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Other urls found in this thread:īls_Dārziņš



I am still depressed from your shitty bait/pol/ thread
We're screwed

Shits not looking to good


You should start a memeball amusement park in Latvia. I’d go tbqh.
























what language is this?





Latvian English


Nice music, who's the guy? Redpill me please




Just vote for Anaya



Thats Latvian classic music.






God i wish i could be nationalist about my country



>whos the guyīls_Dārziņš







Got a fresh one for you boys. Hot off the presses from the trans thread that's up right now.













anyone have the Trump campaign one?


Does he have more music? Why was it "survived" from what






>Does he have more music?
Yeah write him in youtube or something, however he didnt live for realy long he died joung so not much of he didnt create that much music





The problem with "political opinions" in mexico.

MORENA-tards = Denisse dresser, Televisa and everyperson who does not get wet with Lopez Obrador is CIA agent who wants to give away our resourses.

PRI-PAN-(etc. who dont like Lopez Obrador) Every person who souport AMLO is retarded and poor and for sure and indigenous person non educated, no enough proves but we are sure he is with jews, venezuela, russia etc. because he said timeago that he is left.... if u dont belive this you are brainwashed duuuuh!

All you are full of shit and feel very informed because you watch shity gossip news on tv or youtubers that have never worked on someting serous.

Fuck u, when I take the power i will shut you mouths.


Does anyone have that image with death tolls of Hitler Mao and Lenin ?

as a matter of fact i do






Write in President Pinto

is it possible to recycle the heroin? i heard it metabolizes into morphine


Libertarian spurdo best thing I’ve seen

Buzz buzz