I feel lonely, people are empty inside, boring, I feel like nothing they say really matters, they just do what they are supposed to do, like every human is an npc and has no free will, no soul, like an animal, nobody is real
I can't feel a connection, friends are just people I hang out with, love is just someone I cuddle and sex with
Am I a psychopath? Depressed?
I feel lonely, people are empty inside, boring, I feel like nothing they say really matters...
Other urls found in this thread:
This is what nation / family / religion is supposed to solve
You are depressed. Start working out, read more, get outside and into nature more. Take up a new hobby or jump back into an old one. Learn another language. Force yourself to better yourself, no "but I don't feel like it". Every day you have to make an effort to take proactive steps to improve your life. It will not be easy and many times you will feel like giving up but make yourself do it. If you do miss a day don't beat yourself up over it but keep persevering and work on yourself. If you do the above within one month you will notice a change, and within a year you will feel like a new man.
>the boy on the right is more successful in every metric and will probably have many children
>but he's m-m-mediocre!
I bet the kid on the left made this image at only 34 years of age.
Everybody says this about everyone else, is everyone a psychopath? Is everyone depressed? More likely, people just don't understand other people; it's that hedgehog dilemma thing from that anime about Anno's soul-crushing depression.
You may be depressed but thats not the root cause. I have felt this way since i was young. Everyones conversation was just meaningless assinine bullshit. Its rare to find like minded peoole. Why do you think we are all here.
the one on the right realizes everything the one on the left does, but is smart enough to thrive regardless
You have inferior genetics. Either science or natural selection will take care of it.
Just sounds like textbook depression. Try smoking crack.
The first step, the VERY first step, is actually sleep.
Go get you some over-the-counter sleeping medicine and hit the hay a few hours earlier than normal today. Then WAKE THE HELL UP in the morning even if you feel like you need more.
Then go to sleep at a normal hour the next day.
Get your eight hours.
After that, you'll have more sunlight.
More sunlight => more vitamin D
Vit D => better mood, robust body, better regulated sleep cycle
Better Mood, Robust Body, Regular Sleep => greater tolerance to stress => you can run, work out, focus on goals, etc etc
Join us, my friend, I, too have felt this way for so long
And there are people behind the dirtying of our world.
Please, stay strong and healthy, train and read.
Life is not about pleasures, it's a burden, a struggle, a fight, and survival is for the fittest.
this isn't politics
why the hell are people here replying to this blogpost?
>This is what nation is supposed to solve
the govt is not your personal sugar daddy.
He's not talking about the government you idiot
He's talking about the national fulfilment you own when you are part of something greater than yourself, a family, a nation. Not a mindless government seeking to uphold it's own values.
>being this new
Nation =/= government in this context.
This isn't a politics board, it's a
politically-incorrect board.
No, the boy on the right will grow up to be a spoiled retard.
The one on the left will mature much much earlier, and excell at different tasks, reaching greater positions in life, becoming an Ubermensch once hest crossed the seas of nihilism and depression, who knows, perhaps he will even become a leader to depend on, and have many, many children.
Something a spoiled mediocre idiot cannot achieve, because he is weak.
First off, CLEAN your FUCKING room.
Stop watching porn, stop watching video games.
Get a gym membership.
Pick an instrument
>play it
Pick an art (painting, drawing, sculpting, woodcarving)
>learn it
When you practice your instrument or art, do it outside. Get some vitamin D.
Learn to fish and hunt. It’s infinitely satisfying to get your meal straight from the source, prepare it and cook it. Instead of just taking a trip to McDonald’s for some garbage
Oh and I forgot. It’s also good to learn a martial art. You learn to defend yourself/your family from niggers and it’s good for blowing off steam too. I recommend judo or some other form of grappling, it’s very practical
THAT "nation"
if that's so then why do japs have the highest suicide rate? their nation, morals, society, homogeneous society, values,collective ideology, all that horse shit doesn't really help
about time somebody admitted that collectivism creates mindless bugmen such as OP
retard spotted
>nation = government
Tunisian education, everyone
Interesting tell me more
I'm actually an insomniac and I'm already taking vitamin d (I did some research on that), and I feel like it's helping a bit
You have more info maybe?
Fuck i better look up all those faggots and emo sooks from high school to see how great they've gone...
Wait, somethings wrong, half of them arent working at all and the other half are virtue signaling how brave they are for living with a same gender anal sex pervert that they "love"
not everyone get's their food from McDick's you mutt
too late, learn to post, retards.
leaf quality post.
If you're gonna kill yourself, just fucking get it done then. Also take this faggy attention whoring post to Sup Forums
>if that's so then why do japs have the highest suicide rate? their nation, morals, society, homogeneous society, values,collective ideology, all that horse shit doesn't really help
Remember how they were demilitarized and humiliated after getting nuked twice and occupied? Ever notice how Germans aren't too mentally healthy too? Those are just circumstances. Most people can still draw from their culture and history with pride(and Germans etc. have the option of struggling against the NWO to have national rights which can also be fulfilling).
It has as much to do with when you get your sunlight as it does your overall level of vitamin D.
If you get up at a sensible time (no later than 7am) and go and sit in the morning sunlight for 5 minutes that will do the trick.
You belong on r9k
you would know
thread is still active stupid newfag, therefore I can respond to any shitty post I want.
your subsequent posts have been equally asinine and unworthy of response
they have internet in Northern Africa? colour me surprised
To forms of art? Instrument and painting drawing ect?
Wouldn’t it be better to suggest one form of art drawing and a hobby like electronics ect. One being for pure enjoyment instrument guitar and the other as a way to better your self?
>japs commit sudoku because of a war that happened 70 years ago
yeah it's totally because they got nuked, not because they are quite literally a nation of mindless wagecuck bugmen.
>calling japs wagecuck bugmen
damn at least they have jobs
>Is everyone depressed?
In the west, yes lmao. People can't even connect to their parents.
t. wagecuck who works 9 to 5 and contemplates killing himself every time he wakes up
using a smug anime image doesn't make you right
you can't outbantz a shitposter, son
I became the one on the left when I was 8. People thought I would end up shopping up a school.
Yup, the losers and winners of WW2 and to a lesser degree the cold war are still feeling the effects to this day, and some of those effects are cultural. Is this new to you?
It's not about nuking as it is about demilitarization, atrocity propaganda and a forced cultural shift. Same with Germans.
And btw I wouldn't think that Japanese would have a particular problem with being wagecucks, they always had sticks up their asses regardless of govt or economic system (and always had the tendency of killing themselves for nothing).
Don't listen to them user, you may be depressed but that's one of the symptoms of waking up from the illusion.
You're going through the five stages of grief (because when you wake up from the illusion, the process of dying to the world begins.)
Just keep on keeping on till you're reborn...then the world will worry because then you're in power to affect the nature & fabric of the matrix.
>self proclaimed shitposter is actually a newfag redditor who came in the elections
You and i know what you're saying is a load of rubbish.
If anything, japanese problems are ANYTHING but historical
You got the astronomical amount of crime and corruption and even yakuza influence in govt
You got over-worked-ness (aka wagecuckery)
You also have some cultural phenomenons like japs being obsessed with status and self-image (basically japs being obsessed of what people think of them)
So, occam's razor says get out.
KYS faggot
Japan specifically also has a culture that arguably enables suicide over what westerners view as minor failures. Organized crime is hardly a Japanese issue, it's present in every country. I don't see how this has anything to do with the "nation" we were talking about. This "nation" is the other Japanese people in Japan, Japanese people can still draw from their history and find fulfillment in their collective identity, so is right.
You chose this classic example because the Japanese are homogeneous, but they have always been suicidal as hell, and there is almost nothing left to practice from their actual culture seeing how a large portion of it was based on war.
Btw, why do you think that Europeans have huge suicide rates? What makes them so depressed? Unlike the Japanese, they aren't chronic suiciders.
>Organized crime is hardly a Japanese issue
stop talking.
Hardly an exclusively Japanese issue. It isn't. The Yakuza is just crazy and cruel because japs are, just like the case is with the Russian mafia.
yeah but unlike russian mobs, yakuza has a fuckton of influence in the govt, that's a pretty big problem.
No, not unlike the Russian mob, that's the whole point user. Not unlike a lot of East European organizations. It's not the first or last or the most severe instance of govt-organized crime relations.
Answer my question, please. Why do you think white Europeans kill themselves today? Do you really think it has nothing to do with the fact that they have to be ashamed of their history?
fuck off kike
The holocaust is not offensive faggot try again
>dude phonies
wow cool you're basic as fuck
life isn't fun or fulfilling
you can grow a dick and try something different or do a half-hearted attempt at jordy p. self actualization and turn into an "npc" as you so eloquently put it. the stupid faggots who spend all day here yelling at bots will give you shit either way. it doesn't matter. killing yourself will just recycle your conscious energy into something roughly as hellish. might as well fuck around and get a triple double instead of worrying what a bunch of gutless queers on an anime forum think of you
No, the cringey emo fag will find Sup Forums and bitch about the world mot being fair.
>The holocaust
>Do you really think it has nothing to do with the fact that they have to be ashamed of their history?
Yes, tardo.
it has to do however with
>shit tier societies
>lack of vitamin D
>"first world problems"
Yea fictional events don't offend me either.
Oh we will, don’t you worry about that, kike
israeli citizens don't give a fuck about joodeyizm or internet skinheads saying The Mean Swears at them generally speaking, most of them aren't practicing jews
has them regardless to be on the safe side. A dead jew is a good jew
K moron, individual depression is a symptom of their shit tier societies, and their societies are shit in the first place because they have had no right for any significant self-determination since the 40's and got flooded by garbage people.
A lack of vitamin D, aka "first world problems", do not cause one race to have higher suicide rates than others. Especially not the typically northern European ones lmao. You have a really shallow view of identity if you think that a healthy relationship with your ethnic group is inconsequential to a healthy psyche.
>A lack of vitamin D, aka "first world problems", do not cause one race to have higher suicide rates than others
otherwise was scientifically proven, you pseud.
>That picture
I always find it sad how little about Christianity the people that criticize it often know, pretending like it preaches nothing but rainbows and unicorns. Any person that knows the most basic of doctrines would understand that Christianity is literally nothing but constant struggle to prove oneself worthy to God.
Literally the kid on the left best encompasses the reality of Catholicism but for some reason is portrayed as if it was the opposite of it. Seriously, if people on Sup Forums would actually understand Christianity they would realize that it's everything they think NatSoc is and much more.
מה מטרינו? מה המטרה שלך?
*ממטרה שלנו?
Autocorrect fucked the words.
I love it how you only answer one line at a time.
Highly doubt that northern people are much more sensitive to a lack of sunlight than Southerners like Africans and South Americans. You are welcome to prove me otherwise.
Be it as it may, ethnicity is still a vital part of identity.
Are you doing the google translate thing? please don't
There is a finite number of souls. Since birthrate is exploding "humans" are being born without souls. This is why you observe these npc-like people. They aren't self aware.
לא אני יהודי מחו''ל. פשוט רוצה לדעת מה אתה חושב זה המטרה של העם שלנו? לגיויים זה לקבל שוב קוממיות בארצם. מה לדעתך המטרה של העם היודי? כבר יש לנו מדינה ונשקי אתומי כדי להגן על עצמינו.
מבחינתי יש לנו אחריות לדאוג לזה שיהודים שחיים בחו"ל לא יהרסו את העבודה שלנו מבחוץ. זה אומר בין השאר לרסן ג׳ורג׳ סורואים למיניהם.
מעבר לזה אנחנו צריכים לסיים את העבודה בארץ. זה אומר להעיף פלסטינים, לעשות שלום או תיקו איזורי, ולקחת כוח מחרדים ודתיים בהתאם למה שהחזון הציוני תמיד היה.
אה, ויהודים בחו"ל צריכים או להתנצר וזהו או לעלות לארץ אגב.
>Highly doubt that northern people are much more sensitive to a lack of sunlight than Southerners like Africans and South Americans