Why are conservatives so smug and pompous about everything...

Why are conservatives so smug and pompous about everything? They don't contribute anything to society or politics and just hoard everything. They are pretty much useless. At least liberals embrace others and make new ideas

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Once they hear the news today theyll be crying in their pillow

We so do contribute to everything why else are yoy here OP

Thats a lie, All you do is gloat and then hide your earnings under your bed like a faggot 70 year old. then vote against real progress

let me just
>bottom text meme

>At least liberals embrace others and make new ideas

Theyre helping kids at least you dumb ass

The only people who believe the jew run media are leftist retards.

>reading to kids
>helping them
Yeah let’s see him dress up like that volunteering to help homeless kids. That’d be FABULOUS.

Nice projection kiddo

>real progress

Such as?

Im sure they do already.. Youre just a bigot and need reasons to hate people cuz all you do is lounge in ur underwear on Sup Forums in your dads basement

but the news is fake so there's nothing else to debate...

hey now, this is 2018. why not assume "mom's" basement?

Wasn't the MSM who started using the term fake news first?

this is a slide thread.



>They don't contribute anything to society or politics

They did something in 2016 I can't recall


Oh shit I remember reading about him in elementary school





>Why are conservatives so smug and pompous about everything?
Because they are provably better than liberals-- look at CA
>They don't contribute anything to society or politics and just hoard everything.
Conservatives are thr ones that actually do their job when elected to congress. An example of a liberal congress: "the party of no"
>They are pretty much useless.
Opinion: Liberals are cancer
>At least liberals embrace others and make new ideas
Conservatives learn from history. Liberals reinvent old ideas and lie outright about historical events, ie "it wasn't real Communism" or the democratic national convention of 1924.



> fake news can lie faster than the right wing can correct lies
,> right wing elects a better, more innovative and charismatic liar than the left can produce
> protects the truth with a bodyguard of lies
> suddenly liberals cry about it




Does this image realize who started the "fake news" meme?


Yea you libshits are so open to new ideas and accepting of those with different opinions,
Thats why you attack people w 2x4s bike locks and hurl bottles filled with your own piss? , please spare us your idiotic bullshit. You cant even praise/ respect women or minorities or anyone unless they agree with you and are on your side of the aisle at all times




the fuckare you on about faggot?

Because conservatives produce the wealth that is taxed so liberal leeches can work their government jobs and collect welfare.... also because conservatives are in power now and we will be gloating about it for the next 8 years. This will likely be our last hoorah before whites are out bred. So enjoy it while it lasts.



Yeah conservatives are so smug.
We weren’t the ones wearing shirts that said “SPOILER ALERT : HILLARY WINS” before the election.


conservatives basically built the entire western civilization... are you retarded? lol

also fake news was created by the left and it ended up boomeranging back into their faces... because its the left who dont adhere to facts and only care about feelings.

The news American Steel hired 500 workers?



Even al jazeera was talking about how trump coined "fake news" the other day, I was disappointed. Of course they've been asshurt about trump ever since the Jerusalem thing.

Also the fact that the average journalist is 24 and does zero fact checking doesn't help


wait? this isn't bait. dear jeesus I hope she left that cuck.

>Theyre helping kids at least you dumb ass

helping kids get their rectums stretched out.


>Why are conservatives so smug and pompous about everything?
Being correct has its benefits.


>liberals embrace others and make new ideas

>being this stupid

NY and Commiefornia are cancer

People don't learn to be responsible if they are just handed gibs and have their degeneracy sponsored by the state. Just giving away shit for free is a quick way to destroy the standard of living, if there is no obligation to work no one produces anything for tomorrow, if no one feels like working because shits free who do expect to give you free shit? Debt is there to keep people working, because if they all stop working at once everything collapses. I bet your the type of idiot that thinks sending billions of dollars or tons of food will fix Africa's starvation problem; it won't, people that have no concept of self reliance only want to live for the moment and then run like helpless children to beg to strangers for problems they are too lazy to fix.

>Why are conservatives so smug and pompous about everything?

Because you have a big chip on your shoulder.

The original thread got baleeted, but apparently it was real. The guy had a long history of posting to Reddit that was too in-depth and non-self deprecating to be fake.

/r/ ing that picture of the women only island game show

>They don't contribute anything to society or politics and just hoard everything
the reason why we have things to hoard is because of our contributions to society. you liberal gimme gimme poorfags are the ones who dont contribute

Funny how liberals created the term fake news but it backfired so hard that they are now trying to destroy it.

Ummm I guess they never heard of Luke Skywalker

>liberals embrace others
That’s the problem.

Didn't the term "fake news" originate from the msm trying to discredit pizzagate by calling it fake news?


Ummmmm actually the god Zeus created the Amazons and gave them this island. Last I checked Zeus was a male god

How did you make it to adulthood?

Uhh didn't CNN create the term "fake news?"

>Bumping a slide thread

Sage goes in all fields, niggers

>At least liberals embrace others
>as long as they are liberals too
The only thing liberals embrace is cocks between their buttcheeks.

Trolling weak minded fools we should pity.

>helping kids

A pregnant woman never drinks alone
No shithow do you think she got that way

What do you want to hear? Liberal with conservatism fantasies......what do you want to hear faggot? Doubting your sexuality? (I shouldn't think about that big faggot dick in my mouth and wet faggot balls slapping against my chin but I love it and now let me ask people why faggots are a bad thing) go and sleep faggot

trips of truth

yes, they elected a reality TV show trust fund babby to high office. considering their states look like 3rd world countries, it's not that surprising though.

Someone is mad and projecting

Le Wall must be built all around USA so no one can get out.

nice projection

Hormone shots made you docile and talking with a lisp.

the news that ted cruz won the Texas primary by more votes than all the other candidates combined?

I think Trump exposing liberal fake news to the world is one of the best things he has done so far, here in the UK we all thought CNN and MSNBC were legitimate news broadcasters, we had no idea.

Why would u want them to get out? U want le mutts going to ur country?

Exactly this.

No thats fake news. Stop


I agree. There was a time I watched cnn and thought they were the best news organization. Was 15 years ago but it's embarrasing to admit this. Now I know it's just drama tv for retards

Why do conservatives jusy sit on their lazy ass and reject everything

Youre making a difference shit posting on pol. Keep it up Hillary 2020


Youre such an idiot. Go suck eric trumps cock you asskissing asshole

Is Communism a new idea?

sage bait bot threads
everyone who posts after me is a confirmed shill


shit wait

>embracing utter failures who should be scorned
>constantly rejecting their betters
>implying people who don't generate value have some magical fairy dust intrinsic worth

>Thats a lie, All you do is gloat and then hide your earnings under your bed like a faggot 70 year old. then vote against real progress

what's real progress, OP?

The term 'Fake News' was coined by Hillary Clinton during her Campaign. Sage.