Guy wants to buy a rifle

>guy wants to buy a rifle
>has constitutional right to get himself that rifle
>gets kicked out of the store anyway

>faggot demands cake from Christian baker for his parody of a """wedding""" which was created by SCOTUS out of thin air with no constitutional basis
>the baker, not wishing to support fag """marriage""" because of his cincerely held religious convictions, proceeds to make use of his freedom to not associate with entitled fags
>baker gets sued out the ass anyway

Welcome to the land of the Free

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The bad guys won WW2.

There is no constitutional right to buy a rifle. No where in the United States Constitution says any of what you said. Grow up, conservative snowflake.

>ancap flag

Dicks is being sued by a 20 year old. They aren't going to win an age discrimination case.

private business can choose to not sell you a gun.... that's why it's not a violation for the pizza place to not sell guns

It's OK as long as it's not a cake.

You have no constitutional right to buy guns, only a constitutional right to own them. There is a difference

>but there's a constitutional right to force an artist to design you a custom cake in violation of your religious tenets

You nogunz faggots are absolute idiots.

Then the fags cant buy a cake

Yeah according to John Oliver theres a clause in the bill of rights that says faggots get to have cakes no matter what. The video of his 30 minute segment on it is on youtube, please like and subscribe to John Oliver for more great unbiased information.

why would you buy a rifle from Dicks in the first place? that place is cancer.

what are his thoughts on braces?

Then why buy when you can make.
Will begin with making tec9's Mac 10's. Uzis and other auto pistols

Imagine if an elderly man wanted to buy a football and the clerk says "sorry sir, you're to old to buy that." Same thing.

>what is the right to bear arms

>They aren't going to win an age discrimination case.
age discrimination is like race discrimination- it only comes into play if you're an inferior party

just like you cant get in trouble for discriminating against whites, you cant get in trouble for discriminating against people under 40

When you aren't backed by an extremely powerful lobbying group that is probably the case. I imagine things will work out differently here.

How does that translate to "right to buy a firearm", right?

Can't tell if retarded or bait or 12.

This line of thought is how democrats banned the sell of guns in Chicago . did not stop nignogs buying them illigaly tho. Now Chicago is a third world state.

>you cant get in trouble for discriminating against people under 40
In the state of Oregon, you can. And Oregon is where the lawsuit was filed


How do you acquire a gun without buying one.......

They are already being sued for age based discrimination.

Build one.

There's no constitutional right to force someone else to bake you a fucking cake either.

The right to bear arms shitlib

not allowing someone to acquire a firearm is going against their right to have one.

Low energy bait

they've been able to buy guns since 2010.

No wait, I'm retarded bait 12 year old. Dick's doesn't have to sell shit they dont want to

You don’t have the right to buy a firearm, but a firearm seller doesn’t have the right to discrimate based on age.

That should be allowed as well. They are a private business choosing not to sell to a certain demographic. In the end it's their loss when a competitor gets those sales instead.

buy bakers have to bake a cake even if they don't want to? kys underage fag.

Have to buy the parts then dipshit

source? age based discrimination starts with people over 35


making the bakers make the cake was wrong, so would be forcing Dick's to sell a gun. If you were against the cake decision, your own argument says you should be ok with this

you are right, it doesnt say anywhere explicitly that you can purchase a rife at dicks sporting goods.
doesnt really matter, it doesnt say anything about marriage, Cake equality, or Forcing people to work against their will under threat of violence either.
...scratch that, I'm pretty sure that lasts one is covered under the 13th amendment.
Supreme court still ruled in favor of the fags.
There is in fact a stronger legal standing for being able to buy a gun than forcing someone to bake a fag cake since the latter would appear on its face to be forbidden.

No, bakers don't have to bake cakes for fags, korean gas station owners dont have to let niggers in, and dicks doesnt have to sell someone a gun.

>1 post by this id
bunch of ignorant niggers in here still reply
keep bumping dumb shit
you're all fucking dead to me

>bakers don't have to bake cakes for fags
except they do, or pay out hundreds of thousands of dolars

>>Ask to purchase AR-15
>>Demand "gays for 2nd amendment" be stamped on the receiver
>>anti-gay lawsuit!

yet they do you fucking biggot.

What's funny is that you probable are thinking the person who wants the rifle is a male and not a single college aged female trying to protect herself.

I'll never shop at Dick's Sporting Goods again.

I took the money I would've spent there and joined the NRA.

You can buy guns in Chicago
And it's better here than whatever bumfuck town you live in.

Wow you are colossally retarded. Do you not understand anything about CFR and FFL, or did you just eat lead paint chips as breakfast cereal every day as a tardlet growing up?

Bakers can’t decide not to sell cakes to gays, but the baker can decide what types of cakes they’ll sell. They should just buy a plain cake, then they could put gay stuff on it once they get home.

They still are selling rifles, just not to people 18+ under 21 who are constitutionally allowed to buy and own a firearm.

ahh so its because of Oregon law. well that's interesting.
yeah looks like they got a case. wonder if anyone thought of suing car rental companies over there

That’s why they are being sued. That’s illegal

>thinking the courts give a fuck about whats illegal or not
Screen shot this right now. The lawsuit will amount to nothing.

To bear arms in those days meant military service, to keep and bear arms reads as it is due to the first half of the amendment about a militia to mean states could have their own militia forces instead of relying on the federal government to raise militias. The journal of the constitutional conventions proves that and is more clear in the various drafts of the 2nd amendment.

Shouldn’t a militia have access to grenades?

Oregon’s law dictates that you cannot discriminate against age if the customer is old enough to purchase something legally, i.e. cigarettes, chewing tobacco, and rifles. This trial will bring legislation to raise the buying age to 21 in Oregon before it’s finished, nullifying it.

the courts are why the chicago ban was lifted
doesn't matter, supreme court has ruled the right to be unrelated to militias

More importantly, what are his thoughts on getting the fuck out of this country and going back to his shithole?

I have been boycotting Dick's for over a year -- ever since they didn't care enough about their business to try to defeat one of California's loony gun laws.

I guess, based on case law, I could go into Dick's, ask to buy a rifle, and after they refuse, ask them why, and then sue Dick's. Just like the faggots did.

The cake thing set a precedent. Dick's should have to sell the rifle. Libs can't have the cake and eat it, too.

are you in Oregon? thats where the law is, its not going to be applicable in every state

The only difference is that you have to ask for a pink rifle that they don’t sell and then sue them for not selling you a pink rifle.

Lets get #Gaysfor2A trending

Fucking stupid right?


And you have to live with the fact that we're not using the actual meaning but a made up one.
From the Declaration of Independence
>He has constrained our fellow Citizens taken Captive on the high Seas to bear Arms against their Country, to become the executioners of their friends and Brethren, or to fall themselves by their Hands.
Clearly bear arms in a military context.

>Libs can't have the cake and eat it, too.
Except they can, and they do. Every time. And there's nothing you can or will do about it because all cuckservitudes are useless. You can't even create stuff. The biggest thing a cuckservitude has built is a tackle shop, while liberals make the tech companies that control all information and expression.

This. You have the right to bear arms. Not the to purchase them. Anyone should be able to reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason they fucking want.
Don't just throw away the wedding cake because that dude might have been a fellow gun owner. No one should be compelled to serve another citizen against their will. If dicks wants to risk losing business on some misguided moral soapboxing on a trendy issue that's their right and their loss.

>There is no constitutional right to buy a gay wedding cake. No where in the United States Constitution says any of what you said. Grow up, faggot snowflake.

The Constitution clearly says the government can form a militia as they have since 1792 to present. It wouldn't work if anyone could refuse for any reason.

That term is an insult against individuality. It doesn't make sense in any other context.

>There is no constitutional right to buy a rifle.
Correct but Oregon has laws that say you cant discriminate based on age

Of course a lefty state like Oregon would fobid age discrimination to be a santuary for pedos.

>Militia Act of 1903
>Unorganized militia – composing the Reserve Militia: every able-bodied man of at least 17 and under 45 years of age, not a member of the National Guard or Naval Militia.

No dipshit you don't. You can make them from scratch. Shitskins in third word countries can do it you can too.

No, that is not what I was I thinking. And it doesn't matter who the person trying to buy the gun is.
You have the right to own a gun
You have the right to sell a gun
You do not have the right to force someone to sell you a gun

Yes that's the federal militia, not state militias. These are the state militias.
That is what they had in mind with the 2nd amendment.

You have to get an expensive license to get the machines that can drill holes in that type of metal

He only has the right to be in the National Guard, maybe buy a musket.
That's it.

yes, nobody is using well organized militias. but the supreme court is the interpreter so thats that.
courts have already said the right to buy arms is part of the right in the past. Regardless, this has to do with OREGON law, specifically. which states that all public accommodation has to be equal to all ages above 18 with the exception of marijuana and alcohol

I remember being edgy and defeatist. Given enough time, if a person's belief is incompatible with reality, that person will either have to change their behavior or suffer from it. Illuminating this hypocracy speeds things up. We're witnessing effects of this today. The political divide did not become this pronounced on its own. As for the idea of conservatives being unable to create, what of tradition and heritage? Those didn't come from nowhere, either. If you look at how much people fight over these things, I would argue that they are important.

I hope you die

>Militia Act of 1903
>Organized militia – consisting of State militia forces; notably, the National Guard and Naval Militia.[9] (Note: the National Guard is not to be confused with the National Guard of the United States.)
Organized or unorganized, they are still militias.

>You have to get an expensive license to get the machines that can drill holes in that type of metal


Yeah just like how they re-interpreted the commerce clause to somehow mean no more segregation and forcing states to allow niggers to vote.
The supreme court is a joke, lower courts make contradictory rulings to supreme court precedent all the time and they won't hear most of those cases since there's so many and they're so selective with what they bother to hear.

I thought Dick's had stopped selling AR's after the Sandy Hook "shooting"? I clearly remember them pulling the Bushmaster AR afterward, but I also have recollection of them completely halting sales of all AR platforms. Could be wrong on this.

You are comparing the creative force of
>the entire modern world, all of academia, 99% of media and 100% of coordinated media campaigns
>an ancient ritual some shaman came up with while hopped up on shrooms

And you think you're doing well enough. Jesus christ. You deserve everything you're getting.

Militia under federal control, not state control whic is what the purpose of the 2nd amendment was. The federal militia are outlined in Article I of the Constitution not the Bill of Rights.


>Walmart and dicks will just stop selling guns which is fine their choice

>but muh wedding cake!
>enumerated vs ‘penumerated’

>ignoring where literally any of that came from

> you can refuse to sell to a certain demographic.

It's OK to refuse to deal with niggers again.

services and merchandise offered to the public cannot be restricted to only 1 group. you cants refuse to put writing on a cake if the shop offers personalized cake writing

a store which sells guns can put a arbitrary minimum age for purchasing as long as it applies to every one who enters the store

its not the same thing. that said freedom of religion can be used to defend the bakers and its kind of hit or miss in those types of cases. there have been victories and losses. this reflects how divided the nation is on the subject and less about the legality of it

From liberals.

You can't do shit. There's like 5 cuckservitude programmers and what they're putting out is mostly crap.

(this is where you shit on programming- it's for NERDS, why would us noble and dignified conservatives concern ourselves with such abominable witchcraft for pajeets, etc

Then I ask you to show me what conservatives make or how they in any way are reclaiming total defeat in media, tech, academia

Then you ignore the question and paste some memes about SJWs, 50% chance of calling me a jew who wants to pervert good aryan minds with corrupt ideas about writing code to actually create shit)


No state has the right to supersede the federal rulings on the bill of rights.

read the thread, Oregon can't do this, but yes, normally that would be the case