What happened to western men?
What happened to western men?
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delet this
Benis :D
Gay chemicals in tapwater.
It's the kikes. It's always the kikes. Nothing happened, they just weaponized the mentally ill and this is the result.
feminism, there was a realization that women had the easy life and lazy men decided it would be easier to be a woman.
XDD fug
Right in the benis
*prööt* :D
Yrittäkää edes
>Few pictures taken out of context
you're a big guy
they look jewish
Source on the right one pls
some finnish autist has pictures of Lauren Angel? Fucked her little ass few times like 3-4 years ago. Havent seen her for years,
He is "keksityttö" from ylilauta.
Not sure why they bothered, wasn't small anyway.
Smell it, George. Take it all in.
Someone summon Bora, someones posting his pics again
Benis in anus :DDDDD
It's not photoshopped. I have seen videos of it,
post them faggot