You don’t drink poison, right user?
You... do realise what it does to you?
Sugar in drinks
I really only drink water and PBR's.
Metric system little koala bear
I always put sugar in my coffee and I cant stop drinking orange juice
I'm surprised Sunny D has that few sugar, when I was little we used to call it Sunny Diabetes because it wasn't even juice, it was like high fructose corn syrup, water and sugar with juice flavoring.
>he can’t convert the two
For shame, user.
You should drink coffee black if you must drink it, or restrict yourself to a single teaspoon. Or just add honey instead.
Anything is better than large amounts of sugar.
The corn syrup shit is terrible for you too, there is a nice brand in Australia that is literally just oranges+pulp, literally nothing else, do you guys have anything like that there?
Pabst Blue Ribbon. It's a cheap, albeit popular beer here in the States.
(((sugar))) and (((salt))), both weapons used by the (((big pharma))) to push for more high cholesterol fools = more drug$$
I drink 2-3 litres of Nesquick milkshake a day.
Wait, you do honey in black coffee? How is that? Is that an Aussie thing?
I'm in Florida, we have the best, non-GMO natural orange juice in the entire United States
Sugar isn’t poison retard
Love how you say this then you go drinking your favorite microbrew every Friday Saturday and Wednesday nights
As if alcohol isn’t poisonous
Why do you care if there is GMO or no? You realize all fruits are gmo right? How do you think bananas don’t have seeds in them ?
No, I do it too, I just tend to run out of honey before sugar.
Go away Monsanto shill
Because they don't pass for the fertilization process.
>tfw only drinking black tea
All i drink is water and rarely some fresh squeezed pomegranate or tart cherry juice
Sweet Poison exposes one of the great health scourges of our time and offers a wealth of practical and accessible information on how to avoid fructose, increase your enjoyment of food and lose weight.
David Gillespie was 40kg overweight, lethargic, sleep-deprived and the father of four, with twins on the way.
He knew he needed to lose weight fast, but he had run out of diets - all had failed.
After doing some reading on evolution (why weren't our forebears fat?), David cut sugar - specifically fructose - from his diet.
He immediately started to lose weight, and kept it off.
Slim, trim and fired up, David set out to look at the connection between sugar, our soaring obesity rates and some of the more worrying diseases of the twenty-first century, and discovered some startling facts in the process.
Sugar was once such a rare resource that nature decided we didn't need an off-switch - in other words, we can keep eating sugar without feeling full. In the space of 150 years, we have gone from eating no added sugar to more than a kilogram a week. You would need to run 7km every day of your life just to not put on weight as a result of eating that much sugar.
Two decades ago 1 in 14 adult Australians were obese; that figure is now 1 in 5.
The 'natural' sugar in one glass of unsweetened fruit juice per day for a year is enough to add just over 2.5kg your waistline.
The more sugar we eat, the more we want.
Food manufacturers exploit our sugar addiction by lacing it through 'non-sweet' products, such as bread, sauces, soups and cereals.
Sweet Poison exposes one of the great health scourges of our time and offers a wealth of practical and accessible information on how to avoid fructose, increase your enjoyment of food and lose weight.
Read this.
Then consider... Who is the retard?
You arent a soy boy are you?
Stop being faggots, genetics determine everything. If you have shit genes you'll still be wiped out despite living perfectly. Live your life and stop worrying about 40 grams of sugar.
Rarely drink pop but I do have at least three cups of tea a day with a teaspoon of sugar in each. I just drink water typically.
>cloning a mutated species is the same as splicing it’s genes with a completely different species, such as corn spliced with bacteria
Fucking dumb kike
>pure carbohydrates
Are you retarded?
>more unhealthy people=more healthcare profit
Sometimes I wonder if it all comes back around to that...
Absolutely, tea too if that is your thing.
You use a little less because it’s slightly more heavy in calories but, it’s slower raise your blood sugar, unlike the spike of sugar.
Don’t buy shitty store honey, find a real local farmer, they had many in Tasmania.
Might need to do crossstate ordering in America though.
Oranges naturally have sugar in them, as do most fruits.
There are more important things to be posting about desu
I don’t drink anything but water and they very rare tea with honey with the missus and her friends.
Take care of your body, and reject poison that harms your day to day life.
>muh genetics
I drink 0.5 l of Cola (or Schweppes, or Sprite, or Cockta, God bless Slovenians for that) per day for as long as I remember. And no, I don't think it's too much.
Nope, but here in Boston, PBR is the only beer you can get for $2. I don't want to be spending $6 for a bottle of bud. No shit, I never heard of honey in black coffee.
>tfw felt like I put too much sugar in my tea
>I use 1 cube
>see how much is actually used in store bought drinks
things went better than expected.
likely none of these even have sugar in them. it's all artificial sweeteners
Sugar has the same effect on the liver as alcohol. But there is much more sugar in Coca Cola than there is alcohol in a beer.
i have switched over to the aspertame jew.
>he doesn’t drink a nice, soldium-calorie-sweetener free La Croix
I am on keto so no i dont eat suger. Maybe i eat a small amount of carbs once a week
Bullshit, diet can induce a miraculous healing state where your body can regenerate pretty much entire organs using your natural stem cells
The average person is killing them selves slowly and will never even figure out how to stop it because the whole of society doesn’t care about good nutrition and has everything completely backwards
So you only drink water?
Sugar can irreversibly destroys your body so it's literally poison
Sugar = poison
Let's chug aspartame then
Mmmm.... converted to wood alcohol internally...
>natural sugars in fruit are as bad.
They contain much smaller amounts of sugar, and actually you know, have all the actual healthy things in them that a soda doesn’t?
Eating a peach or two is going to have actual good effects on your body, small amount of sugar or not.
A soda, energy drink or “fruit” juice won’t
Why the fuck not? You're accelerating the process of mutation. Why wait millions of years to get the desired plant phenotype when you can insert some genes to do it overnight. Also what difference does it make where the DNA comes from. It's a sequence of letters. You're talking about bacteria as if they were a bad thing, but the human couldn't survive without bacteria and the human is part virus. Your DNA literally has independent transportable elements. You're breaking down whatever you eat into monomers so as long as its contents are healthy all protein you add to increase size or longevity don't make a difference since they're being converted to amino acids.
That's why you need your sips
Sure, if all your sugar comes in the form of sucrose.
hi jack
I drink very little of the American sugar drink
sometimes Gatorade
>eskimo diet
That's what's in those drinks, yes.
I was unaware that we are required to get all our nutrition from drinks and raw fruit.
Sugar at large doses at one time actually IS poison. Damaging all of your internal organs just the same as any other poison does.
Same thing kek
I'm not suggesting living like shit, but restricting everything will make you a joyless miserable fuck. It's about balance, and it needs start from when you're young. Then you don't have to take drastic measures to fix all the fuck ups.
>Beer (mostly Shiner Bock)
Literally all I drink, been soda free for a long ass time.
I drink diet soft drinks
If you look at America, that’s where most of the sugar is coming from mate, use your head.
Better than drinking normal soda but I still stay away, sweeteners don’t sit right with me, even if they are “harmless” I avoid them.
As in, from soda
I lost 45 pounds and am in the best shape of i have been in since i was a teenager. You should try it
It is in metric system dumbass, every cube is 2.5g. If you also need the metric volume of each can next to a picture of the can itself you’re autistic. Have you never seen a Red Bull can before?
Nah, I cut soda years ago. I might have something once every few months, but it's usually water/tea/coffee/tomato juice (all unsweetened, or with a touch of honey).
It's scary how much weight you can drop once you drop the carbonated jew.
Water, milk, tea, coffee, and occasional beer/liquor/wine here
sugar is bad , but bromide and fluoride are much worse... u are being poisoned
I only drink UMG
I have some sweets every once in a while, but water with some beer, and coffee in the mornings. Lifting multiple times a week, training, a physical competition like racket ball or handball...make you much happier. Soda's are awful and will make you much more susceptible to depression.
Ah a fellow nobleman with great taste
drink Dr. Pepper all the time and I don't have any health issues.
>drinking at least 1.5 liter of coke every day
>done it for over 7 years now
i'm actually surprised nothing bad have happened yet
but that shit is addicting as fuck
>104 year old woman attributes her long life to drinking Dr. Pepper every day
i love how you point out that people drink something poisonous while i'm assuming that you guys drink something else
as if that thing i'm assuming you guys drink isn't poisonous
the power of burger-logic
Wow wtf I didn’t think stuff like this happens outside of USA
I cant stand the taste of any of these sugary drinks. I love me some diet coke but the normal one just feels too sweet
if i want to live like an eskimo i go down on the town square and get piss drunk.
I drink a coke 2-3 a month.
Lol. They don't even sell 2 liter bottles in your country? wowo
W.e. fatty keep eatinf your carbs and fucking your body with insulin
have to go to sweden for that
Actual poison
Are you overweight?
5'10" or 178 cm
165lbs or 76 kg
Best soda coming through. I feel bad you europoors will never get taste have any.
PBR stands for Pabst blue ribbon which is a shitty beer from usa
I drink human milk and wet pussy.
>yfw when in the 70s (((american doctors association))) recommended removing a significant amount of fat from the american diet to stop heart disease
>they removed the fat and replaced it with sugar to make the food more palatable with the taste of fats gone
>americans are fatter and more unhealthy than ever due to massive amounts of HFCS and other sugar sources
When your body overconsumes fat you will not digest it and it will come out in your waste. When your body overconsumes sugar, every last bit of it gets filtered from your blood and stored as fat
we were tricked
>the body gets fucked by insulin
you think like an eskimo
Thanks mate..
Moving threads
You know there's water in PBR right?
You're welcome.
good luck with mouth cancer and being a fag
Hello Soda King. My local BBQ joint carries this stuff.
I can order it from Amazon.
is this cherry cream soda
Yeah and I said I literally drink it because it's the only affordable beer here in Boston. I can have 10 of them and walk out with a 20 dollar tab as oppose to Sam Adams, which will yield me a 60-70 dollar tab. Yeah, it's white trash, but cheap.
Holy shit that is expensive to get. Plus shipping I would imagine. You can get it but it would be insane to buy it at that price.
No just a really good cherry soda. You can get them at cracker barrel if you don't live down south.
fructose is bad when its processed in the liver