Other urls found in this thread:
>Global economy
>Free trade meme
Wait about 7 years when the EU collapses. By that time South Africa will be resolved. and the world will give fuck all about a European super state.
But i mean, either way, feel free to screen cap a single frame in what will probably and most definitely be a 1 week thing, then all the new millennial investors will realize they're fucking retards.
>the flippening
Thanks for the chuckle OP.
You're welcome. Here's some extra flip for ya.
Go back to shitheddit faggot, the economy is more than you can understand.
The EU has a hard time ahead no doubt, the american meltdown right now is epic nonetheless.
You are congo-tier to me, realized when I first visited your shithole, you wish you were european, all you have left is KFC all-in and the superbowl.
Peasant brains all fixated on race, religion gender on a ooga-booga level of retardation, it was disgusting.
Dotardnomics will run your country into the ground like you have never seen before while you guys stare at the rest of the world shaking hands.
We don't even have to do anything, you are eating yourself.
If somebody was interested in getting rid of you all he had to do is knock your lights off via emp for a few days and there won't be anything left.
Seeing america getting rekt by another swamp once and for all is so incredibly comfy to watch from afar.
I walk markets since you collect pokemon, lolbertarian.
>congo tier
opinion discarded, you a literally importing niggers because niggers.
The midwest is more german than you are seeing as 3-4 states is bigger than Germany pre world war 1, and still has the ethnic composition of 85% white. With German ancestry. The places you visited (if you're not blowing smoke up your own ass) were most likely urban city centers or some retarded tourist attraction.
>meanwhile in Germany the women throw themselves at Africans
You guys will be mulatto in one generation and completely black in two. Your women love africans
Rich getting lectured by you peasants, don't be a naive autist.
The one reason this immigration crisis exists is (You) user, the USA.
You light up the ME since years because
A) oil, catering to military industrial complex
B) not next door
mulatto like you user?
like your wife's kids
Who gives a flyign fuck about the normie market? Get crypto you dumb cunt. The anti-jew currencies are doing wonderful.
Whatever makes you sleep virgin.
Also off-topic.
I own crypto. Wanna know the truth?
Again I do this for quite some time, I remember all those articles back then when media made fun of billionaires burning money on crypto.
Lots of articles, dyor, reality is:
Financial elites all bought heavily into crypto already during the so-called investment crisis a few years after 2008 (I think it started around 2010?) when regular markets were saturated already and good investments sparse.
Calling crypto anti-jew is beyond retardation user, they all bought into btc at around .40, do the math.
Muh based Burgers
Muh 1 million a year
>i am underage and have never left the country
red states need to be carpet bombed. he's right, you're all a bunch of subhuman rats whose communities revolve around wal-mart. it's repulsive.
Burger economical collapse, it was about time.
Marx predicted this.
Putting out flat numbers isn't a good idea Hans. At least we don't have a Merkel in the WH.
But yea, im not taking your baseless shill nigger tactics to heart, i know krauts generally aren't as naive as you are. You're argumentation consists of nothing more than le 56% which isn't even a legitimate meme given it was pushed by a Bolshevik discord, and various other Tu-quo.
Historically we kicked your ass, and if you say that russia is the reason why we won, then you're only further outing yourself as a commie. The problem i have with "Krauts" like you, is that you're not even legitimately a citizen of the country you live in, because you belong to the E.U.
Your culture has been emasculated by a single woman and political correctness. But thats only if you're actually german and not muhammed.
>i am 12 and regurgitate Sup Forums memes: the post
i hope you and your whole family die of cancer. the US could use a few less parasites.
Lol what a faggot post
There is lots of reasons to love america, but this right now is just sad.
You didn't kick our ass, it was your based grandparents you autistic thicclet.
>my little bumfuck town in iowa with 3 inbred people is the REAL UNITED STATES!!!
You sane americans will have to clean up a lot of mess again.
You shitskin Germans will be Turks in 5-7 years.