
If you are not from pic related you can leave this board now.

Also, whites are a minority. How can we use this to our already sizeable advantage.

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>germany not on the list

obviously we need mechs now

> Spain 46.000.000
Here we are short, brown and smoke hashish. Like the Moors

Where's Germany in there?

>white people
White race is already doomed.

>Brazil is more white than Germany
>Argentina is more white than Germany
The Hooton Plan worked

>you have to go back migrant shitskin

This is what Americans count as "white" in their 56% stats

Germans aren’t white. We’ve been trying to tell you guys for decades.

The numbers for brazil are a joke, i would say white brazilians are probably 20-30 million. The rest are light skinhead mestizos, that claim they are white, but arent.
Also Usa numbers are not correct too.


you're a dumb person, kys

>La Plata
Kek, user, you-
>No Germany

Don't lump yourself in with us. You're actually white, Ivan. We're the mutts.

germany and a lot other European countries don't show up because they don't report race.

We are not exactly all European whites here either. I don't mind Brazil. They at least have common sense to notice that niggers are nothing to be proud of. We on the other hand are beyond saying they are also humans. Which they clearly aren't.


that makes sense, also checked

>Brazil is more white than Germany
>Argentina is more white than Germany
>The Hooton Plan worked

Didn't a huge chunk of Germany move to South America after the War?

You forgot the meme flag kike.

based achim

Burgers will never learn, will they?

"""""white brazilian""""" is even less white than amerimutts tbqfh

>Brazil whiter than Germany
>Argentina whiter than Germany
Your plan is crashing now, Mongrel, isn't it?
By the way, the number of whites in X country is less reliable that the % of whites in that country if you want the call the country "White"

>first three are all Mongrel nations

>not counting partial european descent
>still counts them (Muttistan, Muttzil, Muttgentina

Delet this. Argentina is not white. Nothing to see here. Just ignore us goy- I mean guys.

post your flag

I laugh at you from my 99.6% white town

well,you're not white
>t. Muhammed Al-Bahim

this has to be a meme

>United States
>United Kingdom

raised like a european without foreign culture mixed in and dont want those subhumans my parents went away from in this place

if ameriturds are what constitutes "whites" than I am certainly not one and gladly so

>mfw I'm just shitposting
>mfw I look it up and its real
my sides

Let’s not pretend Brussels isn’t literally Africa2.0

This is obvious bait, but I'll bite. The feds consider spics white. The census, though, has whites and spics separate


No, i like siesta and fideua

So if the world was one big country everyone would be white?

You are aware that the US counts North Africans, Turks, Semites and many hispanics as white, right?
>Using absolutes instead of percentages to hide how cucked you actually are
Pic, of course, related.

And before any mutt comes in here claiming otherwise, I may point you all to page 3 of the following document

There are perhaps 15 millions huwitts here and we're being raided since 2000s. We are doomed.

>700mil in yurop
>200mil in america
>50 mil in commonwealth
>250mil in latin america

That's 1.2 billion. Stormfags will screech at me but frankly you're going to die alone so your opinions on whiteness are worthless to me.

You mean the first five, britshit

Get off my board and get out of my country you mexican shitskin retard

lul fake and gay
try 30M

This is retarded
>Not posting lists of percentage of whites among population

Racial statistics are prohibited by the law in France so there's no way you can know how many we are.
In any case its less than 70% of the total population.

Us and the French just have immigrants, who mostly keep to themselves and vice versa. You on the other hand have had Negroes and Hispanics in your lands in large concentrations for centuries, and have had significant admixture with.

la creatura

All of those are grossly inaccurate. White has been transformed from being, "of european ancestry", usually on both parents side at the very least or going back to the grandparents, to now being anything that looks whitish like its just a color only.

I bet you still have diversity hiring policies, don't you?

The mutt is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs of him like water off a raincoat. But call him a mutt and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: 'I've been found out.

i cant wait to see germans become a minority within a single generation

Keep dreaming, Tyrone.

New Swabia will survive and when the world becomes mongrelized they'll have no problem scorching the earth. In the end Germany will win.

Germanbro is right though we do look like mystery meat. Blew me away how clearly defined the facial structure alone is among the various europeans.

>252 million americans are white
Do you honestly believe this?

But germans ≠ white on that chart, just people with german citizenship

>Blew me away how clearly defined the facial structure alone is among the various europeans.
it might be shocking to an actual mutt but to a regular white american it's not special to have high cheek bones and a strong jawline with lighter hair and eyes shading.

Few years back at my first job as a cashier, a customer with a thick eastern european accent wouldn't stop staring at me until she just plainly asked if I was Czech/Slovakian, which I am. Never met the bitch before or after that.

finally somebody with knowledge





This is clearly wrong. There's no way there's only 1 million non-whites in France, between all the overseas regions and african/arab immigrants

also Germany is missing

Now thats better, thanks gruppenfuhrer

( 252,784,000 / 312,000,000 ) * 100 = 78.2%
Nice try, mister 56%

you took Germany out of the list

>Spain not white throughout history
Are you fucking retarded?


Russians aren't mongrels. Americans and Brazilians are, but not Russians. When you acknowledge spics aren't white, America is about 50% white, so around 150 million white people, so still #1.

>Russians aren't mongrels
russians are literal NorseAsian mutts

>Literal mutt wanting to talk shit about another country's whiteness
Moors took over for a couple of decades, then they all got pushed out


>La creatura

Russians at least are still mostly ethnically Russian, of a particular Slavic origin, with some minorities like Chechens, Tartars, etc.

Meanwhile America and Brazil? Fucking mutt lands full of heterogeneous populations and not a single dominant racial identity. One white guy in the US might be of Irish and Italian descent while his white neighbor is of German and Swedish descent.

Countries like America, Brazil and even my country Canada are a fucking blight to humanity. If every country was like us all distinct and diverse racial/cultural identities would be wiped out.


I presume that by "decades" you meant 8 centuries. Modern Iberians have between 9 to 20% north african blood depending on the region, they aren't white anymore. Have you seen the portuguese? The average height there is 1.72M, it's lower than the actual Moors. There's even Moor like Zidane who are whiter than them.
TDLR if you consider Iberians white, then you're insane.

>pretending you do because of educational memes
Wew boy. Spain, France, and Britain were some of the most impressive military mights in their time, all white. Modern times? I agree, their white population sank dramatically, just like America having followed suit, we just have a larger population

>You mean the first five, britshit
Our population is over 60 million, our census is very very specific. It classes Irish people in their own category also.

We do not class these as "white". White in this country is white, skin the colour of snow and eyes the colour of a blue sky. Do you understand that? Mr Atrocidad.

they're still mutts even if they're all mostly mutts. Russians come from the Rus' and the Rus' came from Sweden. The first Americans were anglo proddies and look at us now

>Mutts are white

This much mutthurt

>It classes Irish people in their own category also
Tiocfaidh ár lá

We are a minority, but a majority in the developed parts of the world.
Let that sink in.

Lol. Not a single one of those countries do white people really have any control over. Furthermore, their idiot white male leaders never bothered to build any nuclear weapons to protect their sovereignty, and instead pissed away their nations wealth on foolish bullshit like sports stadiums, education for brown immigrants, and feminism. Each and every one has a handful of Jews running the whole show while white men LARP, whine, debate endlessly, and march about with their fashy haircuts, silly uniforms, and tiki torches. It's amazing how stupid most of you are.

MODERN white men can't lead. It's that simple.

wow, im white


Almost every country that was predominantly white through history has fallen to heterogenous societies. Y’all are full of chinks and freaks of nature, we have everything, most of Europe now has mudslimes except Slav lands
>inb4 Slavs aren’t white
Most homogeneous and self-preserved nations out there, last stand for the white man, even Scandinavians have toppled



Hi guys! How was your day? :)

Geez, the kraut's copypasta worked

Mutts because they assimilated other people and let their Slavic identity persist? Not really. Effect of Mongol invasions didn't change the racial identity of Russians that much really.

Same happened in China. Mongols conquered China but were assimilated into nothingness by the ethnic Han majority.

Yeah, first Americans were anglo proddies, but today most whites in the US have german descent and not anglo descent, says much doesn't it? So as I said, while Russia is actually multicultural and has many ethnic groups like Tchechens, Tartars, Bashkirs, all those ethnic group have maintained racial purity and are as pure as their ancestors 200 years ago.

America? Brazil? Can we say the same about those two countries? Absolutely not. Here in Canada there are the Quebecois who didn't mix with the Anglos so they are as ethnically pure as their ancestors 400 years ago, but otherwise everybody else is mixed to some degree, but not to that of the US.

absoulte staye of yeermany lmao


Keep dreaming Tyrone, you'll never be pure European



brazilian numbers are a joke, most ppl here are straight up sandniggers and think theyre white.

lots of ppl with pure european background though, especially Germany (and ofc Portugal and Spain)