Fuck bitcoin, buy gold, land, weapons, ammo, medicine store water and canned food.
Fuck bitcoin, buy gold, land, weapons, ammo, medicine store water and canned food
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But bitcoin is just another commodity. Not unlike gold, land, ammo, canned food and potable water.
You don't really know what a commodity is, do you?
And we will hand over our money to the elites again. Should have just let the system fail.
Autistic computer builder gets rich and thinks he suddenly understands the economy.
it's jsut numbers on a screen, its fucking worthless if the system collapses
>buy land
you don't own yourself let alone land
Hi Ben
you have to be retarded if you don't think he's well educated on economics
someone with as much money as him will ALWAYS get into the stock market
Its just lunps of shiny, heavy yellow metal. Totally worthless if the system collapses
None of us are buying shitcoin
>Amerimutt doesn't know what gold can be used for
Typical goblino
this only retards mostly redditors bought that meme shit
It’s not a commodity. It’s a currency and a shitty one
Already planning on moving to a place where joos don't have control and buy land + build house + permaculture there.
>S-society w-will collapse it has to! All muh youtube intellectuals have been saying it!
I can handle this. I mean, even our President said:
>Just work, ignore the crisis
Been awhile since the last one, always fun to see burgers panic.
Solar, batteries, solar power battery rechargers, guns, water filters, canned food, ammo, ammo, more ammo, knives, rope of various sizes, a Kindle with tons of survival books and related chargers, sewing kits, extra clothes. You get the idea.
That's like saying it might rain in the future.
Finally, can't wait. Ancaps and richfags kys
Am I retarded or did nothing really happen in 2008. Or did it only effect really rich fucks?
In an age of electronics, computers, and batteries, lumps of shiny metal have an ever increasing value for any nation. Fucking idiot
You can trade gold, once everyone pull out off bitcoin it will be utterly useless. Bitcoin is not something you want to be holding in an economic crisis.
I can see the U.S entering a huge sovereign debt crisis within the next decade due to our uncontrolled spending
Trump cutting corporate taxes will only get us there faster.
Golds value against actual useful goods will go dramatically down in the event of a collapse but it will be a better investment than buttcoin
It was world wide last time, smart guy
I love this pic.
>Trump cutting corporate taxes will only get us there faster.
>revenue up since tax cuts (just like nearly every other tax cut ever)
>buy weapons, ammo, medicine store water and canned food.
Finally, someone who understands what I'm talking about. Listen to me right now Sup Forums, I've seen what humans become outside of civilization. The items listen above will be highly valuable not only in your sustenance but trading provisions as well.
Two more items to stock up not for personal use but for trading as these two items will increase in value during the inevitable collapse. Stock up on ALCOHOL and TOBACCO for TRADING. They will be worth more than their weight in gold when civilization breaks down.
>Biologica/chemical/nuclearl attack
Don't forget some gas masks
alcohol and tobacco are relatively easy to manufacture
>He still thinks we don't make the chinese richer everytime his economy collapse.
you'd think the rich are ripping you off but seriously it's just dumbfucks tossing stacks of money in their faces
trust me when "everybody" is getting rich, 95% isn't going to make it
My bank account is basically numbers on a screen. Until I go to ATM and actually take money out. Ever think about that?
>it's a certainty
So it's thoroughly planned, as usual.
>making billionaires richer
>still wont raise minimum wage in the face of an inflating dollar.
yeah, trump sure is (((our guy)))
>buy land
>pay property taxes
There is no escape user. We are enslaved
you'd be naive to think there will never be a economic crisis again.
US dollar is legal tender
No shit Sherlock. They happen like clockwork. Just the past generation: 1980, 1987 stock crash, 89 junk bond crash, 97 Asia, 99 Dotcom, 2007 CDO fault. Now, how fucking smart is Mr Gates? Gee will another happen?
Bitcoin is ruining PC gaming and it's the only sane form of digitized entertainment in this world.
Who only makes minimum wage
It was getting bad. But then out central banks printed money and bailed out certain corporations to keep the thing going for awhile longer. Now we are in the same place but with more debt.
go back to plebbit and get raped in the ass by GRIDs infested niggers you fucking worthless queer
And people who became rich, like me. You guys are fucking retarded
delete this
Shit paper and tampons. Lesson learned from Russian crash.
>World goes to shit
>I'll give you 5tonnes of useless gold for your food and water
Why am I buying gold again?
>It's a currency, like dollars
>It's a commodity, like gold
>It's a new paradigm, like the internet
>It's a rare collectable, like beanie babies
Bitcoin is dollars, gold, the internet, and beanie babies combined.
>like the one in 2008
Liar. It will be worse. It will be at least like the Great Depression, maybe worse. Crisis that happens once in a lifetime.
The Chinese are thirsty puppets too. Millions of them will die pretty soon. They'll make tienanmen square look like a circus
Reminder anyone shilling for Crypto is a kike. Crypto is not as secret as you want it to be, nor is the zombie-like march towards automation and digitizing everything what you want it to be.
But if people just started using bitcoin for transactions, the government cant do anything to stop us. It could literally free civilization if central bank controlled currency. Very exciting times. Currency is nothing more than people having faith in it to trade. If that faith goes away, the currency dies.
>names non commodities as commodities
YOU don't know what a commodity is.
Intrinsic value
Is it ever not?
Imagine if the fed fucked us over again only to get audited and reveal there is no gold in the reserves and the situation is much worse.
I have no doubt that will happen if your economy starts collapsing.
I can't help but think we should all team up on this instead of individually waiting to have the resources to leave the liberal nightmare.
It'll be world wide. Better get your guns ready
You do realize in every pyramid schemes some people have to get rich right? Otherwise it wouldn't be a scheme.
This. Don't forget mass starvation too.
It's way past overdue since the kikes just keep printing even more money and fucking with the interest rates
It'll happen when King Kike decides it's most convenient for him
>the government cant do anything to stop us.
no but you still have have to pay your taxes in dollars so as long as the feds are still around the dollar will have value
Good lord you idiots are hilarious. Who has the most capital to buy up cryptos? The central banks. If you don't think they are already heavily involved in manipulating the markets best they can you are a fucking retard. And if you think it's going to be super anonymous for all time you again, are a fucking retard.
>Currency is nothing more than people having faith in it to trade
If you're a fucking kike maybe. Currency should be tied to labor and there is no argument against this. When it's not tied to labor you get kikery like crypto.
Hi poorfag.
Pretty fucking useless in a global collapse, ya dingus.
Republicans and Democrats just worked together to repeal Dodd-Frank and deregulate banking
You know, the banking sector that caused the Global Financial Crisis in 2008
They dont need no regulation on what they can and cant do or how they invest and what in
That nasty old government regulation is just holding them back
Nothing bad could possibly happen again this time
Could it
Bitcoin will die out when all the libs realize that it’s insanely energy intensive and as a result harms the environment. Once that happens you will have both right and left wing billionaires as well as the lower income left against Elon Musk and his army of retarded redditors as the only people left supporting crypto.
Yeah, heavy metal that has no everyday uses is absolutly a great idea to store your wealth in the case of collapse.
Are you crazy? Store gold and you are sitting duck to people who didn't went full retard and got more ammo instead.
>Intrinsic value
How many tons of diamons would you be willing to give for a bottle of water while dying of thirst?
He gets all this from Buffett. That crusty old fuck is preparing for the crash. They want to do it for the wrong reasons, though. They want to put in another Obama. These people will probably lose all their money, because they will not pick winners and losers. They will be picked losers. This is the state of the US "economy". Every few years you need to thin the herd of monopolies to pick off assets. The politically close winners loot the losers. They think they are going to do what they did in 2008. Chances are they will get looted. Because this is what happens in Banana Republic, and they created one out of the US.
I always love when people begin publicly stating what is already held in private and no one responds but when it all finally comes crashing down the mass consensus is :
> Who could have seen this coming?
> wow, it came out of nowhere
> I thought everything was going so well
top fucking kek
Really makes you think
Why?, we don't deal as much with you, we will let you sink in your melting pot misery like any time before this one.
My post was mocking Bitcoin proponents by showing that Bitcoin is literally anything they want it to be.
goodluck trading a bitcoin to someone without a computer
>Pretty fucking useless in a global collapse, ya dingus.
During soviet revolution in many areas deep in russia without possibility of trade worth of gold for both reds and whites was pretty much equal to that of lead. They literaly made ammo out of it.
None. Clean water is an easy fix
Why buy all that shit? The only thing in your list that helped in 2008 was gold, and you still had to pick the right time to sell it for it to be worthwhile. The whole guns and land thing is a meme.
Medicine expires as does canned food.
>None. Clean water is an easy fix
So you will die and i take your diamonds from your dead fingers.
You are a retard.
Social collapse is not "like the wild west". There was areas where everything nice and dandy during then. How the fuck do you plan to move with your gold? You plan to sit in your fucking basement on top of it like a goddam dragon?
If the system collapses, gold will still have value. Bitcoin, which requires a functioning electrical grid and a functioning internet, will quickly die.
>gold will still have value
So will fucking steel. But you won't see people shilling buying gold.
Gold is a fucking meme.
>reddit spacing
opinion disregarded
I like the gold standard for this reason. I don't know enough on the topic so my opinion which seems in line with yours might still be fucked.
>I like the gold standard for this reason.
And central banks don't have majority of gold becouse magic?
>I'm rich listen to me
Threw fuck does this fucking computer nerd know about this?
I don't trust billionaires with anything anymore, they change their opinion in a matter of seconds, yet there are still people who believe their shit.
>rich guy trying to get me to sell my bitcoin to make its price drop so he can buy the lows.
>Bill Gates: The business cycle will continue its highly predictable pattern
more news at 11
Don't be a salty no coiner. I wagecucked my ass off while exercising the discipline to live below my means (with a wife and kids) and invested money that I fucking slaved for into something six years ago that I believed would change the world. I was right and now I reap the rewards.
Salty no coiners either didn't save shit and ran up their credit card tab, are NEETs, or contributed to their 401k and let the Jew handle their money.
Plenty of opportunity left in the world man. Do the right things long enough and shit will work out for you. Don't waste your energy hating.
Kek coinfags BTFO
Look at history
Why does it always have to be and EITHER OR with some fags? Both gold and bitcoin have their virtues and a well diversified portfolio should have both. In the "Mad Max" scenario the only viable currency is ammo.
We usually side with Germany.
I won't die so easily. I'll bring my metals with me. Much like I would right now.
But my stack is for a hedge against inflation, not much for total collapse. I wouldn't let it slow me down enough to die.
And why would you be alive to steal my gold one I've died? What killed me?
>what killed me?
A bullet?
>What killed me?
A loli.
So we're are all just going to trade our time, services, and goods for nothing?
Economies will sprout naturally. After some shock, we will just move in with life in the new paradigm.
What's your brilliant plan?