The absolute state of Britain
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She's all "I remember when you people were my bitch".
Tiny GILF gets WRECKED by MMC (Massive Muslim Cock!
MBS is a boss
I don't see what's wrong here
Well looking at the demographics he is the divine ruler of London.
Saudi dog meeting his owner, what's the problem?
Does anybody really care about that old fart? She has as much significance as Ronald McDonald.
Unironically true. He fucks up extremists and globalists, and wants to move his country forward for reasons of national and personal greatness.
A new era of Peace and Prosperity is on the horizon.
You take that back you kraut swine.
You should be showing more respect to your own kraut, kraut
Lightly chuckled at this
Yeah. Not gonna happen.
Mecca will be decimated in the not too distant future by the new ottoman empire, Turkey, Egypt, and a few other Islamic nations. And the saudi oil fields will also be struck at some point in time. so to completely destabilise their power base and make their oil empire fall.
They will hate the saudis because of their prostitution with the capitalist whoremongers, their usury and their unjustified bedfellowing with the jews and will act as they see fit, mark my words.
Also, screenshot this.
Fuck off Jew.
Holy shit, is she alive?
>no hajib
I don't see the problem here.
Someone should shop Her Majesty's face on that cartoon where achmed slacks his new whore and tell's her to shut up.
The jews won't be safe either. Israel will also be a prime target for the newly established caliphate based in Turkey. They'll attack it and take it for themselves, and will likely establish their base of operations there. Trust me. It's coming. I don't know when, but it's most certainly gonna be in our lifetimes.
Yeah, or Saudi Arabia will rally all ordinary muslims around their increasingly moderating brand of the religion, buy arms from America and Israel, and slaughter the shit out of any radical who stands in their way - then take their wealth and resources and subjugate them.
Saudi seems like an old school kingdom with a good leader now
Fuck off kike
Saudi is funding a Palestinian state you fucking retard.
Ordinary muslims? The majority of Muslims in the world want the re-emergence of the caliphate. They want to go back to basics. The saudis are barely even Muslim. They talk the talk and somewhat walk the walk but they don't believe. If a new caliphate emerged I guarantee you that the majority of Muslims worldwide would rejoice and align their loyalties with it. After all, the caliph or khalifa is supposed to be the successor to muhammad, so it's kinda obligatory for Muslims to give their whole loyalty to a caliphate should it arise.
There's a monster on the horizon bro, trust me, it's coming.
>Feminist leader
That's relative, money swirls in strange ways in the asia minor.
He's a big guy
They have three choices when it comes to palestine.
If they were to liberate palestine that would mean risking war against the majority of the west.
If they were to forget / ignore Palestine. That would cause chaos in the east due to a lack of respect by the overall Muslim community. They would find themselves surrounded by enemies.
But by sending aid, funding a palestinian state, helping palestine publicly they avoid both outcomes. They satisfy both sides of the arguement / conflict.
They're doing exactly what they need for the sake of their own self-preservation. Nothing more.
The fireplace looks like it's wearing a bra.
Why this bitch did not put headscarf on her head?
Wrong. You have no idea what's about to happen.
Good taste burgerbro.
Your mind is vulgar, I doubt that even the strongest bleach could clean it.
You really think Trump is an enemy of Israel?
Israel is fucked, yes. But it'll enjoy a few more years of "peace and prosperity", at least until the new caliphate emerges and drastically changes the geopolitical arena in the middle east.
Why do both of their clothes look like cheap Halloween costumes?
>Head of state of the UK meets with other heads of state
Holy fuck stop the presses
Trump IS the enemy of Israel
God save the Queen
No, he's playing a part, and you're falling for it.
>Trump’s peace plan doesn’t sound like Trump
>The Donald Trump who proclaimed Jerusalem the capital of Israel cannot be the same Donald Trump now willing to cut the baby in half.
>Report: Trump Peace Plan Would Recognize Palestinian State With Capital in Eastern Jerusalem
>Reports in the last several months have suggested the Saudi Crown Prince has adopted a stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict that is favorable to Netanyahu.
>Mueller team looking into possible United Arab Emirates money into Trump campaign: report
>Major Jewish GOP donor moves into sights of Trump probe
>Robert Mueller said to be looking at Elliot Broidy, who gave George Nader 'detailed report' on meeting with president
>Netanyahu-backer named in new probe into UAE attempts to influence Trump: report
she's welcoming Britain's next King
>starts and then completely fucks up intervention in Yemen
More like immature retard.
Am I suppose to be impressed by this?
He's a wild card. This is why they picked him. Because he has no political ties to anyone, he's politically neutral, he can go anywhere, be anything, switch at their discretion, keep people guessing, push and pull them all over the place making them unsure of what to think of him, which will make them default to what they want to see e.g. tragic 4d chess meme.
One day he's for Israel, the next he's against it.
One day he's conservative, the next he's liberal.
One day he's nationalist, the next he's a self-proclaimed national globalist.
One day he's totally against gun control, the next he's for it but also wants to arm teachers.
Like I said, he's playing a part, he's playing you like a fiddle and you're letting him.
You lost when you invested hope in the system. The system is not here for you and it never will be. It will always be here for itself, for the ones who run it. He is part of that system, he's just a new, more advanced and efficient program within it than we've seen before. He's essentially a mirror, you see what you want in him, because he's so many things all at once.
You'll probably still be like "wrong" but I know on some level you recognise what I'm saying is true, hopefully you'll accept it at some point and spread the word.
>someone forgetting who rules him
they owe their existance to us,the king of fucking islam kisses the queens ring dumbass
He will not rule Britain. England only.
I lost my suitcase on the flight to Greater Britain. The Queen gave me a potato sack to dress.
God save the Queen
Is this from Prince George's school nativity play?
the new caliphate kek youre retarded
>The absolute state of Britain... I guess they forgot to pay the heating bill...
The (((blackmailed))) pedophile Royals of Britain meeting with the (((blackmailed))) pedophile Royals of Saudi Arabia. The meeting of 2 different cultures, how beautiful. We are one, say no to borders.
this is bait
I've seen that face on money.
People don't realize what’s about to come.
The alt-lite is taking over, and this is our plan. Pic related.
He's an American puppet too which explains his new relationship with Israel.
She's actually descended from Mohammed and Saudis are not
Mohammad bin Salman visiting fellow Muslim city London with Muslim mayor and having meeting with Muslim loving Queen Elizabeth who's daughter Diana was fucking with Egyptian Muslim back when she was alive
She looks so happy.
bin salman converted to christianity didnt you hear
He will also meet the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, sometime soon.
What's a caliphate to you anyway? The majority of Muslims want the Muslim lands united in peace is what we want, I don't give two shits about Sharia Law (it's not actually divine). I want Arabs, no humanity to rise up from this living hell.
i don't have any problem with a caliphate if it's in the middle east