Are there any of /ourguys/ in this godforsaken dystopian shithole?
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>all the dumb right-wing faggots from my country are from Toronto
Not surprised, 2bh senpaitachi. Normal conservatives are too busy working and living to waste hours every day sharing propaganda on an Ecuadorian hat-weaving newsgroup.
Normal conservatives have failed to conserve the basic character of their nation, and are having its industry and agricultural land sold to the Chinese right from underneath their feet.
Bump for the dissident right.
Bump for the urban wasteland.
Yes, i am an indian immigrant and i love toronto, but there are too many japs here. Im redpilled like you brother
Yeah, what's up senpai?
and yet here you are
>Loves Toronto
Ofc you do, it's a literal shitskin colony.
Lol, I guess we're gonna have inclusive multicultural RWDS then.
I'm a Russian Jew.
Are you running through the six with your woes?
Why Japs? Do you mean Chinks?
> I'm a Russian jew
Also a Russian jew in Toronto here.
I might know who you are irl.
fuck off, we're full pajeet.
And quit shitting on yonge street.
The normie conservatives are our biggest enemy. With ftp we need them to die before air opens up for a real party of the right.
Possibly. Wanna grab a pint?
reporting in
you fuckers better have your PAL and best be acquiring arms.
The boomers dying off will take a chunk out of the centre, and leave behind the far right and left.
This must explain how Canada was able to elect its first pajeet leader
No brother i only shit on street when i celebrate like birthday
Anybody from Kitchener-Waterloo?
Contact SWC or
get vetted through TRS great white north pool party forum
I always wonder how many if us there are. Our upbringing definitely predisposes us to be reactionaries. Sup Forums doesn't understand how right wing the average Russian Jewish guy is today.
Ok my kik is Cheth18
Thanks bud, will do.
Toronto used to be cool
Queen Street, 1915
Not too long ago, apparently. Now it's nothing but an airport terminal.
Also Generation Identity Canada has been recruiting here too.
Good luck, also get your PAL and some guns. A nice shotgun can be found for under $500.
Notice the uptick of chinks, poos, crackheads and haji Somalians?
Yep, living in the Tower of Babel itself.
Perhaps it's time to start up a gunshop.
Got my PAL, not gonna discuss specific purchases though.
Rofl. Getting baited by this LARP.
I ended up in a place in Etobicoke where there simply were no other whites AT ALL.
Just straight up Somalia.
is id canada any good or are they cringe?
the entire GTA is a blight on Canada that should be scrubbed.
much more likely you're a pajeet.
this one is a true nig buster. very short barrel, because fuck accuracy
i live in toronto
whats ur fav ethnic restaurant
I don't know bud, they definitely have made a good name for themselves in other places. I really doubt they're cringe.
wall it off and make it a separate pajeet city-state or bring in the artillery
Anyone in North York?
Yep - that's an "everything within 10' in that direction must die" kind of gun.
used to hunt 20 years ago - a gun that short back then was flat-out illegal. Interesting how the law has changed - may be time to buy that niggerbuster after all.
Dixon/Islington or Martin Grove? Or Martin Grove/Eglinton? Or West Mall? Or East Mall/Rathburn?
Shame really, Etobicoke has best sunsets.
Canada measures overall gun length rather then barrel length, so a shortened shotgun is legal as long as with stock its 30 inches long. Its also why Canadians can buy M-14's without needing a restricted license.
It's shit. I go to school here and most of my classes of 30-40 have maybe 5 white people. The only decent aspects of this city are ruined by cardboard cutout Originalâ„¢ white girls with the bearded beta clingers. Go to a value village here I fucking dare you.
Yeah apparently the law specifies that the shotgun must be a certain length so they put a short ass 12" barrel and extend the length of the stock
I want an m-14 so bad, the wood stock is pretty sexy.
It was off Eglington, and you're right about the sunsets! Gorgeous ravine, sunset in my window, but straight up racial extinction when I walked outside.
Says the leaf on the vietnamese basket weaving board.
National Socialist here.
Don't mind the divershitty, really. This is the new world after all.
How does the White man resist all the brown qts?
So whats this I've heard about some real estate scandal where the chinese government is siezing the assets of some mogul which includes multiple toronto properties?
Fuck off shill
Shocking. I didn't notice the Chinese were buying EVERYTHING here.
Have you noticed how manufacturing is now mostly theirs?
That's thanks to Granite international, one of Canada's highest earning companies, all it does is buy out local manufacturing and product rights and send it to China. Quite literally that is all they do.
[glowing in the dark intensifies]
Scarborough user, reporting.
Not sure why I quoted you.
Toronto user, reporting in.
all the redpills live in the GTA
etobicoke user here
Who /Quebec/ here?
Beaches reporting in.
used to be based
VOTE DOUG FORD you fucking faggots.
what dogfood company?
I hope he makes a lot of noise and gets a lot of mindshare in the coming months.
I always feel sick looking at Wynne's face.
It's rigged as fuck. I haven't even got my membership info in the mail, and the vote is tonight. If Dougy gets the leadership spot we can definitely beat that lesbian cunt in the election.
alright senpai say no less.
No. All Sup Forumsacks are in Quebec.
I waited ten fucking years to be here
Forgot my image
Is this terrorist speak? Found near my house