>marriage isn't worth it
fuck you Sup Forums, i want to have sex every 3 days
>marriage isn't worth it
fuck you Sup Forums, i want to have sex every 3 days
>9 times a month
That's a failing marriage right there
>he thinks couple=married couple
Loling at your life
After you've had kids and get into your 30's your sex drive slows down a lot, sex takes effort to be good and is otherwise upkeep.
There is no more magic and you and your spouse are 100% so used to each other its like the other person is just an extension of you and your bodys need to masturbate every now and then.
That said, that level of comfort and normality with your partner is also really special and long time couples who divorce never have a relationship that lasts as long after anywhere near as serious.
Before I hit 32~ we'd have sex within every 2-3 days, some weeks every day. For years
t. 8 year married user
I'd say a healthy couple that has kids should be having sex at least twice a week, if your some soymale dating a girl in her 20's and she isn't your personal sex bunny barely keeping up with your cock then she probably isn't that into you or is finding alternate means.
I have sex about once a week. But right now going on two weeks. I'm 36. I could go daily but it's boring at this point.
It doesn't say if it's good sex though.
Before I was married, it was twice a day for 2 hours a session.
Then got married... dropped off considerable.
At the ten year mark, you get the "I'm a lesbian". What 10 years mean is you pay lifelong alimony+1/2 everything you've earned up until the divorce, and if you have children, backdoor alimony.
Wife is 41 and has a 9 month old. We have sex about 3 times a month. Fml
>tfw in my 30s, kissless virgin, with as high a sex drive as when I was 20
>tfw married and even when we were dating we'd have sex 2x a week at most, currently every 7-9 days
What's it like to have a wife that loves you physically?
I got married 2 months ago, only had sex on our wedding day.
>had a child at 40
WHAT the FUCK are you doing?
Divorced guy here. It is much cheaper and healthier to fuck hookers three times a week.
>fucking the same girl gets boring
>eating the same thing every day gets boring
imagine that
I fuck twice a day wtf
>i want to have sex every 3 days
Then learn the game and stay single.
>tfw 23, still virgin. wtf
A am a few years down the road. Mid-life crises is real. Boredom is real. Frustration is real.
Friend, do NOT be unfaithful or seek extra-marital fun. As bad as it is, doing that is SO MUCH worse in the end - trust me. Power through the next decade brother and keep your head in your home.
We met late. Kid is perfectly healthy, so much for pol knowledge.
That's super sad and you should go to counseling. My wife and I are 3 years in and we average about 3 times a week. It would be more if my nightshifts didn't ruin my libido.
use logic.
after fucking the same girl 100 times, is it going to be as interesting as fucking a new girl?
There is no perfect way to live life. If you find someone who actually loves you, and is willing to spend every day of their life with you and not cheat on you, not drag you out to bullshit clubs or hang out with their friends, but actually spend time with you because they like who you are, please don't get so crazy about sex.
There are a billion women with holes, but very few will actually cook you dinner when you're hungry, and organize your shit messy life. For all the fags out there just replace woman with man and other fag shit.
We have a school shooting that is still being covered up and this is important? NOPE
They should be having sex 9 times a decade.
and then she comes home with a new haircut and lingerie or you take her on a romantic getaway cruise and get to fuck her porthole every day
people need novelty yo
They will get bored of each other.
i think i could eat mcchicken and mcdonalds fries every day without complaining
eating crackers every day gets boring.
it's inevitable. you can dress them in 100000000 different outfits but it's the same pussy/girl.
not saying to cheat, but it WILL get boring.
>What's it like to have a wife that loves you physically?
that's not even necessary as long as you're not some little bitch
If she stays fit and attractive, then there's no difference. Sex is sex and is better with love, or a little bit of anger, involved.
>the absolute state of the jew report
it's the same girl. over and over and over.
imagine opening a christmas present. now, open it up 364 more times after christmas. not very exciting, is it?
I’m 30, been with mine for 5 years now. Get it at least 3 times a week. M
Considering she'll be on the rag 1/4 of the time, that works out to about every other day. Not too shabby
I really love sex, it's the greatest, I could never survive on only 9 times a month, I'm at my 4th today, probably going for a 5th before I sleep and that's not even impressive.
I’ve masturbated to the same porno for the last 8 years. I think marriage will suit me.
>t. Unhappy married guy who married an ugly monster
Stay mad
>tfw not married yet and already have sex only once or twice a week
is it gonna drop to zero if we have kids?
This, OP is a brainlet
Is it sexist to ask your girlfriend or wife to wear a maid or nurse costume while you have sex? Asking for a friend.
You can rub your Benis like all the time.
It is a sex but with yourself. And I bet you love yourself the most.
I'm not going to cheat by any means. I can definitely understand the mid-life crises. I don't know if we'll be together forever, it's like 13 years right now. It's been a long time. Thing is, when we do fuck it's like really good. We just get tired.
Okay. Go get them Chad.
you dont understand at all. it's not about looks. it's about fucking the SAME GIRL OVER AND OVER AND OVER.
it will inevitably become stale. so you fuck her in the same positions, 500 times. it will never, ever, be as good as fucking different girls.
>Give me the hottest girl in the world. I will find someone who is sick of sleeping with her.
Thanks user. My wife is a doc that works 80 hours a week and is always "tired." I also put on about 30 lb's over the past year and she says that she no longer enjoys sex because of it. I hope that if I can get my weight back to where it was when we met, that maybe the sex will be as often as when we met. Part of me wants to resent her for not having sex, but the other part of me tells me that it's my own fault because I put on so much weight so I shouldn't blame her. My plan is to loose the weight and see what happens, but if I do get in better shape and the shit is still dead then I would probably end things since we don't have children.
it's all about variety and routine. fucking a girl eventually becomes like a job. you enjoy it, but it's the same thing, over and over and over. ANY girl will become boring, in time.
Look at what happened to Arnold. Yes his wife was aging, but he went dumpster diving just for some variety.
Not our fault youre shit at sex.
Last gf I had would fuck me 6 times a day and suck my dick for an hour a day
Granted that was 10 years ago
PAY ATTENTION. It doesnt fucking matter if you are a sex god, the issue is you are fucking the same fucking girl, 1000000 times.
THAT CAN NOT COMPARE to fucking new girls weekly/monthly. ever.
Also she was religious as fuck
Lift, start looking after and taking pride in your body, deserve to breed, learn to pick up girls from JewTube, go out and make an ass out of yourself a ton of times, till you get a gf.
Prostitutes are also a way to go, it helped me, say what you want, but how many faggots here can say they had a threesome with 2 smoking Ukrainian blondies?
It's really important to put yourself out there, you will fail more than you succeed, but when you do succeed, it's worth every single fail, an example is having multiple people laugh on a bus after a girl rejected me and I still had 15 minutes before the bus was at its destination.
This. t. 14 years wasted
why are you two even together?
Am I the only one who is disgusted by this kind of stuff being reported on?
Im not even sure what point your trying to make.
Its better to fuck around your whole life vs. Getting married? Are you the writer of OPs article?
So what?
>works "80" hours a week
>always "tired"
user, I..
I'm sorry
Should've stayed in shape fatty. People like you make me sick. Think because you are married you can just get fart like some slob. Disgusting.
I got in better shape over my marriage and me and my wife fuck everyday and we are in our 30's. We have kids but guess what? We also have a bedroom door we can shut. Plus they have grandparents you can have watch them on weekends while you fuck all day.
im saying it's inevitable that you will get bored of fucking the same hole when the world is filled with different holes and personalities. IT IS INEVITABLE.
people blame "dead bedrooms" but dont realize WHY people get bored.
you need to be enough of a chad to have sex regularly while being single if you want your wife not to cheat on you
For me: Probably because she has a high IQ(128 MD PHD Neuroscience), is honest, not a complete whore(only taken 5 dicks(including mine) and all were from relationships), loves guns, hunting, fishing, has a good work ethic and moderately attractive (7/10), best ass I've seen on a white girl, also golden ticket in terms of how much she earns.
For her: She's hitting the wall(31) and trying to find a dependable man who is family orientated. I think she also likes my creativity and style.
So again. What is your point?
people think there is a problem with people having sex less as they are with the same person longer, i'm saying that's the inevitable conclusion.
do you play a videogame as much as you do on launch day? pick a game you liked 5 years ago. do you still like it as much?
why does she want someone who is family oriented if you're not having kids
Dude if you’re for shitting on marriage and cultural marxism then just say that. We wont hate you for it, just be yourself bro.
marriage is good, loyalty is good. im saying there is a GOOD REASON people fuck less, over time. cheating is for degenerates.
He didn't say they were never having kids
He just said at the moment they don't have them
Yeah, but you chanced the fuck out of that kid. You're lucky your kid came out healthy.
So are you for or against marriage?
>A fucking leaf
"Fucking the same hole" Go back to r/cuckold, you fucking faggot
So 10 times per month.
for, im just saying theres a very good reason people fuck less over time.
Well she wants to have children, but I don't want to until her Neurosurgery residency is completed in 2 years. Whats the point of having children if you are working 80 hours a week and are so tired you can't have sex. If we were having sex 2-3 times a week then I'd feel more confident, but if she is only going to have sex with me for procreation, I don't want to feel like a sperm donor. Everyone says that after you have children your sex life goes down the drain. So to me if we are having sex once a month or two then with children it will be never if maybe on my birthday.
So drain your wallet every seven days.
No skin off anyones ass.
Sex every 3 days? Try sex every 3 years.
9 times a month is good, actually; especially when you get older and out of shape. You start getting into the "quality" part of sex and out of the "quantity" part of it.
>Married 13 years, and avg 2 times a week
Honestly, I'm content.
Godamn dude. Thats all you had to say. I dont think anyone is gonna dispute married couples have less sex overtime.
3 times per week WITH KIDS is insanely good actually.
I've been with her for about two years now. Sex has dropped off considerably. We've been through alot together so that is what I hold on too.
>as soon as we started dating I lost my job.
> both feel we couldn't do long distance and she asks me to move in with her.
> I was unemployed for six months until I got another job. During this time, she started paramedic school.
> She finished paramedic school and I lost my job again.
She is still supporting me. When we talk about what I want out of my next job all she cares about is that its what I want to do. We are both toward the end of our 20s and want to get married and have three kids. I've struggled with the sex issue. I want it and she doesn't. I want it but I know it wouldn't be great sex. We have both put on weight since we met. She works 12 hour night shifts and I'm kind of a bum right now. We've talked a good bit and its not me but that just a lack of interest in sex in general.
I wonder how our grandfathers dealt with this? I wonder if they had the media jew telling them that if they aren't getting regular sex then their marriage was in disarray.
>I just want to get back to work so we can get married and have our lives back on track.
pic unrelated
Warning: If you're marrying for the sex you're gonna have a bad time
Yeah but the present is reciprocated love. I could open it forever.
Your grandfather was probably not unemployed and "overweight".
This! We are the real alphas!
Increased intimacy
No tv
No phone
Gotta do something to pass the time
Married 14 years, we have sex twice a month or so for the past 8 years. Not ever relationship needs to be super sexually active.
protip: overcome your sex addiction and mindset before entering a SERIOUS relationship or getting married.
When you settle down with someone, the purpose of sex is different. The true purpose of sex is to procreate. That's why when you first jack off or have sex after a long time you want to do it again even more shortly after. Your body enters procreation mode when you ejaculate.
The truth is you should never have sex with someone you aren't trying to settle down with. Casual sex and masturbation are both harmful to the body and should be kept to a minimum.
Taoists who studied sex and it's purpose found men flourish in all aspects of their life when they limit TWO ejaculations per month.
You should never touch yourself or edge either because you will only trigger wet dreams. If you don't ever edge or look at porn, wet dreams will be rare.
When you stop ejaculating most people fail and relapse because of a thing called "horniness." When you're horny you feel like you're charged with electricity. It's uncomfortable, you want to expel that energy.
Many will just ejaculate to get rid of the anxiety provoking feeling. This is the easy way out but you will weaken your body and tarnish your soul. It takes about 3-5 days to recover from an ejaculation and restore your energy.
Instead of jacking off, transmute your energy into your life. Pick up a guitar. Go out and talk to some girls. Watch a movie (nofap actually makes movies much more immersive and easy to sit through.)
You will wake up feeling more alert in the morning and girls will sense your body radiating masculine energy. Limit casual sex and masturbation and cut them out completely. Only pay attention to girls you want to have as long term partners (wives.) Not only will you save yourself time, unwanted STDs, pregnancies, constant exhaustion, hairloss, and many other symptoms of frequent ejaculation: you'll have the energy to court your soulmate when you find her.
Where did you find these 2 Ukrainian whores? How much did you pay?
Are there only 3 weeks per month in Austria you retarded bosnian?
This, married 9 years. Nothing is as overrated in our culture as sex. Sucks to not get it when you're single and running a dry spell but it's much better to fap than run the roastie gauntlet.
considering two generations ago our grandfathers probably did more physical labor and there were more jobs. You are probably correct sir but like this user said. Its no excuse.
I am 41
Wife is 41
3 kids
Together for 24 years
I keep track in an app of sexual encounters.. unless my wife was horny as fuck I don’t see how 3 times a week (AVERAGE) is possible.
Dude I lift, eat well do all I can to keep my test up and I just don’t see how it’s possible.
Good post
Are you literally retarded?
I'm not following what you are saying