Baltimore to provide students ‘free’ buses, lunches, t-shirts for march against gun violence

>The mayor of Baltimore, Maryland has pledged to provide 60 “free” buses to transport up to 3,000 city school students to Washington DC next week so they can participate in the March For Our Lives. Lunches and t-shirts also will be provided for students.

Nice astroturf, leftists.

Propaganda should be illegal, and anyone using kids like this deserves to be shot in the head in public for everyone to see.


why do people even pay taxes anymore?

We should legitimately start putting Jews in camps because they're behind all of this.

dont forget king nigger made it legal for the us to use propaganda against its own citizens


Because the government will send men with guns to take your shit away if you don't.

Is this the same mayor that enabled a pogrom against asian business owners to be carried out under the guise of another unjustifiable riot over some stupid ass dead nigger?

Good day for the hood rats to shoot up the place, since so many Baltimore PD will be in DC.

>Nice astroturf, leftists.
i waa about to say this exact same thing! textbook astroturf

Quote fair from all the free speech rallies.
If its wrong to require Milo to pay for security, its wrong to require people pay to drive

Bringing in busloads of Baltimore niglets probably isn't the best way to argue that gun owners should disarm.

Apparently their schools have broken plumbing and heat and Baltimore has a corruption problem, but they can still afford to send hordes of kids to another city when they should be fucking studying

Americans confounding the people's expressions with a danger to democracy.

are they even allowed to spend public dollars for political purposes?

Should just jew your way to some free shit.

Go over there, grab a free lunch, free shirt and a free bus then just watch the protest from afar or go home again.

It's a DNC-occupied feral baboon city, did you expect them to not be corrupt?

>bussing people in
the age old leftist tactic

You want them studying kike propoganda?

Thank you Oprah!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

City riddled with crime. Government corrupt. Public school system is an embarrassment. Baltimore is a trash city, never mattered and never will. But sure lets bus students to DC on a school day

i feel bad for her. fat, wrinkly hands, mud eyes and no hair.
a literal abomination.

How many you think are “lackin”?

NK looks like my grandmas house in the 90's.


oh no no no..... what till u see the ......


free tshirts and bus rides will fix the problem!

I hope all those kid's fathers can get off work to join them.

Great use of resources, bravo. Niggers will boast about how involved in activism he is while conveniently ignoring how they couldn't heat their schools this winter.

The March is on a Saturday, so no, they shouldn't be in school studying.

We all pay taxes on every penny earned. And none of us would ever think of under reporting side income because that would be bad. Uncle Sam needs our shekels to send to the poor Israelites, our greatest ally

unironically, is it still astroturfing if you publicly say you're doing it ahead of time?

Be amazing if any crypto-rightwingers took up all the spots on the busses and just made a sight seeing day of it.

How much you want to bet all the baltimore cops are slowly leaving that city? Baltimore will be another mini chicago, mass democratic policy and poverty.

>"Alt righters try to disrupt peaceful protest in gross psyop operation"

>students want to yell about how they get shot to death weekly now
>mayor engages in pr move to give them transport to city an hour away
>this is astroturfing and propaganda

Baltimore can't afford to heat their schools in the winter but have money for this shit?

People didnt just go march on behalf of Soros and find out they were getting paid after the fact.


How much more likely are they to be killed outside their schools? They act like school shootings make their lives dangerous, while living in fucking Baltimore. How many homicides on the streets vs. school shooting deaths in Baltimore in 2017?

We shouldn't scorn these kids. They are really tragic. They aren't actors they are tools.
These kids have been on a constant dopamine high from the moment the kikes chose them to be their messengers.
The jews are shamelessly parading them in the name of their agenda and the instant they sense the public doesn't care they will be dropped.
These kids are just the cat's paw for the kikes. A foil.

>3000 students
What are they 6 year olds?

I wonder how much this costs the taxpayers and how happy they are with it

>How much more likely are they to be killed outside their schools?
That would require the kids to go to school in the first place.

he should be arrested. theres gotta be laws about using children during school hours to push your political agenda and protest for you, right?

I don't know why buses are being provided, most of these kids already have somebodies car, complete with DC tags.

>implying any of the niggers shooting each other up every day in the streets of Baltimore got their guns legally

Dem rassis NRA be gib dem dem hi-points what day be kilt wit
cuz day rassis n sheeeit

If it’s to clean up their city it makes sense?

And they pays these men with another persons taxes. In theory, the United States of America would need prison labor of people who don't pay taxes, to pay people to guard prison laborers.

>clean up their city
Don't let the buses return.

the mayor is intentionally doing this loudly and publicly, he's not trying to keep it secret at all.

Inner city schools don't even have heat, their police department is famous for its corruption at every level. This is so obviously a desperate media stunt to regain black baltimore's support, not some secret shill campaign lmao

>If it’s to clean up their city

This naive, look at Chicago, did gun laws fix that city?
Liberals, never learn that bad people do not follow laws.
So they keep "punishing" those citizens that do.

>desperately tip-toeing around the fact that the problem is niggers

Same old story, blame the pen for spelling errors, not the writer.... seriously fuck these people, nothing will change as long as they refuse to acknowledge the genetically & culturally ingrained factors that make blacks what they are... senselessly violent animals that simply can't integrate into civilized society.

I'll throw $20 in the shirt fund, but only if we can get the shirts from this supplier.

The busses will be trashed by the niggers
The lunch will be stolen by niggers trying to get more than they are allowed
The T-shirts will be used by individuals to cover their faces to attack any type of counter protest present, or commit other crimes.

This is going to wnd up such a disaster

Top tier comfy desu.

I hope it turns out like Fyre Island

>Bus kids there
>"March" reveals itself to be a riot
>antifa shows up to make things worse
>kids pepper sprayed and arrested
>told there will be food and lodgings
>either not enough food or shitty food
>not enough lodgings
>busses fuck off after they get there
>or won't bus the kids back because of lack of payment
>hundreds of stranded kids
>some just disappear
>if we're lucky there will be a truck of peace
>They still blame that pesky "far right"

How do we meme antifa into showing up? We don't even have to piss them off. Just make them show up and do their thing.

liberalism include a wide array of beliefs, some of which you may even agree with. its the Democrats, a party desperately courting the youth and minority votes to stay relevant, that you have are complaining about, not liberals

What the fuck are all you retards talking about? How do you think public demonstrations are organised? Do you really think that people just spontaneously take to the streets in a fit of outrage and fashion placards out of whatever they find in the nearest bin? Organising a time and date, publicising the demonstration, setting up transport and t-shirts or something else to identify who's in the protest is pretty standard procedure, doesn't matter whether it's left or right. The only thing that's exceptional is that they're throwing in a fucking sandwich as well.

Oh are we having a Congomore thread?


I don't think government-funded transportation, food and supplies is the standard? Especially when it's only governments of a certain political persuasion, encouraging truancy too.

>city school students
>aka niggers

I wonder how we can get them to chimp out while they’re “protesting” in DC. Any ideas?

>against gun violence

This is good news. It will give the rest of the nation an opportunity to point and laugh at these faggots. They really think they are having an effect. Thats the funniest part. Im guessing half will be paid protestors, and the other half will be shitskins. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE somebody show up and film the entire crowd. Every single perosn you can. Then post on here and we can identify the paid protestors.

If only public hanging was still allowed

Her salary will suffer because she didnt' accomplish her mission. Bad crisis actor. Bad

holy shit she is ugly.

My parents are boomers who think the Jews are innocent. But with all this evidence daily, even they are changing their minds. FEELS GOOD

Hearty kek

u know that nigga be luvin breakfus

I hope all those niggers take the bus down and mug all these naive shits.

>propaganda should be illegal

brainlet detected. i bet you think propaganda means lies, and conspiracy means a some crazy made up story.

wasn't Baltimore just complaining about schools not getting funded?

60 buses don't drive themselves, T shirts don't print themselves, and there's no such thing as a free lunch

In a just world, a heavily armed militia would meet them there and mow down every damn one of them as soon as they set foot off the bus.

This the same Baltimore that couldn't afford to keep their schools warm?

Appropriating public funds and transportation for political advance seems illegal.

The goal is to separate whites from their superior arms so Tyrone can break into a house and take stuff that he thinks belongs to him because of slavery.

That’s all gun control is about
>Whites have more resources than me
>White accumulated those resources through theft
>I’m a criminal and don’t know what it’s like to earn/get resources
>Whites can defend those resources because of their superior arms
>Whites tend to be more law abiding
>Whites will comply with gun control/confiscation
>I have a gun, but think I shouldn’t comply with new gun laws I’ve been advocating for because I’m oppressed
>Now the stage is set for me to take things that I think belong to me
>Also, fuck white people

TAXPAYER funded demonstration where there is no money to heat the damned schools but suddenly plenty for sixty "free" buses. .

>student led

They want the guns, because they don't want resistance to what they have planned. Read the Gulag Archipelago if you want to know what type of society they have planned for us.