Well, Sup Forums, who would win?
Who would win? Canada or Poland?
what the fuck again,dude? Ofcourse Poland will win,Canada is cucked in her vagina so deep that..who gives a flying fuck about CANADA?!!!
Why do you keep making this retarded thread, flaggot?
nobody cares
53% White
49% White
The genocide in technicolour
This is a Canadian.
These are Canadians.
This is a White Male Canadian
Canada is 73% Whit--
dear leaf, poland will break you
100m Shitskins by 2100
canada has black people so its stronger but who knows how strong polacks are after plumbing toilet for 12 hours on daily basis
Ottawa Homicides
you need to stop.
We memed Poland into a fuckbeast now their shitposts transcended.
>retard making retarded threads happens to be a faggot
You're only reinforcing stereotypes fag
It would be an interesting contest since neither country has ever won a war.
Toronto Homicides
introducing the Canadian Military
Poland, slavs are always right.
THIS is a true Canadian.
>LGBTQ Faggot
>Lost all fingers crossing leaf border illegally because Trump kicked nigger out
>Legitimate Unicorn now thanks to 2 stumps
>Can't speak English or French
>Can never work
>Great skills at fisting faggots
I am so fucking tired of these retarded threads
>Assumes the Polish flag is Red on top and White on bottom
>Memeflagging faggot
Show your flag and prove that you're leaf. I'm done watching fucking niggers like you shill out Poland to make them look retarded when they're quite literally the last bastion of sanity in Europe atm
Canada is now letting in 3rd world shitskins with Ebola, black plague, zika, typhus, AIDS/HIV and giving them free health care for life.
Late 1990s:
>White European Canadians were a 90%+ majority until the 2000s and Canada was conservative, no LGBTQ+ propaganda
>All of a sudden, start seeing Africans, Muslims, Pakis, Chinks, etc everywhere
>Multiculturalism expands to hyper levels, every school/university/work place/government agency starts ramming diversity down our throats
>House prices start accelerating
>Wages start decreasing
Fast Forward 2018
>Toronto 30% white
>Vancouver Syrian Refugees 24/7 on TV/news
>White people can't find work, it's all non-whites getting jobs
>Average house price is $1M+ while salaries are 50K-60K max
>Refugees driving BMW and Mercedes
>Most Universities have non-white majorities
>White Europeans down to 49%
>Whites will be Nobody really knows why this is happening so fast, government always touts (((250-300k))) "reasonable" immigration a year
>But nobody has ever heard of a white person immigrating in the last 20 years
>Turns out Canada is letting in 750K on permanent residency a year via various immigration schemes not publicized
>Canada lets in 1.2M a year on "temporary immigration" that's 10 year work/live visas that lead to citizenship that aren't even counted in public statistics
>Turns out secret GBA+ (Gender Based Analysis Plus) program is forced down every government decision maker including immigration officers to discriminate against straight whites
>Turns out 97% of immigrants are poor non-whites
>Turns out there is a secret organization called the Metropolis Project that holds an annual conference of 1,000+ government bureaucrats with the sole objective of letting in as many poor non-white migrants a year
>Turns out this organization started in the 90s, around the time of the change
>Turns out George Soros started and funded the Metropolis Project through his Open Societies Foundation
>Gov using M-103 anti-Islamophobia motion to criminalize any criticism of migration policy and install thought police
At least we are ready to die for our country.
in IQ: Canada
in Whiteness/uncuckedness: Poland
Go Canada.we're An irrelevant countryt but even we know that Poland is retarded.