The left BTFO

The left BTFO

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In what world is the left against tariffs ?

>500 jobs
>trillions lost

hopefully more plants than that are fired up

we have an aluminium plant here in missouri down in the bootheel that was shuttered during obamas reign due to carbon tax on cheap electricity

those aluminium plants absolutely devour electricity

The world where Trump is their president.

>baby's first economic analysis

If Trump wants tariffs, then the left will be against it.

>Trump's tariff move shows he flunked economics

Trump could single handedly find the cure to cancer and the left would oppose him.

Eu, nafta, anything related to globalism means no tariffs


damn, used to work at the granite city plant. place is hell. 12hours a day 6 days a week. good pay though

>The left BTFO
said the ever increasingly nevous cleetus for the fifth time this morning.

Trump did it so their against it



Because subsidies work so well longterm r-right?

Are you telling me the left is against gun control because Trump is advocating it as well ?
Why is this board making less and less sense as years go by ? I'm really starting to be ashamed to share the right-wing banner with morons in this place
Yes, and how is the left-wing responsible for any of the free trade policies exactly ?

(((the left)))
they're against anything that will strengthen the country

You have to understand that the American left are some of the most retarded people on the planet, when trump was saying he wanted gun control they were saying he was doing so he could become a dictator. So they were against it

holy shit they mad
>b-b-but we need that one world government!

w-we don't know what the side-effects are it's the first cure for cancer and I-I guess we'll have to find out what horrible things it does in 20 years! D-Drumpf btfo!

Great news Ameribro's, this is why we need a hard Brexit here in the UK, start slapping tariffs on EU export cars to boost UK car manufacturing, we buy way too many German cars.

"Britain is the largest import market in Europe for German cars, taking every fifth vehicle exported from Germany. Last year 950,000 cars made by Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were registered in the UK"

"Customs duties of €2.08 billion a year would be added to the cost of German cars bought by British consumers under a “no-deal” Brexit, a trade body in Berlin warned"


Trump is threatening a tariff on all German cars, and if that happens than Germany is looking at losing hundreds of thousands of jobs because we are their biggest market for exported German cars

>because we are
We were

God damn I wanna fuck Millie weaver

considering the fact he publicly admires people like Putin, Xi, and Duterte, I don't think that fear is unreasonable.

Admiration does not equal the desire to become that person. Hitler had admirable traits. Pinochet had admirable traits.

tariffs and taxes are both federal revenue. prior to 1913 the majority of federal revenue was taxes. now the majority is from income taxes, followed by payroll taxes.

free trade is all about removing tariffs, but federal revenue has to come from somewhere, so taxes have gone up. this has depressed the lower class and to a lesser extent the middle class.

so who has profited? the rich have profited hugely. free trade makes the rich richer, but it comes at the expense of lower and middle class who are paying most of federal revenue through taxes.

a return to pre-1913 policy where nearly 100% of federal revenue was tariffs would be a huge win to USA. the people opposing it are the dirty kikes and other rich fucks who profit from low tariffs. people who should be supporting the return of tariffs are lower and middle class workers, but they're too blinded by their anti-trump derangement and brainwashed by kike-run media to realise they're being played.

>prior to 1913 the majority of federal revenue was taxes.

tariffs, mf, prior to 1913 the majority was tariffs

>income taxes

when the left stop giving a fuck about the working class to become globalist stooges just to oppose trump

So how is this going to be cheaper for me?
You just started paying all these people more, no different than raising the minimum wage
My prices are going up.

Isolationism is best

Actually, in a speech in 2006 obama said that he hoped there was a cure for cancer so it was obama who cured cancer. Drumpf is just taking credit.

How much steel are you planning to buy in 2018 hmmmmmmmm

The amount of jobs and money lost by American companies having to pay more for their raw materials will far more than offset jobs gained in the steel industry. This is very simple economics. This is nothing more than corporate welfare. Instead of taxes paying for it, it's anyone who purchases steel, products made from steel, or products made from machines made of steel (so basically everyone).

The tariffs are about putting pressure on Europe. They probably won't be permanent.


>>trillions lost
In china?

Listen to this jew, he's quite alright.
> steel companies won't invest into production, because nobody knows for how long tariffs will be. Trump can cancel them anytime, or be gone 2.5 years later.
> steel companies will jack prices up because of increased demand
> profit will be used for buying back stocks program.
> higher steel price = higher product prices.
> higher prices will decrease competitiveness of american made products.
> btfo, yet again.

That's why aluminum is made in Quebec. We got plenty of clean electricity and nothing to do with it. Hope Trump makes a deal with us, it's convenient to sell to a neighbor.

>Listen to this jew,
I seriously hope you don't do this.

The kikes squirming means Trump is doing the right thing.

>"Britain is the largest import market in Europe for German cars, taking every fifth vehicle exported from Germany. Last year 950,000 cars made by Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes-Benz were registered in the UK"
>"Customs duties of €2.08 billion a year would be added to the cost of German cars bought by British consumers under a “no-deal” Brexit, a trade body in Berlin warned"

Good lets cut their throats. US still have ford right?

I love how everyone is freaking out about tariffs leading to trade wars and whatnot.
Why the fuck not try some new shit.
Trump is right, we have been losing for decades.
Why should we listen to "experts'
Also, get rid of the useless federal reserve.
Tell me what could possibly go wrong if he did that?!

45 jobs in manufacturing for every job in smelting.
500 jobs created. 22 500 lost. These tariffs as they are, are retarded no matter how you cut it.

he is neutral. He dislikes democrats yet doesn't lick trumps ass like Alex jones
And he has good points. Trump enabled tax cuts, but he didn't cut spending. Leading where? record budget deficits.


but what about my cheap nikes nigga? how is whitey gonna subsidize my sneakas without 3rd world child labor? ooga booga

Pressure for what?
Reverse Brexit for the kikes?
How is Canaduh part of Europe, or China?

Obama does it again. My gosh how did obama manage to create such a great economy?

Jews are never neutral.
They're either so redpilled on kikes they're ready to start gassing yesterday or subverting the goy.


There aren't even that many people on the planet.

define left. Globalist hate it, but actual liberals are pro tariffs.


So Trump's budget is basically Trudeau's budget. Massive deficit. Is this really what's being praised? At least Trump's budget puts money in everyone's pockets instead of just migrants.

Nothing wrong spending money on investments. Trudeau is not doing that, if you think he is you are pretty stupid.

He is against fed's quantitative easing, always was. And who runs fed? (((Alan Greenspan,Ben Bernanke, Janet Yellen)))
They inflated bubble yet again and now everybody sitting on it and waiting for it to blow.

Jews play both sides all the time goy.
Like (((Alex Jones))) who's a mason SHabbos Goy. He'll oppose kikes but it's a show, so you'll listen to him when he attacks white identity. Stop being gullible.

stop being such a kike.

Name one Kike besides /ourpastor/ and MAYBE Mike Enoch (although I have my doubts about him) that aren't openly and obviously subversive.
Kikes should be named, shamed, and discarded 99% of the time.

Mike Enoch is a kike. I think you are a kike. The jews have been playing this divide and conquer game like you are currently doing.

Well done, you saved a $2billion industry at the cost of $350 Billion.


Explain how a tarrif is a subsidy.

Of course Mike Enoch is a kike, I just said he was.
As for the divide and conquer, how is listening to some kike economist boomer going to help anyone? Unless you're referring to Alex Jones but he's a confirmed Mason, they're all kike worshippers.
Which is why when we come up with "It's ok to be white." He shits out "it's ok to be a nigger, a spic, etc". Controlled opposition is one of their favorite tactics.

Dumbasses. Peter Schiff will say that almost anything is in a bubble all the time and he gets paid to go on cable tv and do so. He's exactly the sort of person the broken clock meme is about. There is no reason to take anything he says seriously.

>linking to CNN
>replying to himself

Welcome, Shariablue newfag.

I am not defending Alex, I am calling you out for being a kike. Like I said divide on conquer is the new jew strategy and you are currently doing it.

The good thing about Alex is he reaching a shit tone of people and Alex main talking points is to close the borders, but you want those open borders I bet you kike.

>the gaping seeping wound I call an asshole.

What’s missing in this entire discussion is the national security issue. China provides 8% of the world’s steel and has already shut down a lot of US steel companies that can’t compete on price, due to labor costs. China was getting ready to ramp up production to provide 25-30% of the world’s steel, effectively shutting down US production. When China controls the world’s steel production and there is no US production, that is a national security nightmare. It wasn’t Trump’s economic advisors who wanted tariffs, it was his military advisors.

You act as though market forces won't still be at work and price gouging is going to happen. Countries will want to keep a share of their largest market. It just won't be as profitable for them. Aka- stop them from "raping" us.

So what makes Chinesium so cheap?
Their flagrant love of smog?

Yes, because kikes are notorious for naming the Jew.
Something conservacucks masons and kikes getting pushed in the mainstream never do.
If we dont' promote white identity it won't even matter if we close the borders. Individualists don't have children.

source: I'm not living under a rock

Also China going full communist is the best time for trump to do this.

you trump supporting morons sometimes need to pull head out of asses and think. Trump himself said "we're in bubble" during campaign. So now what, its all good again ? He takes credit for record high stock market, he will have to take credit if it falls, and right now it doesn't look good.

"Experts" are the ones profiting under the current system

see there you go again. You side just like a kike with muh white identity. You need to slowly red pill people, that is how we win.

You really think you can drop the JQ on people right away?


The only people who don't know what's going on are people who don't want to know. This "slowly ease people into it man" thinking is why kikes are in power in the first place. Fuck that, shock their system.

>not understanding the purpose of tariffs
no wonder the burger media is going insane

I am a professional in the steel industry. There will be plenty more jobs than the 500 completed. Cheap steel from China, India, and Iran have been flooding our markets. From my understanding Arcelor Mittal and US steel have been struggling due to the cheap foreign steel.

The left doesn't care about workers anymore

yup, you are a kike. Everyone with half a brain knows you have to slowly ease people into this. The Daily Stormer was right.

that must feel so awesome, calling back 500 of your previous guys and knowing they can make a living

Yeah, we've been slowly easing people into it for decades. Plus this is Sup Forums stop being such a faggot.
>listen goys, don't drop the JQ on Sup Forums you might offend someone


no, you are just a typical kike. You want to dived and conquer, that is why I called you a kike. See you are doing the typical bait and jew switch,

Unless you're a kike kiking me for exposing a couple kikes. You are the one defending kikes here. Post uncircumcised dick or gtfo.

I am not defending anyone, i said that you stupid kike. Why do you want to see my penis you fag?

See once you call out the kike he always moves the goal post.

Just like a kike to not post dick pics. You're busted Moshe.

You're so new it fucking hurts
>muh shareblue
He wasn't supporting the article you fucking braindead faggot, he was showing that the left is in fact against the tariffs. You're so stupid it fucking hurts.

You're so good at predicting the future why don't you give me the winning powerball numbers?

>GDP growth of 6%, deal with it.

no, you are a fag. You lost the argument now you want to see my dick, what a fag. Burn you stupid kike.

>Why is this board making less and less sense as years go by ? I'm really starting to be ashamed to share the right-wing banner with morons in this place

you don't. You're a faggot. Just go get your surrender pants on and wait for the tanks to come rolling through frenchie.

Do you work at an aluminum plant by chance, you salty fuck?

>tariffs are bad for economy we need free trade
>oh btw we want some payroll tax and income tax because roads don't pay for themselves you know.

The think about a tariff is that it makes funding the federal government voluntary. You can choose to not buy any imported goods if you believe the government is spending money on something you can't morally support.

For instance, if we're fighting a war you don't support. With tariffs you can choose to not buy foreign goods and thus not support the war. You don't get the same benefit with income taxes.

Your entire argument was "no u r a kike".
Now you won't even post dick pics. You fuckin lost bro.

>This is very simple economics.

>but Trump...
Whatever. Keep watching that stopped clock.