Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Books Edition


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

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didn't have the time to delete the embeds. sry. old thread was about to die

old thread:



>booklist via pastebin:

there is actually one thing i would like to do

user from the old thread wrote this would we be able to put up a good message with well formulated arguments to counter their cuckoldry?

honestly, losing Poggenburg would be madness

Ich verstehe die AfD nicht. Poggenburg hat die AfD zur klaren zweitstärksten Kraft in SA gemacht und wurde auch bei der BTW zweiter. Klar ist er ein dummer Ronny, aber warum jetzt rausschmeißen?

honestly, we should formulate a message and contact them via E-Mail

now the important question:

how to share ebooks with you anonymously and without getting busted for spreading copyrighted stuff via or similar filesharing services?

t. too dumb to use the internet

lot of ebooks can be downloaded via the Library Genesis website:

What's kraut/pol/s stance on throat singing?

Poggenburg kündigt seinen Rücktritt an!

I like the sound of it

Reposting from last thread since I'm still curious:
A few questions I have now that we have groko again:
Why are CDU's numbers not dropping like SPD's?
If these poll numbers hold (and they probably will), groko can't happen again and Lindner will probably continue to block Jamaica. How the fuck are you all going to have a government next time?
Chances of CSU split?
Is AfD becoming more acceptable in west Germany after groko yet again?

(((Moderate Konservative))) haben das auch mit Höcke versucht. Es wird wieder scheitern, da der Großteil der Mitglieder+Großteil der relevanten Mitglieder hinter Höcke und Poggenburg steht.

Die werden Druck bekommen haben.


Would be good. But on the other hand, media will twist this again. So...

>Why are CDU's numbers not dropping like SPD's?
More old people (60+) are voting for the CDU
>If these poll numbers hold (and they probably will), groko can't happen again and Lindner will probably continue to block Jamaica. How the fuck are you all going to have a government next time?
Minority government
>Chances of CSU split?
Less than 10%
>Is AfD becoming more acceptable in west Germany after groko yet
Not really



Wobei der Höcke halt auch nicht mehrfach vorbestraft ist und seine Tochter als Azubi eingestellt hat. Pozzenburg wurde schon öfters wegen seinem Führungsstil kritisiert.

just checked some titles. it really offers a lot. excellent site, thx for sharing

Meinte damit auf Bundesebene.
Innere Säuberung der Partei sollte trotzdem irgendwann mal stattfinden.

please read this messagelosing Poggenburg would mark the decline of the AfD for me personally:
>other politcians say things that are by far worse
>just to name a few
>Roth participating in a demonstation with the banner "deutschland du mieses stück scheiße" without consequences
>AfD getting called "rightwing populist" while die Linke isn´t called "leftwing populist"
>politicians not allowing the AfD to be part of the parliament and effectly hinder democracy
>politcians breaking rules whenever they feel like to
>first saying one thing, than doing the other
>media discrediting and misrepresenting the AfD

>giving up Poggenburg is means that we give in to these "Volksverräters" that constantly attack us
>we are taking flak all the time, so why should back up now?
>these politcians are don´t represent the people, while the AfD actively envolves their voters
>Pogenburg was just bashing on the political Aschermittwoch, which is the norm for EVERYBODY but us

>not even to mention the Lügenpresse, that doesn´t cover the lies and unjust doings of our parliament

don´t forget the article from Yücel
it was just sarcasm

who is with me? (tomorrow, now is to late)

Why do boomers even vote CDU? Aren't some of the lefty parties more inclined to offer them more of their damn pensions?

Wenn der aber abgesetzt wird dann ist der Höcke schon beschädigt

Meint ihr Höcke wird ihn retten?

17 gegen 3 in dem Misstrauensvotum ist halt auch brutal schlecht. Das sind sicher nicht 14 Hahnreie vor allem weil die Petry-Anhänger bereits ausgetreten sind.

What software is that?
I...I'm an uneducated pleb.

just an old habit those hags don't want to give up

Springer ist mega mett

user has good taste and uses calibre. it's free software:

Säuberungen finden traditionell nach der Machtübernahme statt.

can't cut their losses, would mean they had been wrong for some time now

>Why are CDU's numbers not dropping like SPD's?
Because the SPD campaigned on chaning everything while doing the exact same. CDU campaigned on doing the exact same as usual and this is what they currently do.
>If these poll numbers hold (and they probably will), groko can't happen again and Lindner will probably continue to block Jamaica. How the fuck are you all going to have a government next time?
Current election was a disaster for the established parties. Next one they might not be able to form a real government. Considering Democracy will last that long here.
>Chances of CSU split?
Unlikely. Their leader likes to tease with it once in a while but is too scared to actually do it. In case the split would actually happen AfD easily becomes the strongest party because on federal level there are a lot of people who vote the CDU solely because they work with the CSU.
>Is AfD becoming more acceptable in west Germany after groko yet again?
It is becoming more acceptable but definetly not in youth culture. Like the Identitarians they are edgy at the moment. Good thing is that the AfD is the party police officers and soldiers support the most.

If you want to win the majority of the population, you can THINK everything, but you don't SAY everything.

Try it with :

crying himself to sleep

>reminder to discard all book lists without Nietzsche.
Friendly reminder that you will allways stay a simple pleb if you dont understand the idea of Übermensch.

that´s the exact shit why i hate the old parties. i loved the AfD because of their honest savage characteristics, with some members going over the line and sparking an uproar. if we stop reresenting our opinions, what do we represent in fact?

I really don't get it anyway. Kümmeltürken/Kammeltreiber is nothing special if you ask me. 2 decades ago nobody would have cared about it especially under the circumstances that he said it during Aschermittwoch.

It's country is so fucked, maybe Fahnenflucht isn't a bad idea after all.

A bunch of fags threatened me on Twitter today because of a stupid tweet. I wouldn't be surprised if I get sued. And now Poggenburg is gone. I'm getting sick of it.

Be careful with cracked ebooks, many (Kindle for example) contain invisible ID numbers in the HTML code that can be tracked back to the buyer.

Never apologize.
Never compromise.
Never negotiate.

Meint ihr es wird bald massenhafte Abschiebungen geben? Wenn man durch Großstädte geht sieht man wahnsinnig viele Gruppen von afrikanischen/arabischen Männern.

Ich glaub viele Deutsche stehen an einer Grenze, oder hättet ihr euch jemals ausmalen können dass eine rechte Partei bei 15% in den Umfragen steht? Und dann auch noch ohne Finanzkrise und richtig vielen unsympathischen Personen.

>2 decades ago nobody would have cared about it especially under the circumstances that he said it during Aschermittwoch
Absolutely true.

>stupid tweet
What did you write?

You can present your opinion in a savage way or a diplomatic way. Smart people will understand.

The goal is not to say things in parliament, but to reach enough votes to change the course of the country.

Ohne AfD-Mehrheit gibt es keine Abschiebungen. Ich kann mir aber gut vorstellen daß es vermehrt Gewalttaten von Deutschen gegen Ausländer geben wird.

>A bunch of fags threatened me on Twitter today because of a stupid tweet. I wouldn't be surprised if I get sued.

What did you tweet. Also you should come to the USA, Trump will introduce his merit based immigration system soon. We need redpilled white Anons!

>I really don't get it anyway. Kümmeltürken/Kammeltreiber is nothing special if you ask me. 2 decades ago nobody would have cared about it especially under the circumstances that he said it during Aschermittwoch.
>It's country is so fucked, maybe Fahnenflucht isn't a bad idea after all.
where to, sweden? fleeing to the baltics or other eastern states won´t help. they will fall to the global agenda if we don´t stop them
>A bunch of fags threatened me on Twitter today because of a stupid tweet. I wouldn't be surprised if I get sued. And now Poggenburg is gone. I'm getting sick of it.
taylor-kun, if you get sued, it would be more like an accomplishment. those fags need to get triggeres.
We could also write an letter to Poggenburg and thank him for his service, if he really has to go

>Und dann auch noch ohne Finanzkrise und richtig vielen unsympathischen Personen.
Du hast folgendes vergessen:
>Medien ausnahmslos gegen die AfD
>Partei agiert von keiner Basis (z.B: Trump - Republikaner) und ist komplett neu
>Seit über einem Jahr kein größerer Anschlag mehr

I do hope so. Even more than that, I hope they establish a federal ageny to hunt down illegal aliens.
Would be such a comfy job. I'd volunteer

>Gewalttaten von Deutschen gegen Ausländer
Und Gewalttaten von Ausländern gegen Deutsche

by eliminating Poggenburg for a joke. they are pulling it off wrong

>Ich kann mir aber gut vorstellen daß es vermehrt Gewalttaten von Deutschen gegen Ausländer geben wird.
Hoffe diese Ronnys halten sich zurück und denken pic.

>Gewalttaten von Deutschen gegen Ausländer
Notwehr, du meinst Notwehr.

I don't they actually will remove him, that's just saber ruttling for political damage control.

Versteht sich von selbst, gibt es ja jetzt schon genügend.

Ja es kommen richtig viele Sachen dazu, dass die AfD bei 15% steht ist eigentlich ziemlich seltsam.

Ich glaube der natürliche Selbsterhaltungstrieb setzt jetzt ein. Wenn der Durchschnittsalman am Wochenende mal shoppen geht und alles voller Ausländer ist dann wundert er sich schon.

20% in den Umfragen zu bekommen wäre jetzt extrem wichtig. Wie man an Schulz gesehen hat gibt es ein großes Wählerpotential das nur auf dem Kandidaten basiert.

that would be the right way to pull it off. media coverage and everybody will hear about the minor incident of "Kameltreiber" and think something like "that´s it?!"

what damage control?

Schulz war aber auch sehr viel Hype von den Medien. Wenn die Medien Schulz so pushen können sind sie auch in der Lage die AfD vorerst klein zu halten.

guess i'm too much of a pussy after all. i know the risk of getting caught uploading copyrighted files and getting fucked because of it is rather low, but still...

this here is a very good option. seems to include most of the titles on the list anyway.

simply not including the ebooks i bought might avoid this but yeah, i guess overall it's too dangerous.

not self evident, it is more like they are protecting cdu innit?

but iam still not happy with it. Höcke was different. a lot of people gathered and stood behind him. it has shown some unity from the partie against the established media and cucks. if nobody stand for Poggenburg, who is one of us, than the others against him aren´t our kind


>Wenn der Durchschnittsalman am Wochenende mal shoppen geht und alles voller Ausländer ist dann wundert er sich schon.
Wenn er es sich überhaupt leisten kann.

Aber stell dir mal vor die AfD hat einen Typen wie Lindner, Macron, Guttenberg, Kurz, Trudeau, Trump - einen der den Ronny aber auch den Mittelschichtler ansprechen kann. Sowas könnte 2021 gegen Kramp-Karrenbauer extrem viele Wähler mobilisieren.

Look at what happened one year ago. Media was shilling for Schulz non stop and now his party lost over 5 million voters. Of course the media protects the CDU but Schulz shilling was insane.

hitting the hay now. Sleep tight kraut/pol/

sick triple double digits
checked and shrecked

CDU was used to be a rightwing party
it's quite a new framing that all anti rightwing stuff is relativly new

I don't think the're going to get rid of poggenburg
the east-german right-wing partys are far more conservative than the west-germans
but the CDU in saxony is being forced by Berlin to stick with the merkel-shit
Tillich even said after the 2016 elections that "Germans want that Germany stays Germany"
What followed was a triggered leftist CDU-Bitch who said as a response that she'd left the party because it's too right

a few days later tillich resigned
I think because Mutti Merkel was angry

Das Problem liegt eher in den inneren Konflikten, als der Führungsperson. Du kannst den besten Führer haben den es gibt, doch das nützt nichts wenn ein Teil der Partei dich bei jeder Kleinigkeit rauswerfen möchte.

>What did you write?
I had a little rant about the Freital trial. I tweeted

>If a few gemans throw a firecracker at a refugee shelter they the maximum penalty but foreigner can rape and murder and get always away with the minimum penalty. Isn't that strange?

Got a bunch of likes and retweets. But lefties saw it too, some of them were verified. 2 said they will report me too the police. I deleted the tweet afterwards

> I...I'm an uneducated pleb.
Moreover, if you hate to be cucked by large software companies and globalists,
then you should have a look at other free software as well.

Modern user must have IT knowledge and skills to survive in the cuck economy:

GNU/Linux OS:
Free software/open source software alternativen:

Good luck user.

i mean of course, the pariah status is there and it works despite being obvious campaining.
but it is not working to the degree they hoped, so now they need to protect cdu at all cost.
but it seems this hand is played already, and the 15% at least won't be won back

Some idiots from AfD visited the "Großmufti" of Assad even though, for good reasobn, the leadership advised against it. This is all over the news. Political idiocy at the highest level.

>where to, sweden? fleeing to the baltics or other eastern states won´t help. they will fall to the global agenda if we don´t stop them

I'm not a fan of Eastern Europe. I would most likely immigrate to the USA. Like recommended. Montana would be nice

Der Besuch ist sehr gut. Für den Michel kommt nur an, dass sich AfD-Abgeordnete frei in Syrien bewegen können. Warum kann das Mohammad dann nicht? Außerdem brechen sie dadurch das Medienmonopol über Syrien auf.

>If a few gemans throw a firecracker at a refugee shelter they the maximum penalty but foreigner can rape and murder and get always away with the minimum penalty. Isn't that strange?
Can't see anything punishable.

i will keep an eye on Poggenburg. if shit hits the fan, i am going to try and write an E-Mail. and you fags be better be helping
good night

hope it wont be necessary

If you'd stop reading Russian propaganda only, you'll see how heavy tier of idiocy any collaboration with Assad is. There are better ways to show this.

>hat ein paar Bienen bei Mutti
noch nich mal gesehen, so geil

yes, the shilling of schulz worked and the pariah status of afd was established
but thet hand seems already played to me, hard to see that there is anything even more they could do against afd out of the blue as for schulz shilling was.
i am the first to acknoledge that germans are far too trusting with their msm, it is the core problem

great post btw

Check this guy out:
He is from Hamburg and moved to Syria.

Wie soll der Michel verstehen dass in Syrien kein Krieg mehr ist wenn die Medien einfach behaupten es ist weiterhin Krieg?

Das kann man nur zeigen indem man dort hinreist.

Running away is the worst thing you could be doing. I too thought about going to Montana but what world would I leave behind for my children?
If you have to choose between you fighting a struggle or your children fighting it every sane future father knows the right answer.

Me neither but you can get sued for Volksverhetzung quite easily these days. Normally I wouldn't care about this but one of the verified cucks got a reputation for reporting user to the police.

In the future I will use a vpn again

tfw you see how Merkel ruins your good old conservative CDU in Saxony

You cannot claim you are not Nazi and just a patriotic party when you at the same time collaborate with people that are provenly guilty of ethnic cleansing. That is top tier of stupidity and political suicide.

>i am the first to acknoledge that germans are far too trusting with their msm, it is the core problem
Herd mentality.
You will never change it.

how would shunting a state level politician help with that, if rectifying this is needed at all?

on second thought, i might use this to upload all the pdf's of pol-related papers i gathered since those are usually free to share. first i'll have to rename the files though.

What was your exact phrasing of the tweet?

Gabriel trinkt mit Erdogan Tee und Schröder ist der beste Freund von Putin. Die AfDler sind da hingefahren um sich ein eigenes Bild der Lage zu machen und um mit den verantwortlichen Politikern zu sprechen.

Sehr nett, da fehlt aber noch einiges :^)

>one of the verified cucks got a reputation for reporting user to the police
Der größte Lump im ganzen Land ist und bleibt der Denunziant.

War Merkel nicht mal in Saudi-Arabien?

on what grounds would they punish you anyway? never let this fags silence you

Thank the russians for their good distribution service :) for making books available without DRM.
I still buy hard copies of useful books, but I won't buy ebooks since they can be downloaded from the mentioned website without DRM.

You can just support these ideas:
- the young man here are missing for the fight against ISIS. Why should American etc plus our soldiers do it? Is it safe for our comrades?
- Meet not Assad people, but bishops of the old Christian churches there
- Show that camps there make the people readily available for rebuilding their country once the time for their region has come.
- If they could relocate to Germany, why couldn't they relocate to a safe region there?

There is really enough you can do except eating out of Putins hand.