42] Many of the studies that endorse MBTI are methodologically weak or unscientific.[9] A 1996 review by Gardner and Martinko concluded: "It is clear that efforts to detect simplistic linkages between type preferences and managerial effectiveness have been disappointing. Indeed, given the mixed quality of research and the inconsistent findings, no definitive conclusion regarding these relationships can be drawn."[9][43]
Psychometric specialist Robert Hogan wrote: "Most personality psychologists regard the MBTI as little more than an elaborate Chinese fortune cookie ..."[44]
What if I'm not insecure about anything but simply don't give a shit and find people annoying and tiresome to interact with?
You would be the shortest person in my friends group you manlet gringo. Even my only asian friend is taller than you. I bet you live in 56% land and feel tall because you tower over mistizos at Walmart. The fact you think 6'0" is tall is embarrassing.
That's what I have been trying for years. I have managed to get some descent social skills but I have a lot way to go
I'm 6'3 and only occasionally see people taller than me. How's the weather down there gringo?
Stupid fuck. Mbti isn't an actual measurable thing. Some faggot decided that there were only 16 kinds of people in the world and they could vary along 4 scales.
People who are intelligent enough for rational and abstract thought, socially awkward enough to avoid social contact and stay inside all day, and lazy enough to never finish projects but talk about them a whole lot fall right along those false scale to INTP. Those are also the traits of a huge portion of Sup Forumstards so it's no coincidence
Read a fucking book for once
entj checking in