Japs literally dont know what a swastika is

Imagine not being taught how "evil" the natsees were.
How would Europe be today if left to naturally develop their opinions rather than be indoctrinated with anti nazi propaganda?
Truly honorary aryans


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2:24 for all the lazy retards

Read a book sometime, nigger.

Except they do know what swastika is. It's dumb western cucks, who associate it with >muh evil nazi sign.

That's not that hard to imagine since they don't teach you about Hitler in most non western countries. I only learned about Hitler and WW2 when I started browsing Sup Forums almost a decade ago they didn't teach me none of that stuff in school.

How many books were you told to read at your holocaust classes?

Evolved societies knew all the ancient symbols sage.

Kek nice

How do you recognise a foundation myth? It fulfils three functions. 1)It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society). 2)It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power). 3)It determines what is held sacred in that society. For modern Westerners the story of WWII has become their foundation myth. It fulfils all three functions. 1)We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII. 2)Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on. 3)The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative. Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction. Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story. Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity. Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
> Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.

They are windmills of peace.

Also represents the sun in many cultures. It has big significance in norse and germanic cultures, connecting with Oden and Tor.

I wouldn't teach my kids about my raping spree, either.

They don't even know what Nazis are
I love how when people post an ambush video like this of Americans everyone says Amerifats are stupid and our education is the worst, but Japs are supposed to be the super race with the best education ever (that they go to 6 days a week)
Only that old dude that probably lived through WWII knew what those symbols were

You dont know if thats the normal swastika symbol or the nazi one. Even if it was meant to look reich-y, swastikas and hitler don't have the same tabboo over there. They consider Hitler to be a european leader like any other at the time (Thank jews for constantly villifying Hitler in the west I guess).

I've seen photos of hitler used to try and sell ice cream cones in mumbai.

Based. No wonder uncle Addy had them on his side.

Their societies may be slightly different and crooked. But they definitely have their priorities in order, they don't have their heads filled with utter shite during education or from the news.

One of the reasons your education is shit is BECAUSE you "know" the nazis were evil genociders
Japs dont learn lies

They are redpilled over there

Nobody gives a shit about kikes except for white leftists. Non-whites also don't understand the guilt bullshit because they never feel guilt for their history and couldn't even imagine feeling guilt for it.

it has different significance in different context dipshit

That shait aint no swastka.
Swastika is tilted by 45°

WOW, so you mean to tell me that the swastika means something different in Asia, specifically East Asia, than it does in Europe? It's almost as if the symbol exposed to Europeans has more connotation to the German third Reich than it does to the East Asians which has more religious and ancestral connotations. Imagine my shock.

I mean... Japs were allies with Germany during WW2 and they currently run one of the most successful ethnostates in the world.
I’d expect that they don’t really care about the symbolism of a Swastika and whether or not it’s taboo in most of the world.

I've watched tgsnt with a Japanese girl, start to finish, and she didn't get offended even once.
True story. That's when I knew she was the one.

> most europeans think the swastika is an asian symbol that has nothing to do with europe until the nazis


I wonder how many swastika artefacts have been secretly scrapped

The Swastika is without a doubt a holy symbol, no wonder (((they))) hate it so much.

Most europeans don't know shit about European history.

That video is kike propaganda. Most Japs know what the nazi swastika is. They selectively edited it out to only show the people who never knew about it, either to character assassinate or get their videos more views.

Every Japanese comment in their is calling them out for their propaganda. It's not even subtle. If you Amerimutts actually think that you're smarter/more educated than Japs you're on a whole nother level of retardation.

>thinking nazis are bad
>better education

Spotted the actual kike

I had a feeling OP would be retarded by making a retarded thread, because I never said nazis were bad.
Japan objectively has superior education to America, and to even think for a second that you on average the same level of historical knowledge is a pretty big joke.

Umm... Nazi swastika goes the other way. The Jap deal ain't Nazi. I think it means "joy" or something to that effect.

Additionally, the Holohoax isn't taught in Japan because the moment it's implemented in Japanese education, the Japs will start using their superior mathematics to debunk it. As with any other Asian country.
The Holohoax only works in European countries because most whites are dumb/gullible. Jewish trickery isn't as effective on Asians.

I'm saying it does have better education and one of the reasons is they dont teach nazis are bad
Watch the video

What kind of shit education wouldn't teach you about world war 1 & 2?


They said that they didn't know who Hitler even was. I don't believe it.

*blocks your path*

You guys are slipping

east most peninsula is the secret

Except they didn't.

>if you walk on a road that that has this symbol,
they said it brings you good luck

>I only learned about Hitler and WW2 when I started browsing Sup Forums

What the fuck are you talking about?

Japs know how evil nazis are most of all nations since they dropped two nukes on hiroshima you retard.


Aw man, that nostalgia.

Grumble, grumble.


They literally don't teach kids about the brutal (and yes, they were brutal) occupations of Korea and China by Japan. I'm all for teaching a more unbiased version of history, but Japan went pretty far the other way...

Literally none. My middle school class got to watch a shitty live acted documentary about Hitler on YouTube. I'm not a 1919 SS Hitler did nothing wrong guy. But fuck me it was some one sided Jew slant side show. Learned nothing new.

funny how his surname is dr. honest, kek

the swastika has been used throughout history around the world.
but if it's used in a certain context, like the nazi swastika, then it is pretty offensive.

people should have no problem with the swastika on the spiritual level. it's been around for a long time, in europe even. i mean, there's a reason why the nazis chose it. they felt it tapped into some kind of european heritage.
but the nazi's ruined it and used in the nazi context should be shunned.

The nazis ruined the swastika, just like how plebbitors ruined pepe

they were using before hitler did, before the jews demonized it. Its just a fucking shape.

The Book Thief
Number the Stars
The Diary of Anne Frank


On the other hand, negro master race knows exactly what swastika is.