Meme wars

Redpill me on the meme wars anons

a bunch of people made memes to brainwash the people into voting for trump

A bunch of low-test fags who are too chicken to into a real fight make some stupid image and type words over it that oppose somebody else's belief system and call that a,'war.'


It was a brutal and sad time for the empire. A glowing CIA nigger faggot had stolen the throne. The anons rested not. Through much toil and sacrifice they crafted the finest memes the world had ever seen. Kek the father. Pepe his son. Helper a reflection of us all. These great symbols of the forgotten morbidly obese autists echoed it's magick through the ether our space-time. It's impact felt throughout the cosmos.

Then The One appeared. Manifested through the tantric explosion of our involuntary abstinence. He came to protect us from the evil beans, ant people and most importantly the baby raping elites.

Hail Trump.

Redditors came and ruined Sup Forums forever
The end.

It was fun.

we out jewed the jew at their own jewish game

Meme war never happened. Just a rumor like the scruffening or gg


lurkmoar fagit.
this place's words and images made the floor of the senate 3x last year

Meme magic is real.
Political cartoons and propaganda are no different.

/Pol memes are concentrated freedom of speech. They completely upset the narratives of jews and government faggots.

The left can't meme because they're logic relies on the false narratives the memes destroy.



It was the greatest time ever.

I've seen things you little pepes wouldn't believe.
Memes so spicy they burned the most notoriously criminal family-tree in America to the fucking ground.

I watched with tears in my eyes as significantly less than 50% of the US population turned into pillars of salt on November 9th 2016.

I've seen a brakeless train traveling at over seven times the speed of light come to an immediate halt at the gates of the White House.

They will tell you it was beautiful, and you will feel proud. But you will never truly understand, little pepes. How it felt to be on the front lines, shitposting in all directions. The line between man and meme blurring until there was no distinction at all. For a short while, Kek walked among us.

And it was glorious.

[Grandpepe dies with a smile on his face.]

Gr... Grandpepe?

Leave him be, children. He's with the Donald now.


Lol. You say that like it was somehow helpful or good.
Admit it. You guys are simply legends in your own minds.


>Afraid of round two.

we only wanted to uphold what our forthathers wrote down in books our parents ignored and rejected. we only wanted to play and make video games that our own generation decided to ban us from and mute us from. They want an actual fighting war so they can murder us in our sleep make no mistake. We're the good guys, the meme makers and meme posters and meme savers. We chose non-violence because we are ruled not by fear or pain but love.

Thinking testosterone has anything to do with memetic counter-propaganda... >fucking neanderthal

People are generally stupid so images with a few words is about all there's left before the real fighting begins.

Liberal progressives eventually step on that one landmine of a meme and their thoughts begin an irreversible change.

Demoralizing the enemies philosophies IS war you mong.

>Demoralizing the enemies philosophies IS war you mong.

I will never let myself become demoralized ever again. I swear it.

They are literally rapidly multiplying mind viruses...these fags need to read up.

You don’t seem to understand that “memes” are for normies now

>memes are for normies now
memes were stupid cat pictures about boredom before 2016
they are psychological weapons now.