Friend turned communist

Hey Sup Forums, a friend of mine has begun to think that communism is somehow a good thing. How can i convince him otherwise? Do you guys got some anti-communist memes like pic related i can throw at him?

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Have him read Gulag Archipelago

Invite some Finns over to 'talk' to him.

Just encourage the nation building shit and take him to a nigger infested area for some reason. They will redpill him on race way harder than you can


This is by far my favourite

Ask yourself, what's the only good kind of commie?
>Do as you must user

When you hang out, always be broke and always ask for him to pay your share. When he refuses respond with "but I thought you supported communism".


This, show don't tell.

>How can i convince him otherwise?
A sock filled with your equivalent of a quarter. Either he comes to his senses or you can take pride knowing you beat a commie.

You cant, your friend has become woke to the reality that race is a social construct and that all history is the history of class struggle, and that communism inevitable

How about not having friends who are 13?

>communism is inevitable
>mao in ID
it is...beautiful

You commies always say that it's "inevitable", but if it's so inevitable why do you have to force it on people all the time with revolutions and violence?

> Believing main stream media headlines
I thought poltards were better than that?

> Believing capitalism came about thru peaceful volunteerism instead of violent revolutions and wars

>sending memes
>not just baiting him into ideological traps
Seriously. Ask him if he thinks everything would be better if we were all farmers, then ask him how many farmers it takes to cure cancer.

Wtf are you on about. Nobody mentioned capitalism. Just answer the question, burger


> Implying being a Gommunist is not the greatest thing.

tell him to come to any ex-communist country and openly state that, he will get his teeth kicked in

i am an east german. i know what communism is and i hope you will learn it as well, as you seem to like it. "enjoy" it and you'd better don't cry about your empty plate, as everyone is equally starving.

80yo Russians were born circa 1940 and were young adults in circa 1960 which was pretty good time across all Europe. They'd love to return to Soviet 60s if they could.

Do West Germans look down on Eastern Germans any? Genuinely curious.

Take away his iPhone and iPad and say he have to share or you gonna shoot him

Don't convince him to be NazBol instead. Tell him to read Dugin.

Alright here is the answer, Capitalism is enforced with state violence, CIA coups, imperialism, and invasion of any country that wants to keep its resources for it own people, so therefore it will end with violence when the vast of people decide to.

>coming to a natsoc board trying to find good political arguments
Hope you enjoy alienating your friend OP

Because people don't know what’s best for themselves? The funny thing is, all of the old school western communists I knew have pretty much given up. They are all waiting for AI to solve their problems, so it’s pretty clear that they don't know what’s best for themselves either!

I wouldn't trust a communist with an empty cardboard box.

Only a little. We called them "Ossis" and laughed at their cars, mullets and their lack of bananas, but otherwise they were OK.
Today everything is overshadowed by the lügenpresse constantly calling them nazis because they vote for AfD a lot.
And I'm seriously looking to move to East Berlin or outskirts because West Berlin is flooded with shitskins to the brim.

most do and view us as either lazy or a huge money sink - which was caused by the soviet union, as they took everything we had and left pretty much nothing, no financed rebuilding really either after the war.
add to that now that the AFD has their biggest followership in east germany and you get the idea. we are all evil lazy nazis that didn't deserve the money that the west did spend on us to rebuild after the fall of the wall.
also worth to note that to this day, east germans get payed less for the same jobs than people from west germany, which in some cases amounts to 500+ Dollars worth less. at least we got way less shitskins for now, walking to a big city in the west of germany is a nightmare and not really germany anymore.

> Using a fictional book about stalins gulags to discredit 200 years of political theory
Is this the best you got fashies?

Again with the fucking capitalism? I asked you why communism always needs to be forced on people. If it was so inevitable it would surely come naturally. And then you start ranting on about a whole different ideology


I love it when middle class LARPers start talking commie revolution so I go "ok, gimmie some of yours."

Then they almost always go "oh, I'm a prole just like you." So far they have yet to contribute to our glorious marxist revolution.


just throw memes at him lmao


Communism will arise out of a revolution created by crisis of capitalism. The revolution is how it begins, communism without revolution is utopian and not Marxist

Kill him.
Suffer not a subversive to live.

mao, sweety, that still doesn't mean communism does work, it will still fail. it doesn't matter how it comes about, the whole system of communism is impossible for humans.


>implying marxism in of itself isn't a utopian ideal
Get out of my country.

Do these useful idiots really want to die in a communist purge?

These useful idiots are gonna get fucked up when Comisar Jamal and Commisar Cletus take over. All their fancy stuff is going to get taken and they'll be thrown in a gulag if they complain.

Unfriend him on Facebook. That'll teach him.

Marxism is a critique of capitalism based on scientific analysis, it doesnt say explicitly how communism would work, it outlines how crisis of capitalism would give way to a new system forming.

Send him to my babushka. She will show that lazy brainlet faggot what is real communism. At the end of the month he will eat fuckin bread with salt as some foreign delicacy.

Idiots follow shit like communism because they think its cool not because they really gave it any thought. If they thought seriously about it, they just wouldn't be communist.
So, first always tell him how boring he has become, then whenever he wants to argue about it be sure to say absurd shit in reply because "since this is obviously not a serious conversation anymore I won't be serious either".

Good luck with that. Get him the Gulag Archipelago or something.

turn him into a nazbol for peak subversion

The DDR was good cause it made Vita Cola.

While I don't disagree with the specific point it is far too easy to dismiss people that disagree with you by saying that they just haven't though seriously about it, I mean else why would they disagree with you? It’s incredibly narcissistic and borderline delusional. Also, if you beat someone out of a thought with emotion or fists rather than by reasoned argument based on sound falsifiable evidence then you are no better than a communist.

Beat the shit out of him

Oh okay, thanks Anons.

Not gonna lie. I am tempted

it's a good thing dude
embrace it

I hate middle class kids from the deepest part of my heart. These scum lived their comfortable life with the money of their parents and then feel guilty for being useless pieces of shit and now force a suicide pact on everyone.

I didn't have a comfortable life, I didn't travel the world with papa's money, I didn't have Ski holidays in 5 star hotels. When you tell them that it's not god given that they can redistribute your hard earned money, they blame you. But this isn't why I hate these kind of people. I hate them, because they don't act like they preach. Once they realise that their money could be taken away, they revert to being Bourgeoisie

You know nothing about commies. They do not receive any verbal or visual arguments, until you beat the shit out of them.

Ask if he likes owning property, eating, and not being executed for liking those things.

In all honesty you are not winning the argument that way. You are just obviating it.

Perhaps the level of beating could be precisely determined and exactly applied so as to overcome their emotional bias? Or preferably some anti-delusional medication prescribed by a professional?

After which rational discourse would commence.

Do nothing. Don't even bother trying to debate these types of people. It's not worth the effort.

Let them live in their communes and attempt to create their ideal socialist state. They will crash and burn on their own, and you shall outlast them. Mы вac пoхopoним.

>the level of beating
Unfortunately it's too high for further dialog.
>some anti-delusional medication
Ah, yes. That will work, but chance, that he would not turn into stupid drooling vegetable because of medication again, is small.
>After which rational discourse would commence.
Most of them have the same ending, where he pretendind that this was not real communism. To prevent turning into a commie usually works changing of surrounding.
And this one is unfortunately right.

Just kill him, its to late now

I wouldn't mind them if they were just minding their own business. But the problem with communists are that they wish to impose their own ideas on the rest of us, wether we wan't it or not.

If they just kept to themselves and allowed people to leave if they changed their minds then I don't think anyone would have a problem with them. Communes with free association would be fine.

From my point of view; it’s the vile self-righteous zeal and their instance that everyone conforms to their way of thinking and being and not least their self-congratulation and hypocritical self-absorption that disgusts me.

I grant that history will take care of them but in the meantime, they are making choices for others with their actions. People should be free, for good and ill, and in order for that to be true communists must be met and countered.

Challenge him to visit a post-communist country. For extra challenge tell him to praise communism while there.

He’ll say that wasn’t real communism.

Then ask him why haven't there been any real communist states ever implemented after all these years.

Tell him to go visit albania and see what a shithole it is due to communism

This will work as well as showing people contradictions in their religion. It won't. Russian user is right. It’s far too easy to have emotional bias when thinking about communism, I am obviously guilty of it myself in the contrary direction, it’s incredibly hard to counter.

Ask him why he thinks so, make sure to seem genuinely interested (or fake it good) and never say shit like "You're wrong"/"Let me tell you why you're wrong"/"That's not how it works". Instead, try asking him what he thinks about X, Y, Z. Base those questions around logic, the commie's greatest enemy. Maybe act like you're not fully convinced about communism, force him to have an eager want to tell you more about it another day, this might make him realize it by himself that it's stupid and makes no sense. The most important thing is to make him feel important, as soon as he becomes aggressive, might be a good idea to abort political conversation for the day.

stop wasting your time with convincing him, move along. he is obvs a retard

Sorry, once you start reading books, you can't go back.

To whom do you think propaganda should be aimed towards - the people already supporting the ideology the propaganda is promoting or the people opposing it?

You are making a mistake if you think that commies are persuaded by logic. They aren't. The social sciences are next to worthless, but one of the few definitive things you can actually learn from it is that all utopian socialist projects are doomed to failure. There is not a single other experiment that has been tried so many times under so many conditions and failed so perfectly as socialism in all of its flavors. This is not enough to dissuade leftists because it isn't logic that compels them, it's a sense of justice.

You have to attack them where it hurts: their assumed moral superiority. To them, even if communism/socialism results in poverty, starvation, purges, concentration camps, whatever, it is still just because equality matters more than freedom or prosperity.

Assert that human prosperity and individual freedom are the things worth living for, and that if he suggests stealing from, inflicting violence upon, or enslaving people to the state in the name of a mystical proletariat, then he is in fact evil.

If he doesn't right himself then cut off ties completely. Remember that your "friend" thinks it's ok to walk into your house, take what he likes there, and give it to other people. His hand is in your pocket right now. Never let yourself stop hating him for that, or else you are giving him the victim's sanction.

How redpilled is Memri?

it's set up by a jewish army colonel to bring awareness to how backwards and fucked up the Arab world is. Definitely biased, since they translate stuff in an unflattering way and choose to air materials that are selectively controversial, but it's a case of someone Sup Forums doesn't like trashing someone else Sup Forums doesn't like.

tbf communism IS inevitable

Also I literally agree with Memri on a lot of things. The Jews accidentally supplied me with something I like.

In reality...

Talk to most people who lived under communism, they will tell you it was pretty great. Anyone who believes what capitalist-owned media tells you about an anti-capitalist movement is an idiot.

>i wasnt shot or sent to gulag or starved to death so it was pretty good

Don't forget about the 500 gorillion babies massacred in WMD masturbation machines

cant forget the ghost nazis invasion of moscow where they raped men and boys with their pozzed loads and stole all the loafs of bread and chocolate digestives

If he wants to live in a communism and get free gibmedats the first thing he needs to know about it is... even if he is a productive member of society in a communism he is still just a Number as far as the government is concerned, and more than that is considered an Asset of that government (property).
> which means that while he may enjoy the socialism of the state and feel he is doing a good job for his fellow man at whatever profession he knows how to do...
> he's on the chopping block like everyone else, and if he ever changes his mind in the future, or if the government just doesnt care about the people living in his area
> he may starve to death or literally be dragged out and shot, and this sort of thing has happened countless times over the past 100 years in almost all of the communist countries

Then Explain...
A Facism Government pretty much operates the same way but is bound together with the strength of patriotic spirit, and an individual's contributions are Honored.
> while the government maintains a strict stranglehold on business, allowing small businesses to thrive and continue to do what they do best
> but makes sure that big business and corporations only exist to serve the people rather than investors.
> because its the fat cats that will fucking get shot if they arent serving the public good
Basically means long term job security because even if he lost his job, the state would help him find a new one because they'd likely have most low-end jobs covered by a national database. It'd be like going to a work temp agency except it would be getting a full on job rather than a temp job.

Sooo... Facism and Gommunism are pretty much the same except that with facism you still get to keep your humanity and individuality, while in communism you keep neither and can be readily disposed of no matter who you are.
> under communism Everybody has an equal opportunity of being put in a mass grave, no racism or selectiveness about it.

You can't convince anybody on any good, ethical and healthy way without fully redpilling him on jews first. The entire world and power of global mass media tries to convince him otherwise and this is what a regular person will generally trust over your opinion.

To be fair, there are superficial elements of Communism which seem genuinely appealing to the ignorant. The claimed goal of closing wealth disparity, making sure everyone has enough to eat and a place to live, sharing the burden of healthcare as a society, etc. It's easy to see why some might latch onto these ideas.

The redpill comes when one looks at practical considerations and learns that Communism necessitates a Totalitarian State, and that "equality" is actually achieved by ensuring everyone is equally poor and miserable, with the elite party members at the top of government enjoying vast wealth and power. It's a seemingly beautiful Utopian dream that only serves to create Hell on Earth.

I’m horny now

The key to this which I learned, because when I was a kid/teen I wanted communism... is to illustrate that the reason it will never work is because the people who get put in charge of it will be too power hungry and corrupted to maintain it without any bias.
And there is literally no solution to this because as many sci-fi movies have suggested even a robotic overlord intelligence would turn on the serfs it was supposed to manage and protect.

The idea is nice on paper, put resources where they should be, give everyone the same opportunities so everyone can prosper. But it just does-not-work, period.

Military controlled facism CAN work though. If germany hadnt been oppressed by foreign powers they wouldn't have had a reason to go to war (pre-emptive strike against being attacked first). Regardless of what they did in terms of war crimes, if you remove the warfare part of the equation (#IcanHazPoland?) they would have been long term sustainable and it would've been a good place to call home.

Your friend is retarded. Ditch him


>congratulations Marxist evolved to nazbol

I love how communists in america at least rip on farmers, miners, mechanics, plumbers, and all blue collar labor jobs like they somehow have those trades figured out
like who the fuck is going to plan all year to produce a crop so it can be stolen and redistributed to some feminist art free bleeder activist and nigger with 7 kids

>shit, he became communist


>Commie scum
Rent a heli and get the job over and done with

Beat him until he understands that he's an idiot.

My great grandfather was sent to a gulag and died there. The rest of the family were denounced as kulaks, exiled to Siberia and forced to flee to China to escape further persecution. There they faced mass famine and further persecution as Russian orthodox christians in a xenophobic communist nation until they recieved confirmation from the Australian government to seek asylum here.

My family legacy involves escaping from communism.

But yeah give your own anecdotes about how it was an alright place.