Which side are you guys on?

Other urls found in this thread:

Jerry Brown is going to prison.

Holy shit

The Keebler Klansman doesn't stand a chance. Good on Jerry and our AG for bringing the fight back to this corrupt regime and standing up for our immigrants.

In California, we value the safety and protection of our communities far and above the well being of our so-called "nation".

If you don't like it, leave California. Yes. We are replacing you.



Do you enjoy having the lowest quality of life in the entire country?

this aid ridden 'state' should have been nuked 30 years ago.

The side that guarantees all Californian stay in calofornia.

>tfw my erection lasts longer than 4 hours

There are a lot of conservatives here. Most are just too afraid to express it.

It's too late user, I'm finishing my move to texas next week

But CA is terrible. Every county has seen a massive spike in crime over the last 5 years, specifically because of AB 109, prop 56 and 57.

SD here. I can't wait. So many waiting for the right moment.

Rural people are of no consequence. Just follow city people's lead.

You might not like it here, my communist friend. It's very dangerous for folks like you.

Wait.. I'm in Cali and I would side against them! Anons, I'm behind enemy lines, how do i destroy them from within?

I stayed with my friends in Korean town in LA for a few months. Definitely not a bad place if you live near based rooftop Koreans.

NCR reporting in.
Good luck statist cucks.

Go to the nearest rooftop Koreans near you

It's not Trump vs California.
It's freedom vs the cabal.
It's time to unite.
It's time to wake up.
Their time is almost up.

oWo what’s this?

Just impose martial law on California. Unseat their senators and representatives, and take away their electoral votes. Let's see how thy respond. I'm hoping they respond with violence, so we can purge the state. Only after exterminating the leftist scum will California be permitted to re enter the union.

get the popcorn


Califag here too-- side with Trump, I don't wanna be a sanctuary state. Plus Jerry Brown is the fucking worst.

They are disobeying the federal immigration law, which is the law of the land. What else is Trump supposed to do in this situation?

suicide bomb, pretend to be muslim first.

dumb frogposter

>full quote even better
>“There is no nullification. There is no secession. Federal law is ‘the supreme law of the land.’ I would invite any doubters to Gettysburg, and to the graves of John C. Calhoun and Abraham Lincoln,” Sessions said.

>not sure if troll

Trump has my FULL support on this. Burn it to the fucking ground.

>Democrats in 1861: "but who will pick the cotton?"
>Democrats in 2018: "but who will pick the almonds?"

I live in Irvine. literally nothing bad will ever affect me here

Live in California. Rooting for trump

Whomever fights the eternal Californian is my friend.

The only people that would respond with violence are the same people that are hanging out with rooftop koreans taking potshots at La Creatura, and they would welcome the national guard and point out exactly which houses have commies in them.

Watch how fast the boating accident guns miraculously come home and we start building a wall literally out of illegals.

im ok with koreans. mostly conservative. plus no stray dogs in their neighborhood

>Which side are you guys on?
What's with the rhetorical qvestion?

Just all the Chicom spys as next door neighbors.

I would volunteer to march into battle against California scum.

ETA on the roaming death squads in SoCal?

>our immigrants.
You mean illegal border hopping beaners?

I was born and raised here. I remember when there weren't that many asians. now if I consciously look around me I kind of stick out

American conservatives are now against states' rights and free trade. Are Democrats the more libertarian of the two parties now?

Thats like the last 1/3rd of the Turner Diaries.

>March to the Sea 2: Pacific Boogaloo

I thought that's the fucking common sense.
>plus no stray dogs in their neighborhood
When I went to LA there are significant amount of time when I saw whites being minorities. Mostly hispanics and asians roaming around the street.

States don't have rights where it comes to foreign relations.

I know this is bait, but you should off yourself for taking the time to write up and post this drivel.

I know you're lying because Korea town is all spics.

Let's go, bitch.

Hail Trump, Hail Sessions and Hail the New World Order

Leave for greener pastures. There's covenant communities through Central California. We had a dinner party the other night and my niece interrupted before dinner started, stood on a chair and led the whole party in the Pledge of Allegiance as a before dinner prayer. Old California still exists, it's just outside the major metro's.
Come home white man.

I will fly to Texas myself to volunteer for the California raiding party.





Lol, ok

I'm not lying. My friend is a Hispanic guy (legal of course) and I stayed with him and his family for winter break. Lots of hispanics for sure, but lots of koreans too.

Lol never thought I’d see this on /pol

Times have certainly changed


Go to Sacramento and be a hero user


American conservatives are for LEGAL states' rights. Get that right.

Were you here when Ron Paul was ourguy?

States rights?!?

That's not what I voted to have my federal tax dollars used for. Fuck off. When it comes to Federal dollars, the states have to give up some freedom. That's what progressives don't get: the more they ask from big Daddy govt, the more he'll take.

stop mentioning that book it puts you on lists.

No you fucking retard, democrats never changed from the slave party they were in the 30's, the great migration and the political swap never fucking happened in the 60's.

Democrats are the faggot crypto Confederates that want to have their cake and eat it too despite 400,000 yanks saying otherwise. They're just everyone except self respecting white Americans that don't outright hate their country for shit they didn't do ages ago.

If i gave a liberal professor an uncouthed pure unaltered truth of the world in a history book, they would recoil like a jew eating a garlic bagel.

Rother we are in this together. I have a confederate flag to mark who am incase the fed comes. The enemy will be with hammer and sickle with children in front.

I actually voted when I was in Cali last time, I voted for Arnold just to say I did.
All I had to do was show my temporary drivers licence, (I needed to get one because I was there on business,) and used my hotel address as my Cali address.

It's so fucking easy to illegally vote in Cali, I was in line with Somalis and Mexicans that couldn't even speak English and they where voting as well.

The only people in Cali who would actually defend Cali are soyed out homos and NPR drones who'd never touch a gun.
Bring on the war!






oh please please PLEASE let this touch off civil war 2.0 so i can kill niggers consequence free. i dont ask for much

Why does it matter if he was legal or not legal

What fault is it of his if his dumbass parents brought him in against his will.

You people forget that we had no choice and are being used and abused by fucking everyone, school systems, the right,we’re fucking pawns in this little charade.

You people will never understand what this life is like and how much it fucking sucks ass. I envy you.

>Which side are you guys on?

Hmm, jewish communists who put illegals before the American people, or Trump.

Decisions decisions...

I'm still on the good boy list, everything's alright.

If California can treat ICE like this, then Texas should allow fullauto weapons and tell the ATF to fuck off.

Be like king nigger and let it slide

I really want to burn San Francisco


Haha all these larping retards.

This. Santa Rosa here, you'll get attacked for being a Trump supporter here. Hope Sessions cracks down on these corrupt fucks - might as well give them shit

LET'S PRAY Sup Forums

Let them secede
Addition by subtraction

Come on down. I've partied with some leaves from the south east. Good dudes, love guns, and hate fags. Bring me some syrup and I'll put the brisket on

Oh yeah and also back when the 2014 bombing of the Gaza Strip was happening I was glued to every stream,thread, and news channel for days. We’d talk about based Jewish speakers like Finklestein and share to inform. I was also around during Chris Dorner and the anti police anti government sentiment was still present but man, look at this place now.

>Why does it matter if he was legal or not legal
Because following the law is better?
>What fault is it of his if his dumbass parents brought him in against his will.
Both his parents are legal now.
>You people forget that we had no choice and are being used and abused by fucking everyone, school systems, the right,we’re fucking pawns in this little charade.
We completely understand. But each group needs to fight for its own. More of illegals meaning lowering wages for americans and more democrat votings. Go back and try to come back legally.
>You people will never understand what this life is like and how much it fucking sucks ass. I envy you.
Every life sucks in its own way. How does your life compare with American homeless people?

nuke cali
fuck liberals
make the niggers abide

Realistically, the libshits won't do anything in the end as they're playing the trump card with Sessions thinking he'll back off which he indeed might. From my limited understanding the US Military is not really their lapdog, so it's hard to comprehend what civil war they're dreaming of.
the feds would chop them to bits, especially since even most of cali is actually rural, and red

what a shitfest

TFW there are more civilians fighting California than military


You tell em
It’s not like they sold uranium to Russia or anything

I'm in southern Cali and I am ready to fight on behalf of the United States of America, not this commie overtaxed shithole.

Goddammit, I was doing so well on my no fap month.

you dont think posting on a known white supremacist website puts you on those same lists?

Same here, brother.

Its easier to shoot your enemy from behind

America is a great and proud nation, I feel a lot of solidarity with my white brothers and sisters in the states, I would hate to see it fractured by losing a one. But equally, given all of the really bad shit that california does it might be better to simply get rid of it; like cutting an infected toe off before the necrosis spreads.


CA native here. This state is a problem for the union. A "sanctuary" state is one step closer to a "cartel" state.

Slippery slope argument? A Mexican was telling me how cartel money puts corrupt politicians into office in order to lax law enforcement. The cartel is already present in some SoCal areas. They will continue to expand, unless we stop them

How do we stop them? Well, not all mexicans are bad. But the bad ones, almost sure as fuck, are here illegally. We stop them by kicking the illegals out, and securing our border from mass drug trade

Republicans were typically protectionist since they represented the interest of northern industrialists who wanted a shield against foreign(in the past - mostly British) competition. Regardless of the ruling party it was unseen in 19th century to go below 30% import tariffs.