>EU Tells Trump to Brace for Retaliation Over Metal Tariffs

EU Raises Stakes for Trump by Aiming Levies at GOP Heartland.

>The European Union is preparing punitive tariffs on iconic U.S. brands produced in key Republican constituencies, raising political pressure on President Donald Trump to ditch his plan for taxing steel imports.

>Targeting 2.8 billion euros ($3.5 billion) of American goods, the EU aims to apply a 25 percent tit-for-tat levy on a range of consumer, agricultural and steel products imported from the U.S. if Trump follows through on his tariff threat, according to a list drawn up by the European Commission and obtained by Bloomberg News. The list of targeted U.S. goods -- including motorcycles, jeans and bourbon whiskey -- sends a political message to Washington about the potential domestic economic costs of making good on the president’s threat.

>Paul Ryan, Republican speaker of the House of Representatives, comes from the same state -- Wisconsin -- where motorbike maker Harley-Davidson Inc. is based. Earlier this week, Ryan said he was “extremely worried about the consequences of a trade war” and urged Trump to drop his tariff proposal.

You dun goofed cowboys.

Don't fuck with your masters.

Don't forget you're just an off-shoot. We are the seat of Western Civilization. You're going to get raped hard if you fuck with us.

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Fucking idiots.
Now well pay even more for american goods.

amerikikes BTFO

>Now well pay even more for american goods.
Like what, LOL? what do you buy that is American?

all they make sucks

>>Targeting 2.8 billion euros ($3.5 billion) of American goods
How ever will we survive.

Are you retarded? What's not produced here that's exclusively produced in America, other than degeneracy?


>red states turn blue
it's actualy for your own good, dufus

Why would red states turning blue be good for me, specifically?

They are talking out their ass. Eu steel is very expensive already compared to domestic. They have nothing except on specialty metals and even then Sandvik etc have manufacturing plants in the usa.

The EU is fucking retarded. We're incredibly expensive and our quality of goods is also dropping due to policies reducing standards. America will just go deal with someone else.

wrong, fatty

>America can always deal with someone else like China!
>What do you mean the EU can as well? The EU has to exclusively buy 100% domestic products you retard

>The list of targeted U.S. goods -- including motorcycles, jeans and bourbon whiskey
Will all become more expensive, hence dearer under a tariff regime.
No one is buying a Harley in Europe because its a good value. It's a status symbol. Same with the whiskey, and even the Levis.
Euros don't seem to understand this tariff game, surprisingly.

Why was the EU created initially?

>Levi's will become units of currency in foreign lands again
>so will cheap bourbon
Can't wait desu

Trump doesn't give a fuck. Fear is exactly what he wants. There won't be any change unless the economy takes serious damage from his actions. I still believe it will. Nationalism always fucks with the economy.

Does euro land really think they can win in a trade war? Kek we will put your automakers out of business in the states

Maybe yours, Adolph.

why not tax mcdonalds??

nah, I think he is bluffing. The last big threats about DACA and guns were all dickwaving

America isn't special. Trump's mistakes will hit guys like you first. We'll get hit too, but recover faster.

That's because the traits that you get high up in the EU don't include anything like competence or self awareness

>EU is led by incompetent people because Breitbart told me so

Lol what are you going to do? Suck muslim dick to teach us a lesson?

How specifically will Trump's proposed tariff "hit" me?

You are both a shame on your countries. Barking like dogs for your EU slavers.

>The 2002 United States steel tariff was a tariff that U.S. President George W. Bush placed on imported steel on March 5, 2002 (took effect March 20).
>The tariffs were lifted by Bush on December 4, 2003. Research shows that the tariffs adversely affected US GDP and employment.[1]
We can and we have. Do you have any idea how many people German car makers employ in the US?

Wouldn't be the first time a dumb American politician shot themselves in the foot
>200,000 Americans lost their jobs to higher steel prices during 2002. These lost jobs represent approximately $4 billion in lost wages from February to November 2002.

>wtf u guys are united why are u not divided you KEKS praise trump maga

protip literal non-country: the EU's interests align with the interests of all the countries of Europe in this specific case

No silly, that's what their blonde hair blue eyes daughters are for. I wish I could see their faces when they realize their heritage and culture that has been around for thousands of years just got pissed away and their bloodline is now dark skinned retards

They will simply get jobs at American and japense auto dealers buddy

>EU tarriffs the shit out of the US
>US finally decides to tariff back after decades of this bullshit
EU is kike incarnate

Yeah Tusk, we know you and your butbuddy alcoholic Juncker are only where you are due to sheer nepotism, stop pretending to be important, no one likes you guys.

>it did not specify how much of the impact was attributable directly to the steel tariffs
>employment actually increased by almost 53,000 between March 2002 and December 2002, and that employment in the same industries had fallen by 281,000 from March to December 2001
pray to your moon god mohammed

The EU has the HIGHEST standards. FACT.

In September 2003, the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) examined the economic effects of the Bush 2002 Steel Tariffs. The economy-wide analysis was designed to focus on the impacts that arose from the relative price changes resulting from the imposition of the tariffs, and estimated that the impact of the tariffs on the U.S. welfare ranged between a gain of $65.6 million (0.0006% of GDP) to a loss of $110.0 million (0.0011% of GDP). A majority of steel-consuming businesses reported that neither continuing nor ending the tariffs would change employment, international competitiveness, or capital investment.[7]

According to a 2005 review of existing research, all studies on the tariffs "find that the costs of the Safeguard Measures outweighed their benefits in terms of aggregate GDP and employment as well as having an important redistributive impact."[1]

Steel production rose slightly during the period of the tariff. [8] The protection of the steel industry in the United States may have had unintended consequences and perverse effects. A study from 2003 that was paid for by CITAC, a trade association of businesses that use raw materials, found that around 200,000 jobs were lost as a result.[9][10]

The U.S. International Trade Commission noted that although the CITAC study did estimate the impact of changing steel prices, it did not specify how much of the impact was attributable directly to the steel tariffs. The study reported estimated impact, relying on specific assumptions made to make analysis simpler. The ITC also noted that, within the broad definition of "steel-consuming industries" used in the CITAC study, employment actually increased by almost 53,000 between March 2002 and December 2002, and that employment in the same industries had fallen by 281,000 from March to December 2001, prior to the tariffs.[7]

Mongroel ass licker, GTFO.


Fuck the (((European Union))) real hard, mutts. Come on

Tump will give less than 0 fucks if that is even possible. NOBODY in the U.S. relies on European goods. You will find that out the hard way.

We don't need or want to trade with the eurocucks. I want Monroe doctrine back. Fuck Europe and fuck Asia.

youtube is segregated per region. i encourage every one to find a proxie in america and look at americas youtube front page

i discovered this quality of youtube years ago when ign banned me from the comments section for pic related (i had made it originally with a different font on the top and the steam logo symbol was kind of pixelated). anyways after posting on ign which i had found had a region segregated layout despite the same url i went to youtube and low and behold its the same for them

america has been talking a lot of shit about every one in news over the years. in europe im not even sure how much of this you would know since even in europe you dont have access to various websites based in europe if your not in that country

woops forgot pic

inflation is still below target, tariff's will normalize fiat displacement. tradewars on

American products aren't fucking American made any more. They have a reputation for shit because it was all made by our 'trading partners'

Fuck you guys. I want out.

>employment actually increased by almost 53,000 between March 2002 and December 2002, and that employment in the same industries had fallen by 281,000 from March to December 2001
Here is a pic from that CITAC report. Looks like tariffs slowed down the steady loss of jobs in the steel industry. That doesn't even take into consideration that the tariffs came into being right after 9/11.

>MFW contraband jeans becomes a thing again

>China charges 37-46% tariff on foreign steel
Oh you lovable scamps
>US charges 25% tariff on foreign steel

Nationalism is good for the economy in long term. Globalisaation in short term.

You fools play right into our hands. A globalized economy is bad for a nationalist strategy. Please, just cease all trade with us. We can go back to filtering our money into our own nation instead of subsidizing the world.

If the EU isn't already SCREWING US on our lack of tariffs, then why the fuck would they be scared that we would start imposing them?

besides cars, all suropean goods i have are chunky pieces of shit everyday objects with shit quality crumbly plastic with HUGE flash seams.

Everything cars is made in mexico, and has retarded shit like oil pumped through alternator mounts, plastic engine pieces that are more than heat sensitive so they break after 10 years and 80,000 miles, whereas everything in my japan made nissan is still running strong after 35 years and only wear parts like belts, oil, and plugs changed over the course of 250,000 miles.

That's kind of the point that Trump made with this play, and the world seems to be responding exactly as he's planned.
If the common American is given reason to like the idea of American produced materials being used for American production of goods, and this is further goaded by other nations punishing the US for daring to do this, well... Trump wins.

I'll be interested in seeing how domestic companies respond to consumer peer pressure over this issue. A year from now Wal*mart might see some serious hits to their profits.

EU/Leftists can't even into tariffs because they have to virtue signal and only tariff products that are in red states.

>($3.5 billion) of American goods,
1.5 billion less than the GDP of Altoona, Pennsylvania

We don't negotiate with terrorists

>ruff ruff ruff yes massa I suck German dick
> guys don't you know that rulership by a tyrannical oligarchy is needed to be united? We'd be shooting the Poles otherwise!
Maybe the only mistake the USSR did was not throwing you fucks in gulags.

>I hate having choices!
Did you read the article?


nice pic

Rome fell, causing the end of any sort of advanced western democracy for near a thousand years.

And guess what? There were still white people during that time.

No, if we don't wake up now, there won't be any coming back. Uruguay and Argentina will be as white as you can get.

an irrelevant point to make, but that image is originally a US flag and Russian flag, nice photoshop

Nobody is really doubting that it helped the steel industry, but it did so at the cost of other industries.
>More American workers lost their jobs in 2002 to higher steel prices than the total number employed by the U.S. steel industry itself (187,500 Americans were employed by U.S. steel producers in December 2002).
I mean, Trump even wants to tariff Canadian steel and we import more US steel than we export there. Plus America has a general trading surplus with us. It's pretty obvious this wasn't entirely thought through and he just threw it out there to take the heat off of him with the gun control arguments.
Wouldn't be surprised if he actually started to listen to all the advisers telling him it's a bad idea once it cools down. But I guess we'll see; you never can quite tell what he's going to do next.

holy shit
how will flaming faggot euros ever recover?

This. The US has a lot less Euro products being used/wanted by Americans, which is going to make it very lopsided, to their negative in Europe.

> Lets MAGA and exploit or own natural resources

> Waaah waaah here is 98 items that will make you mad. fuck drumpf and fuck wypipo.

Junckers is a nigger.

do you have any idea how many German car factories are in the US already?

If your car makers don't have a factory in the US, they're fucked. Better get building, Mehmet

kek good luck burgers. You guys will yield like the last time you tried that shit.

...only this is not a repeat with the same neocon/globalist leader. There is a reason the world fears an outsider politician like Trump.

>He thinks Trump is a afraid of the WTO

>-$462 billion


look at pic here If you put tariffs, we will just increase our prices to cover the expenses. Meanwhile your people will have to deal with almost double prices(tariff + increase) for a lot of shit, which your economy won't be able to provide.

>Euros buying Levi's and Harleys when they make superior jeans and motorcycles
45 fucked up

Fuck them in ass the ass Trump. Bareback raw fuck those EU kikes over.


>EU kikes

You should start seeing your own government and news stations before talking about kikes...

>It's pretty obvious this wasn't entirely thought through and he just threw it out there to take the heat off of him with the gun control arguments.

>Wouldn't be surprised if he actually started to listen to all the advisers telling him it's a bad idea once it cools down.

Tariffs were a year in the making and based on the recommendations of the Department of Commerce (blanket tariff) and Department of Defense (targeted tariffs, i.e. duties).

Unfortunately, targeted tariffs don't work when the targets dump in other countries, causing those other countries to then flood the US market.

This is exactly the case as is occurring in Canada, South Korea, etc.

Bring it on you pinko Euro faggot scum

Our military industrial complex and controlled annual inflation allows us to stay perpetually in debt and not face any consequences. We make our own money, the debt our nation owns is to the American people, somehow. The Fed is fucking stupid but I'll be damned if it isn't an effective cycle of giving themselves all the fucking money they want for nothing. Money means absolutely nothing to the American government. That's fucking frightening.

>World's largest consumer economy
>Pays for all of NATO
>Euronigger thinks *he* has the high ground here because we are in debt

>ordinary people have to pay double for a lot of stuff
>it's ok, because the kikes will have their slave army


A state in service to itself knows few practical limitations.


I'm not saying I approve of it but in realpolitik terms what the EU is trying to do is insignificant.

>what's produced in America that's not produced here
Globalisation certainly is being produced in Europe. Is that even a real flag BTW? WTF do you produce except communists and globalism?

Hah eu cucks think they can do shit.

I wish Trump big sucsess and swift dmise to the eurofag union.

>>ordinary people have to pay double for a lot of stuff
>The level of delusion that he thinks the CPI will *double* because of a steel tariff

Hahaha I found your sarcasm well done lol

Problem is EU bureaucrats don't understand the mentality of these deep red states they're trying to target, they think they will capitulate in the same way they expect their EU countries to when pressured. All this will do is embolden them, giving the opposite effect.

>US raises tariffs
>the EU raises tariffs as well
Both are in the right, what's the problem here exactly?

Now you've proved what you are.
Ghastly little ex Soviet Hostel pipsqueaks are all for anything that makes them feel bigger. That's why your countries are so awful to begin with, a never ending cycle of power bumming for whoever you feel the strongest master is, Egor.

The EU - meaning Germany - is trying to keep a sustainable economy based on actual industry and production. Meanwhile your kike overlords are ensuring your children's children will be debt slaves. And when that bubble bursts, it won't be the kikes in charge that will pay the bill. It will be Cletus and Shanequa.


Political trade wars and a ww3 gang bang on eurocucks it is

>America will just go deal with someone else.
This. Perfect timing from President Trump now we have told the EU to fuck off. UK USA trade deal when?

God I love Brits, they always tell those little backwater European countries off so succinctly with that acerbic wit

>The EU - meaning Germany - is trying to keep a sustainable economy based on actual industry and production
*Import millions of new workers because they don't have time to wait for birth rates to increase, which is slowly disentegrating the EU while Britain, Russia, and Norway laugh in the distance

Jesus Christ this

>UK cucks will pay the bill for brexit
>will still keep all the gypos and diaspora trash

But I guess it's OK, since they suck your mutilated jewish cock on the internet, right?